Catchall FSU Gone/Snubbed/White Knighting Thread

At what point do the SEC and B1G start kicking out their scrubs to grab up the best from the ACC and Big XII, so they combined have the best 32 or 36 programs, form their own premiere league, and tell the rest of college football to F off?
I hope some of you who have been crying for FSU take a moment to think about whom you’ve been crying for. My favorite thing after a win over the dwags is watching FSU fans look shocked and depressed. I hope nothing good ever happens to them.
No one is crying over losing FSU. I'm concerned about what will happen to GT when the ACC collapses. We gonna end up like Washington St?
Oh my God some of the comments. Everything about money has to do with football. Replacing FSU with UCF? Lol. What a joke. We are already a joke of a conference by adding Stanford and Cal Berkeley. and SMU, which has an almost no footprint out of desperation, hail marry to make the conference relevant. Which it’s not relevant at all. If FSU leaves rest assured Clemson is next to the SEC, or whoever will be happy to take both. The ACC will be completely useless, and a joke, even more so than it is today. There is no prominent football tier one teams in the ACC. If FSU and Clemson leave. That’s just a fact. We can pretend Miami is, but they are not. Virginia Tech is not. Georgia Tech is not. No one else is every team in the ACC other than those two are tier 2 teams.

Only masked by Bobby Dodd decision to leave the SEC as the worst and program history is our decision to not join the big ten 14 years ago.

Georgia Tech better not be defending the ACC because that’s the vine they’re going to die on eventually. Contractual law is very very interpretive and if FSU has a legal case that can be made this thing could blow up.

I for one hope we find another option in the next 2 to 3 years for a conference. And I hope we do it on the heels of Brent Key turning the program around. No one gives a flying F about basketball women’s volleyball women’s softball or whatever. It’s all about football and right now the ACC is a second tier conference further proven by the fact an undefeated ACC team can’t make the playoffs
At what point has the SEC ever said it wants Clemson or FSU?
I thought one of the major parts of the GOR was that it could only be challenged in Federal Court.. This was precisely to avoid a home cooking state court
No, we won't be. That's wishcasting.
Neither league is chomping at the bit to get Georgia Tech.

FWIW, I don't see either the SEC or BIG10 taking anyone else for a while. They can just be fat and happy and run CFB and let wannabes like FSU wilt.
You can bug cry all you want @verdi but that’s where it’s ööööing headed if they actually break off the ACC. The powers that be wanted this. They may even be helping pay for it. FSU could likely fundraise their way to paying for a lot of this on the back end of the emotional rejection by the CFP

the SEC has no reason to take GT. None. Nada. Zilch. Anyone who thinks that’s a possibility is on drugs. The good parts of the new Big 12 will be consumed by the SEC. And we will have the college football version of the AFC and NFC. Good ACC schools to Big Ten.
SEC and Big Ten will be fighting for GT. We are prestigious in all endeavors.
lol. We’re making these idiot losers spend the money to bust up the conference while we will benefit. So funny f$u doing just as we want!!

We will not benefit if FSU is successful. I defended their case to make the playoff but öööö them on this issue.
SEC and Big Ten will be fighting for GT. We are prestigious in all endeavors.

The SEC, especially UGAg, will let us die.

The BIG10 used to be more prestigious academically, but I think that is all our the window now.