no - And I'm surprised by that. Average SAT score Clemson 1310 SMU 1436 GT 1435 all from prep scholar. I've known several people who went to SMU and they were well above the Clemson/DWAG intelligence line. I like Clemson but ..... If had a problem with the SMU people I've known, it would be they tended to be too preppy for me but smart people nevertheless.

Perhaps US News rankings aren’t as accurate as they claim to be? In reality I think the differences between schools in Top 100 probably isn’t that big. Louisville on the other hand…
Perhaps US News rankings aren’t as accurate as they claim to be? In reality I think the differences between schools in Top 100 probably isn’t that big. Louisville on the other hand…
They do not rank engineering schools worth a öööö. I forget the numbers but more than half our undergrads are in majors deep into the top 19 in the country, but they rank us 33rd - öööö that.
They do not rank engineering schools worth a öööö. I forget the numbers but more than half our undergrads are in majors deep into the top 19 in the country, but they rank us 33rd - öööö that.

And what's most impressive is that all Tech engineers are right about everything all of the time. Just ask anyone on the board.
Perhaps US News rankings aren’t as accurate as they claim to be? In reality I think the differences between schools in Top 100 probably isn’t that big. Louisville on the other hand…
That is an understatement. US News Rankings are a joke. GT is top 10-20 in:
- SAT scores
- starting salary
- reputation of Hiring personnel

The retarded criteria US News uses is as worthless as Ron Cherry in an ACC football game.
That is an understatement. US News Rankings are a joke. GT is top 10-20 in:
- SAT scores
- starting salary
- reputation of Hiring personnel

The retarded criteria US News uses is as worthless as Ron Cherry in an ACC football game.
Doesn't the US News criteria boil down to "how much are you like Harvard"?
And what's most impressive is that all Tech engineers are right about everything all of the time. Just ask anyone on the board.
except for typos - just noticed that my post you replied to said most of our grads are in top 19 programs, meant to say top 10 obviously
I think Clemson is being really crappy on this. They still make a lot of money on ESPN contract and the request was not ridiculous, Sc@@@ the people that hesitate on their sung because they can't spell.
The good news is that other conferences probably look at that as not the kind of member they would want.
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