Clown to UNC-CHeat

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Mack just ran off a DC that won a National Championship as a head coach … and replaced him with Clown. I’m not saying Chizik was a great DC … but Clown. Possibly the only coach in America that could make UNC any softer.
If UNC was smart, they would charge Goff $11.37M to just stand on the 'sidelines.
I heard Key just called a special practice to start prepping for UNC.

Somebody posted earlier that the idiot would be out for revenge. Pretty sure Key has a special message for the idiot as well.

I hope we run up the score
Please let this be true.

I cannot wait for Haynes King to run for 2 and throw for 3 against that delusional constipated human watermelon.
I meant it in the sense of Mack wanting the buyout money so he can retire now, but HCIW of clown would be hilarious.
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