Originally posted by catjacket:
Hi, my name is Teresa Irish. I'm the Administrative Office Manager at GTAA, and I am Dave Braine's assistant. I have not posted on Stingtalk since General Wood "outed" me a couple of months ago (please note that I am still not using his given name). I am here because of a huge untruth about stadium fundraising in Gnome's post. Jack Thompson and his staff, and Dave Braine, have raised $45 million of the $50 million dollar goal toward stadium fundraising. This is nothing short of amazing in today's economy. In fact, fundraising at every ACC school EXCEPT GT is down for 2002-03. This accomplishment should not be misrepresented or disrespected.
This fact can stand on its own.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Teresa, I will certainly say that you all should be proud for that accomplishment. HOWEVER, currently the alumni (including myself) have lost faith if not lost all faith in the current leadership of the GTAA and if you think it has not COST the GTAA a LOT of money then you're just flat out wrong.
The GTAA is like a business. What is the goal of that business? To make (raise) as much money as possible. How do you make money? You offer a product that has a demand, and you try to offer competitive advantages to try and maximize your demand. So with less demand, you make less money... with more demand, you raise more money.
GT sports is not in a vacuum with a constant demand that stays the same no matter what. THIS IS WHAT THE GTAA BETTER UNDERSTAND QUICK otherwise there will be people out of jobs!
When there are bone headed management mistakes such as "Parking Gate", "Grade Gate", "Letter of Support Gate", "Resume Gate" etc. etc. etc. and my personal favorite The month old Rambling Wreck newspaper that screams "WE AT THE GTAA DON'T GIVE A HOOT!!", The Alumni (your CONSUMERS) lose faith in the overall product. When the consumer loses faith, the demand decreases.. when demand decreases.. YOU GUESSED IT... The GTAA loses money.
So instead of resting on your laurels, which should only happen when you are running a tight ship with no issues, which the GTAA IS NOT. What everyone at the GTAA needs to do is think of all the money YOU HAVE LOST because of the micro-management blunders over the past 2 years.
But don't think about this Lost amount for to long. What you need to do is focus on future efforts and how you are going to raise the confidence in the alumni, raise the demand for GT football, and in turn raise twice as much as you probably could have otherwise.
With a lot of PR work and solid communication with the alumni from both the AD and more importantly the GTAA overall, there is no reason at all that you guys cannot turn the GTAA's image around within the next year.
And I am as SERIOUS as a heart attack!