Since you manages to leave the personal attacks out on this one, I will answer these one by one so you can get it through your head.
i don't have a "personal" problem with you. i have a "personal" problem with everyone who pledges money to tech and then reneges.
yeah right, you just walk up to any one on the street that you don't know and call them filfth, jerk, and suggest that they are whoring their mothers simply because you don't like something they did. you got some pretty big keyboard muscles my friend.
you keep saying that you are supporting incompetence if you give braine any money. you are now coming up with new points like the stadium expansion was ill advised.
Why is this concept so hard for you to understand? BOR and many others seem to understand this rather easily. It isn't a far fetched idea. BIG MONEY alumni threaten and have threatened to pull their funding for various reasons over the years, inluding Braine's lack of ability. So are those big money alumni filfth and jerks too? Ylo, you need to get a grip on reailty. It isn't just the stadium expansion. It is letting 10 players flunk out. It is the asenine parking policy. it is the "enhanced seating" that we can't sell. I have always thought the exapnsion wasn't a good idea. We couldn't sell BDS out before, so why add seats? Just because I happened to mention it now doesn't mean I didn't think it before.
it doesn't matter if dave braine is incompetent and if the stadium expansion is ill advised in your opinion. yuo should have thought about those issues before you pledged.
You aren't really being serious about the first statement are you? That is so laughable, I can't even respond. Before I made the pledge though, I didn't think Braine was incompetent, and didn't know that Braine was going to lie about reseating, that Braine would price GT fans out of the "enhanced seating", that Braine would reduce the number of parking passes you could get, and that Braine would have the audacity to actually raise the price of parking passes. If you can't understand BOR's post about acting in "Good Faith", then there really isn't much point in discussing this further. You simply are too closed minded or too ignorant to understand the reality of things.
what matters is this. you pledged, without conditions, to give money to the AA. it does have legal ramifications because you signed off on a piece of paper (calling out lawbee to confirm or deny).
pfffft! "Legal Ramifications". If you need lawbee to explain the difference in a legaly binding contract and a pledge card, then you are more naive than I thought.
that money was pledged, and therefore is being counted upon by the AA.
now that Tech has fallen into tough times, you want to back out of a pledge. i have a problem with that. i have a huge problem with that. i also have a problem with anyone who doesn't see that there's a problem with that.
Well see this is where my view of the world is vastly different than your view of the world. The Georgia Institute of Technology has not fallen into tough times. The majority of sports at Tech have not fallen into tough times. The football program and its fans have fallen into tough times. Who is responsible for the tough times? Me? You? Gailey? I think not. It all rests squarely on David Braine's shoulders. Braine knows it too, that is why he tendered his resignation. Unfortunately Clough for whatever reason didn' accept it.
It isn't just me that you need to be mad at. For Braine to understand that he needed to resign, there obviously are some other pretty vocal Tech fans expressing their displeasure. Are you going to call all of them jerks and filfth? If we knew for fact that Kim King, Drew Hearn, Marty Huntsinger, et al had threatened to pull their money would you call them filfth and a jerk too?
if you hadn't made a pledge, go ahead, withdraw your support, do whatever pleases you, your life.
if you however, sign off on a pledge, you are, in my eyes, in my opinion, honor bound to carry it out.
Why do you think it pleases me? It saddens me to have to do that, but I will not tolerate the crap the eminates from GTAA anymore. Maybe after a few more years of giving money and having Dave give you the finger over and over again you might begin to understand what I and MANY GT fans are saying right now.
correct me if i'm wrong. i've asked you 3 times now, did you make conditions while you pledged? did you? did you sign a "prenup"?
It is an irrelevant question that doesn't need answering. How about this... what if all of a sudden I got laid off or had some medical circumstances that made it financially IMPOSSIBLE to meet my pledge? Am I still filfth and a jerk? Things like that do happen in real life, but your ignorance of such things prevents you from following such logic. No I didn't write in any condition, and GT didn't write in any legal stipulations that I had to actually pay it either.
now the stadium expansion is ill advisable in your eyes. why did you pledge to give money to dave braine for the expansion in the first place
I have already answered that. I made the pledge in "Good Faith". Dave Braine is the one who has failed in this relationship.