Not sure how long you have been around CFB and GT football, but just because situations happened some time ago, does not make them invalid. If you were around in the early 80s, then you would know that Tech football was genuinely on it's deathbed. Do you actually think we will probably play football for the next 3-4 years? If so, you now have one situation close to home that soundly refutes the the absurd label.
Have you heard of Texas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska just to name a few? They all transitioned from the option to a more traditional offense without the HWFO you are going through now, which further refutes the label.
Look, I've been clear that it is a hell of a challenge, especially on the LOS, but alas everything is relative, and relatively speaking, it is my opinion after having attended my first Tech game in '62, that the greatest ever in CFB label is indeed...... absurd.