Dreaded Sidewalk Fan

I'm a sidewalk fan, liberal arts degree HS English teacher. When folks ask me why I'm a GT fan, I always answer "I was raised right" (my dad, RIP Techsamillion, was a sidewalk fan as well who chose Tech after observing gagger idiots).
I been Tech aware since the Pepper Rodgers days (and the jack-ain'ts basketball years), stuck with them, proudly enduring typical dwag taunts as a youngster (from adults as well as peers).
Never will I waver.
I think this season should be mandatory watching as part of training for any would-be sidewalk fan. It is a pretty good representation of what it takes.
Having said that, as disappointed and hurting as I still am today, I prefer that feeling over 51-7 and the like embarrassments.
I’m also a sidewalk fan. Dad went to Tech and played for Pepper Rodgers, so not sure I really had a choice in the matter. I’m a State alum from before there was a football program there (though, I did attend their inaugural game).

My appreciation for Tech has always been rooted in an appreciation of its academic rigor and the quality of its student athletes. I’ve always felt that Tech does things the right way in spite of what everyone else is doing. I’ve been a sustained donor for a couple of different fundraising campaigns and just joined the most recent one. I had season tickets when last I lived in Atlanta (09 - 14). I haven’t gotten to many games since I moved, even fewer now with two teenage boys who are highly involved in band and in Scouts. I hope to get to one or two next year.

Win or lose, I proudly wear my Tech apparel and always give a “go Jackets” to anyone I see wearing theirs. I’ve got some great memories from Tech games, but some especially great memories with asshats I met through this message board and with whom created a tailgate (hard to believe that the ST tailgate as we know it kinda started at the 2010 Spring Game with Akinji, Cyp, Corndog, (I think) Flunkout, and maybe some others meeting up and sitting with one another).

I love being a Yellow Jacket. I can’t imagine being anything else.
My story has been told before, Dad was a Tech fan his entire life, alum of O’Keefe High School which is now part of the Tech campus. I was of course raised a Tech fan, attending many games in my youth.

I am a UGA alum, Statistics and Mathematics degree. I look back on my college career as a business decision, as I certainly didn’t go to UGA for any other reason.

I an a fan of Tech because of my dad, who passed in 2013, so I’ve now been through 10 football seasons without him, and I’m of course still here. I appreciate Tech’s history, uniqueness, and certainly respect the academic standards of the Institute.

There is nothing better in sports than a fall Saturday afternoon/evening that includes a Georgia Tech victory. It literally makes me happy for the entire week, where losses still sting.

Go Jackets!
I'm one of the small number of Tech sidewalk fans. I didn't attend, but I have been a Tech fan since middle school, in the mid 80's. I guess I've always liked pulling for the underdog.
When my daughter's friend wanted a ride home from school and was wearing a dawg jacket, I made her go put it in her locker before she could get in my truck.
My hate for the dawgs and love for the Jackets is just as deep as any Tech grad.
I wouldn't pull for the dawgs if they played the Taliban.
If Brent Key keeps the guys playing like they did last night, there will be many more like me that will be pulling for the white and gold.
I don’t like the Dawgs. And a lot of their bandwagon fans are obnoxious. But I would never give one of their fans the satisfaction of knowing the stupid UGA paraphernalia they are wearing bothered me. 99% of the time they have no affiliation whatsoever with the University of Georgia. They just found that shirt or sweatshirt at Walmart. Pathetic when they heckle me for being a Tech fan. I graduated from Georgia Tech. And Georgia tech is 10 times more difficult than the “college” they support, they were never admitted, and certainly never graduated.