Dreaded Sidewalk Fan

I'm one of the small number of Tech sidewalk fans. I didn't attend, but I have been a Tech fan since middle school, in the mid 80's. I guess I've always liked pulling for the underdog.
When my daughter's friend wanted a ride home from school and was wearing a dawg jacket, I made her go put it in her locker before she could get in my truck.
My hate for the dawgs and love for the Jackets is just as deep as any Tech grad.
I wouldn't pull for the dawgs if they played the Taliban.
If Brent Key keeps the guys playing like they did last night, there will be many more like me that will be pulling for the white and gold.
This is like finding a unicorn... I didnt know you existed...
Is a sidewalk fan someone who is a fan of GT without prior connections? My dad went to GT. GT football has been instilled in me since I could tie my own shoes. Not sure if that qualifies as being a sidewalk fan but whatever the case, I can't not cheer for GT - it's in my blood.
What this thread proves is that our “sidewalk” fans are different from most uga sidewalk fans. Our sidewalks care about the school, its teams, its traditions, and what it stands for. This is opposed to uga sidewalk fans who pick it like a gang sign simply because they live in Georgia and then “live dat life.”
UGA sidewalk fans simply stopped at the first thing they saw and started cheering for them. With as much UGA attire there is around here, it makes it easier for the ultra-lazy and brain cell challenged to have a team to cheer for. No thanks.

What this thread proves is that our “sidewalk” fans are different from most uga sidewalk fans. Our sidewalks care about the school, its teams, its traditions, and what it stands for. This is opposed to uga sidewalk fans who pick it like a gang sign simply because they live in Georgia and then “live dat life.”
What this thread proves is that our “sidewalk” fans are different from most uga sidewalk fans. Our sidewalks care about the school, its teams, its traditions, and what it stands for. This is opposed to uga sidewalk fans who pick it like a gang sign simply because they live in Georgia and then “live dat life.”

It's the same thing you see everywhere culturally, basically all the characteristics of a contagion, albeit a social one. Same thing with Deion and Colorado but for different reasons - the shiny thing changes but the motivations are the same, weak of mind, unable/unwilling to act with true independence and confidence, must to go along with the crowd for the good feelz, people are easy to manipulate anyway and this deal is pre-seeded with all the necessary ingredients so it just happens autonomously.

This also makes sense why the "sidewalk" Tech fans are different on average.
Sidewalk fan as well, sorta. My dad graduated from Tech. I decided to see how low I could get my high school GPA before high school graduation. Ended up getting it low enough to lose Hope scholarship. Still ended up with a masters degree but will always regret not doing what it took to make it to Tech. That being said, I can count on one hand how many games I haven’t at least watched on TV since 2008 (yes that includes 100% of the clown’s games. We are first time season ticket holders this year and we will be renewing.