Has the CPJ era ‘Jumped The Shark?’

Good thing we have 2 OL coaches. Maybe we should get a couple more with the way pass protection looked today.

Glad we got rid of the special teams coach a couple of years ago. Who really needs that when you have a special OL.
Well, there are 5 OL positions, so I think we need a coach for each position
CPJ complains about the assistant salary pool, so if it increased would he just give the current guys a raise or would he bring some new folks in? We've got a lot of former assistants out there as HCs and coordinators. Bring Todd Spencer back!!!
Since 2009, every ACC coastal hire has been predicated on having a plan to beat GT. Every team works half their spring on GT. No other team commands this kind of attention. As of right now, our division is the toughest division in the country to run option in, and our two non division yearly games are BCS Playoff teams.

This is the world we live in. We'd do better by joining the SEC than by firing our coach.
Since 2009, every ACC coastal hire has been predicated on having a plan to beat GT. Every team works half their spring on GT. No other team commands this kind of attention. As of right now, our division is the toughest division in the country to run option in, and our two non division yearly games are BCS Playoff teams.

This is the world we live in. We'd do better by joining the SEC than by firing our coach.

I too enjoy pulling stats out of my ass
I don't know if everybody forgot about this or not but we tried to hire an OL guru at the same time Richt took the Miami job and Richt hired the guy away from us (with a much higher salary).

And don't forget that CPJ also tried to hire a top flight DC when he let Groh go but we couldn't offer him enough money so he went somewhere else. I cannot recall his name but could pick it out of a lineup.

So, its not like CPJ hasn't tried to bring in the talent but he has been frustrated with the compensation we are able to offer. We lost two seriously good hires over salary.
One thing is constant and that is GT fans turn on themselves whenever the waters are troubled. The first thing we blame/defend is CPJ's offense. To me, the offense is good but it doesnt work when we can't win first down. This is where we have been blown up this year. Too many 2nd and 10+ situations every game. The QB is the main culprit here. He misses so many early pitches that are there and also has a bad habit of running backwards to create a huge negative play. Finally, his passes are all scud missiles that once in a while accidentally hit a target. 22 passes against UVA when we were in the *lead* most of the game is death to us. The happened because we had so many 2nd/3rd and 10+ situations. First down is the key. I think Matthew Jordan deserves a shot too. TM makes great plays for us but too many negative plays kills us.
GT has grown to the point where it is no longer a small school with a narrow band of majors. What is enrollment now? 22,000 or so? Maybe more? Academics are no longer a good excuse, IMO. We just use it as a crutch everytime we lose. Other schools are sucking it up now too. Does Texas suck because of academics? Everytime we suck, I hear the old "The Hill" excuse. GT is located dead center in the heart of college football land, in a prime recruiting area, in a black mecca - Atlanta. No excuses.
That's true for interceptions, but the sacks stat is a percentage, so it should account for passing rate. We're at 17%, for 129th in the country. In 2014 we were around 5% for 53rd in the country. So its not just the option.

My bad - your point on sacks is accurate then.
GT has grown to the point where it is no longer a small school with a narrow band of majors. What is enrollment now? 22,000 or so? Maybe more? Academics are no longer a good excuse, IMO. We just use it as a crutch everytime we lose. Other schools are sucking it up now too. Does Texas suck because of academics? Everytime we suck, I hear the old "The Hill" excuse. GT is located dead center in the heart of college football land, in a prime recruiting area, in a black mecca - Atlanta. No excuses.

So just to solidify your argument, suggest a current major we offer that is athlete friendly.
Since 2009, every ACC coastal hire has been predicated on having a plan to beat GT. Every team works half their spring on GT. No other team commands this kind of attention. As of right now, our division is the toughest division in the country to run option in, and our two non division yearly games are BCS Playoff teams.

This is the world we live in. We'd do better by joining the SEC than by firing our coach.

If that's true then the scheme is clearly hindering - not helping - us. If that's true, then an alleged "offensive genius" might do well to add some wrinkles to this thoroughly-deciphered offense. Say, some quick slants, some out routes, the occasional shotgun formation?

If what you say is true, then only a stubborn old fool would keep running the same stuff year after year and expect differing results.
Oh ffs people, academics is just something you tell yourself to feel better. Whether it's your team losing or a recruit justifying their school choice.
I don't know if everybody forgot about this or not but we tried to hire an OL guru at the same time Richt took the Miami job and Richt hired the guy away from us (with a much higher salary).

And don't forget that CPJ also tried to hire a top flight DC when he let Groh go but we couldn't offer him enough money so he went somewhere else. I cannot recall his name but could pick it out of a lineup.

So, its not like CPJ hasn't tried to bring in the talent but he has been frustrated with the compensation we are able to offer. We lost two seriously good hires over salary.

CPJ has said on occasion that in 2008 he was set to hire Ellis Johnson to replace Tenuta but was told that he only had a total of $250,000 to spend on assistants.
How purdy will LJ’s passes be when he has to throw with half the defense in his face?
Every pass looks like shit that TM throws. The defense isn't in his face on every throw. Lucas Johnson is a QB who was quite prolific throwing the ball in HS. He is tall. He is big, 215 or so. I'm tired of seeing tiny little qb's trying to fling the ball.
We'd do better by joining the SEC than by firing our coach.
Isn't it hilarious how these things change? A few years ago when conference realignment was all we talked about, those of us that looked longingly at the SEC were laughed at by others who said, 'are you crazy? we could never compete with all those factories.' Now we say that the Coastal is crazy hard, Clemson is nat'l champ, while the SEC East is the weakest conference in the country. Life = Irony.
If that's true, then an alleged "offensive genius" might do well to add some wrinkles to this thoroughly-deciphered offense.
Now that's dumb. We've sucked the hardest when we've added wrinkles, kinda like our D has been the worst when it's been too complicated. These kids thrive on straightforward scheming, focus and emphasis on execution. Our biggest problem is kids having too much thinking to do — that's what it means when CPJ gets all upset that the OL is missing their assignments... they're not making the right reads.
Now that's dumb. We've sucked the hardest when we've added wrinkles, kinda like our D has been the worst when it's been too complicated. These kids thrive on straightforward scheming, focus and emphasis on execution. Our biggest problem is kids having too much thinking to do — that's what it means when CPJ gets all upset that the OL is missing their assignments... they're not making the right reads.

That is supposed to be our one advantage. Our players are supposed to be smarter. Complicated should be better.
Gotcha — "Everybody knows" Tech is the toughest school in the world.

I was curious what you were referring to because it sounded like you were blaming the administration for handcuffing the program, and I'd like to identify the handcuffs so we can remove them. But now it doesn't sound like you think there's anything to be done.
Actually, I’m referring to a lot of things that have been discussed over and over on StinGTalk. But start with money. Get us some of that