
Go to Neyland for a big SEC game. Go tour UT's facilities. Go hang out on the strip with UT girls. Go hang out on the lake with UT girls.

UT people are ready to explode when UT gets back to where they were.

1. If you don't count Neyland UT's facilities are no better than GT's.

2. The last 5 years of Tennessee football:


3. Butch Jones? Not exactly an earth shattering hire. What was he, their 17th choice? Whether or not he pans out at Tennessee they are building from scratch.

4. Blown out by Vandy? lol. Tennessee is now #2 in the state. Even in this years recruiting rankings. That might only last as long as Franklin stays at Vandy, but for the time being that's how it is.

That's pretty much a dumpster fire.
Someone is super salty. It's almost like you dont want Lawson to come to Tech. Why do you still post here? You can circle jerk about how bad Tech is on the dawgvent. Frankly I'm tired of it over here.

"Kick his a** Sea Bass!"
1. If you don't count Neyland UT's facilities are no better than GT's.

2. The last 5 years of Tennessee football:


3. Butch Jones? Not exactly an earth shattering hire. What was he, their 17th choice? Whether or not he pans out at Tennessee they are building from scratch.

4. Blown out by Vandy? lol. Tennessee is now #2 in the state. Even in this years recruiting rankings. That might only last as long as Franklin stays at Vandy, but for the time being that's how it is.

That's pretty much a dumpster fire.

1. Laughable. The stadium is on another level. Their fb facility is almost twice as big as ours. Newer as well.

2. Yep. But they have a new coach who has done nothing but win.

3. Look at his résumé. He's got a better FBS record than CPJ.

4. We got blown out by MTSU. We'd be the fourth best program in Tennessee this past year.

Are we a dumpster fire?
I think it's pretty much unacceptable that we weren't on this guys list the whole time. We should be bringing in ex players into the program like CBG has done with basketball. If he was a GT fan growing up we should have been begging him to come here. I don't have a problem with our recruiting on the whole, but when a 5 star player is a fan we should have been on him his freshman year of highschool. And don't say he probably wasn't any good yet. He didn't come out of nowhere and we offered Kallon before he even played a snap. Good local scouting could have gotten us on him early especially since his dad played here.

Also I'm assuming he starts right away here? Might be a selling point. I'm not sure what Auburn has as far as depth, but we certainly don't have anyone of this caliber. Maybe Kallon eventually, but I wouldn't see him as competition
Lets think about his four finalists:

He's more likely to win a conference title at Tech or Clemson than at Auburn or Tennessee, thanks to the buzzsaw that is Alabama.

If he comes to Tech, he doesn't have to live on a farm in Clemson, SC.

Make the right choice, Carl.
I don't have a problem with our recruiting on the whole, but when a 5 star player is a fan we should have been on him his freshman year of highschool. And don't say he probably wasn't any good yet. He didn't come out of nowhere and we offered Kallon before he even played a snap. Good local scouting could have gotten us on him early especially since his dad played here.

He apparently didn't have a single offer until December of his junior year. At that point (and likely before) I'm sure we were in on him, but he and his dad quickly decided they wanted to look at the SEC. I highly doubt we just ignored this kid completely (though apparently that is what UGA and Rodney Garner did).

Naim Mustaffa's (4 star DE from Alpharetta) dad also played at GT and we were in on him from very early. And I remember reading his dad wanted him to come to Tech. But he still turned us down, committed to UGA for a few weeks, and then flipped to Oklahoma State of all places. So, it's not like getting in on Lawson early would have mattered much. What matters is we are in on him now.
Disecq- the new wreckedN'effects. Or maybe the original one as well. Just don't message Carl like you messaged Vad telling him not to come to Tech.
1. Laughable. The stadium is on another level. Their fb facility is almost twice as big as ours. Newer as well.

2. Yep. But they have a new coach who has done nothing but win.

3. Look at his résumé. He's got a better FBS record than CPJ.

4. We got blown out by MTSU. We'd be the fourth best program in Tennessee this past year.

Are we a dumpster fire?

Their stadium is a dumpster fire
1. Laughable. The stadium is on another level. Their fb facility is almost twice as big as ours. Newer as well.

2. Yep. But they have a new coach who has done nothing but win.

3. Look at his résumé. He's got a better FBS record than CPJ.

4. We got blown out by MTSU. We'd be the fourth best program in Tennessee this past year.

Are we a dumpster fire?

We sure were a dumpster fire last year by Georgia Tech standards and we still managed to have a better season than ANY OF THE LAST FIVE for Tennessee.

You can take the virtual tour for UT facilities and the virtual tour for GT facilities and they look pretty much identical. Indoor practice facility looks identical other than the fact that GT's roof is much higher to allow for punting. Weight room and locker rooms look identical other than color schemes. Tennessee appears to have a fancier hot-tub room. GT's meeting room looks higher quality but very similar. Cafeteria looks identical.

Neyland may be a "better stadium" if you measure by capacity, but I don't think there is a correlation between that and on the field success. That is a draw for fans, not recruits. Its the price you pay for having the oldest and winning-est home stadium in college football.

I have no beef with Tennessee. My father in law went there and is a huge fan. But it is what it is, a dumpster fire. Excuse me for evaluating the state of the program based on recent history and not "future history". Jones may pan out and he may not, but he is starting from scratch and he's not going to be successful for many years if ever.
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1. Laughable. The stadium is on another level. Their fb facility is almost twice as big as ours. Newer as well.

2. Yep. But they have a new coach who has done nothing but win.

3. Look at his résumé. He's got a better FBS record than CPJ.

4. We got blown out by MTSU. We'd be the fourth best program in Tennessee this past year.

Are we a dumpster fire?

I disagree with point 3. Obviously he has a better winning percentage, but 86-55 at Navy and GT > 50-27 at CMU and Cincy, IMO.

so who are you rooting for to land Lawson? GT or UT-K? Sometimes you guys with deep ties to these SEC schools make me want to vomit. Can't you just root for GT on the GT website? I mean you've got jackets in your öööö name!
He apparently didn't have a single offer until December of his junior year. At that point (and likely before) I'm sure we were in on him, but he and his dad quickly decided they wanted to look at the SEC. I highly doubt we just ignored this kid completely (though apparently that is what UGA and Rodney Garner did).

Naim Mustaffa's (4 star DE from Alpharetta) dad also played at GT and we were in on him from very early. And I remember reading his dad wanted him to come to Tech. But he still turned us down, committed to UGA for a few weeks, and then flipped to Oklahoma State of all places. So, it's not like getting in on Lawson early would have mattered much. What matters is we are in on him now.

My point is we offer so many lower end players we should have offered before anyone else. Didn't Mustaffa have grade issues? Couldn't even get into UGA, my understanding was he knew he couldn't take tech and also play football.
My point is we offer so many lower end players we should have offered before anyone else. Didn't Mustaffa have grade issues? Couldn't even get into UGA, my understanding was he knew he couldn't take tech and also play football.

Yes, he had grade issues.
Neyland stadium IS a POS.. Stadiums ive been to that are not POS's... Kyle Field, The Big House, Death Valley, VT stadium, and sadly UGAg Stadium

Other POS stadiums..

UVA/Duke/Joe Robbie/Pro Player Park/Dolphins Stadium/Land Shark Stadium/Sun Life Stadium

Of course Bobby Dodd Stadium tops them all with the gorgeous city backdrop
He apparently didn't have a single offer until December of his junior year. At that point (and likely before) I'm sure we were in on him, but he and his dad quickly decided they wanted to look at the SEC. I highly doubt we just ignored this kid completely (though apparently that is what UGA and Rodney Garner did).

Naim Mustaffa's (4 star DE from Alpharetta) dad also played at GT and we were in on him from very early. And I remember reading his dad wanted him to come to Tech. But he still turned us down, committed to UGA for a few weeks, and then flipped to Oklahoma State of all places. So, it's not like getting in on Lawson early would have mattered much. What matters is we are in on him now.

I think there's a pretty good chance we would have gotten Mustafaa had his grades been up to par. When UGA can't even take you, there's something seriously wrong with your academics.
Didn't know Mustaffa had grade issues - my bad.

But seriously, who gives a öööö about Tennessee's football stadium or facilities. I, for one, hope I never end up having to visit there.
Just because a stadium seats 100k doesn't make it nice. I would be embarrassed to lose constantly in front of 100k. Sanford stadium is decent but on game day it sucks. The ground is more sticky than a movie theatre and the fans suck. My experiences at Sanford stadium for non GT games has been pretty bad.