New Edge Center renderings

I’m not sure so much that it was changed to match the surrounding architecture or costs. It’s probably more of the CEO changing it to change it. Just like when Delta gets a new CEO they change the tail of the plane so he can put his “mark” on the company. This was reworked so that Batt can say it’s his project and not Tud’s.

The baseless speculation that it was done as a cost saving measure just sounds like Tech fans doing what they do best, fabricating a reason to shit on Tech. But what do I know. I like the latest version best.
Per J's email today it looks like renderings for the Edge building have been updated (new Student-Athlete Performance Center). They look much improved and more of a timeless design (link to message:


My old freshman dorm looking pretty drab though.
I think the new building will be a multi use structure for not only the AA but also for fans too. Outside of the trophy room, the current Edge Building is choppy, closed in, outdated and is being redesigned to fit a variety of new needs. If we're competing with the factories, then yes we do need this building updated with more sq footage and function. It's also a great recruiting and fundraising tool too, giving fans and alumni a great vantage point to the field where there was none. Whether brick or glass, the building is a complete teardown and reconstruction and not a refitting (that can be more than a complete teardown and rebuild) sometimes. I for one am excited to see the end result.
The AA has already moved to the Wardlaw Building permanently. They aren't moving back to the new building. The new building is supposed to be for the student athletes only - weight training, nutrition, wellness, etc. Even if the redesign was for cost savings, they can't be returned to the AA for other purposes without the consent of the donors.