We can provide him with S&C guidelines, and I believe they can mail him his GT gear and supplements/nutrition guide. I'm sure he has or will shortly receive the playbook and guidance on what to be learning as far as the language of the play calling/etc. I'm not sure if he can be part of zoom meetings yet. The "early enrollee" guys will be able to be hands on with the S&C staff and nutritionist. The only "hands on" coaching they will receive will be in whatever type of Spring practice we are allowed this year. He will only miss 4-5 months of "in-house" S&C training and will join the team in May. He will obviously miss a semester of college courses, but has completed his requirements for HS graduation, so I don't think he will stay at Grayson for the Spring, unless there are any AP/dual enrollment courses he could take that would allow him to test out/gain usable college credits.
Also, I don't believe there are any restrictions on individual voluntary workouts. So if, say, Jeff Sims, Jordan Yates, Adonicas Sanders, Malachi Carter, Ryan King, Avery Boyd, Kyric McGowan, Leo Blackburn, and Jamal Haynes all want to get together on their own a couple afternoons a week to throw some balls and run some routes, I don't think that's forbidden.