Official Coordinators Search And News Thread

Why overspend on coordinators? A lot of the game is played out on the guys you don’t see or hear about. Sounds like we are going to have an army of analysts.

Good assessment.
Don't forget that OCBF was exactly that, an analyst, at Ugag.
Hire several more analysts like him and things are going to improve.
Why overspend on coordinators? A lot of the game is played out on the guys you don’t see or hear about. Sounds like we are going to have an army of analysts.
Don't know about anybody else, but I'd love to have an army of analists at my house right now.
Don't know about anybody else, but I'd love to have an army of analists at my house right now.
What you do with a bunch of dudes in the privacy of your own bedroom is entirely up to you.
I think we only have room one more opening and we still need a WR coach.
I don't have any issues with the hires so far. But with the supposed "big budget" we had for assistants, I was expecting some bigger names.

This seems about like the staff we would have on a normal budget.

Normal? We are almost universally happy with these hires. That hasn't happened since... well, not in my lifetime.