Official Gameday Thread: COFH Edition

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Given that we have not beaten these guys in Atlanta in this millennium and that our fans and AA have allowed us to be embarrassed by 85% Dawg fans in BDS, either discontinue the series or just play them all in Athens.
Meh. Their money is green. I say take it. Only way we can afford to keep paying off coaches not to coach for us.

Bottom line: the state of the progam is in is because the leadership at Tech accepts and tolerates it.
The only problem I have with the constant insistence that Thacker needs to go, is that I still don't get why Patenaude is being cut so much relative slack.

People are cutting Pnope slack because he is saddled with Brent Key, so they hope if we ever get a real OL coach Pnope will start looking competent.
The only problem I have with the constant insistence that Thacker needs to go, is that I still don't get why Patenaude is being cut so much relative slack.
I'm starting to think Pat is not that bad - I think he is a bit hamstrung with our OL and some other stusff. I would like to keep him around until we have the depth that we need. I do not want him gone - I have a hunch that he might be pretty good. Just a hunch.

Thacker, on the other hand, has shown that he can stop the other guy on their first possession but when they adjust, he is a babe in the woods. Kind of tells me that Collins helps his prepare a game plan that works for the first possession but he's lost after that.
The reality I just described is happening because of the Coach that you loved for 11 years, maybe you should've thought about that.

Head in the sand Guys like you are why our Program is in the shape it is in, you are the guy that should be banned.

Oh I forgot eff you!

I hope you choke on horrible dried out Thanksgiving leftovers

Astute comment. Paul Johnson was surely to blame for all of this, especially Gibbs starting the game by not knowing you have to catch the ball if it does not go into the end zone. All his fault. Amazing how well Collins is doing in the wake of the Johnson disaster.
He might have started if he didn't get injured , he was dominant in early practices at WR, instead of moving him to TE, just do like the guys on the other sideline and find a good one from HS, GA HSs are loaded with TEs this and we got none from in State
Because Collins can’t recruit as well as some wish/think.
Our ball carriers have to realize that they are going to have to cut it up and go north-south against the gagger defense. East-west is a losing proposition.
Lol. In your wildest dreams nothing CPJ did came close to setting Tech as far back as Collins is. We were respected at least prior to Collins. Now we are a laughing stock.
Talk to HS Coaches throughout GA and ask them, too many GT Fans like you don't understand FB at a grass roots level, Fans like you would still be holding on to Mullen at UF, but since UF is in the "Business of FB" they see what they needed to do and canned him
Yates is serviceable if we are running the ball well, but he cannot lead an offense with his arm. He simply will not pull the trigger.
I'm starting to think Pat is not that bad - I think he is a bit hamstrung with our OL and some other stusff. I would like to keep him around until we have the depth that we need. I do not want him gone - I have a hunch that he might be pretty good. Just a hunch.

Thacker, on the other hand, has shown that he can stop the other guy on their first possession but when they adjust, he is a babe in the woods. Kind of tells me that Collins helps his prepare a game plan that works for the first possession but he's lost after that.
They both suck
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