Official GT Head Coach News Thread

My speculation is Fritz is our pick and we're in the hardball negotiations phase of things. The Thamel leak about other candidates in conference championships and a new candidate seems intended to make the Fritz people sweat. Batt and Cabrera are money guys and aren't about to get played for a bad contract.
Guys, don’t read too much into Twitter. I once started a rumor on here that Jeremy Pruitt and Mark Richt were fighting and Richt had to put out an official statement it wasn’t true. Stick to the guys you know have good reads on this situation. It’s fluid, so just give it time. If it’s true that there are more interviews after championship week then it will take some time.
Then eliminate Key from contention and that ends the problem of his people wrecking shop

Perhaps. But what if "his people" decide to keep their checkbooks closed if they don't get their way? Is the GTAA/Batt in a financial position to piss off what few big donors there are (assuming that's what happened)?
Guys, don’t read too much into Twitter. I once started a rumor on here that Jeremy Pruitt and Mark Richt were fighting and Richt had to put out an official statement it wasn’t true. Stick to the guys you know have good reads on this situation. It’s fluid, so just give it time. If it’s true that there are more interviews after championship week then it will take some time.
So, you're saying you heard Batt is making Fritz and Key arm wrestle for the position!?

Fire Batt. Unacceptable.
Perhaps. But what if "his people" decide to keep their checkbooks closed if they don't get their way? Is the GTAA/Batt in a financial position to piss off what few big donors there are (assuming that's what happened)?
Then good ööööing riddance. I don't if we're doomed without their money, but if we are then we're doomed either way and it doesn't matter. Ask Auburn and their coaching searches how well things go when you cave to the checkbooks.
Batt and Cabrera are money guys and aren't about to get played for a bad contract.

Whomever is hired, I'll get behind and support. I do pray that this is *FINALLY* the time that we don't have utter f'n morons writing up the contract and that regardless of annual salary, it's not a Goof/Hewitt economic disaster for the GTAA to get out of in a few years if needed. Let's hope that Batt understands this as his predecessors did not.
Perhaps. But what if "his people" decide to keep their checkbooks closed if they don't get their way? Is the GTAA/Batt in a financial position to piss off what few big donors there are (assuming that's what happened)?
It’s his Job to convince them to give the money regardless. They need to have winning as their #1 priority.
Man I hope you're right about that regardless.
So do I, but every time Tech hires a guy with a speciality, we turn out to be the one place his talents are rendered completely impotent. Defensive specialists, Money Mans, Tech Mans, etc. They all get to the Flats and decide to try something new, like being retarded.
How do you satisfy the big donors that you need and still make your own decision? Batt was hired to handle situations like this.

He will have to do SOMETHING to send a message to the donors, but if it were me it would be behind the scenes. Something that says, "I know what you did, and there will be consequences to this level of interference."
That’s better than the guys who forced the hire of Bobinsky and Collins calling the shots.

From what I've heard and bits and pieces in the AJC over the years, Bobinski was hired by Zelnak after Bud Peterson handed him the keys to the search after his very large donation for the basketball practice facility. Collins is the only major revenue hire EVER MADE by Todd Stansbury. Hard to believe but true. Todd Stansbury was is and always will be light years better than Bobinski, but clearly he's also not great at revenue hires and worse at revenue hire contracts and extensions. That was his undoing.

We've got the right President right now. That's the hardest part. We'll know a big hurry between this hire and Pastner's replacement if Batt is cut out for the job. If both revenue hires are bad Batt should go whenever the first of his revenue hires does. If Batt is the right guy things should pick up nicely. If not, GTAA priority #1 needs to be finding the next Homer Rice to pair with our John Crecine (Cabrera). It's been 30 years since The Hill was a helper and not a hindrance. That precious time window cannot be wasted.
It’s his Job to convince them to give the money regardless. They need to have winning as their #1 priority.

LOL. You think the loons that like to blow money on college football or going to just fall in line if they don't get their way? That's not how it works. Batt's job will be to cultivate enough big donors that the GTAA is beholden to the small group that continually makes some piss poor decisions (like Bobinski, Stansbury, Collins, etc).
That’s better than the guys who forced the hire of Bobinsky and Collins calling the shots.