Official GT Head Coach News Thread


So with all this junk did we just fail on the AD hire too... I get the guy wants his control but still need to review circumstances and read the room. He obviously just is interested in what he sees and no one else

We absolutely, 100%, no question or debate, do not need the boosters to be dictating what decisions we make for hires. They are absolutely allowed to put an opinion in and Batt has to listen, but he can't be forced to agree or there was no point in hiring him. Maybe excessive hyperbole, but it's one of those situations where if you give an inch they could end up taking a mile. This may not be what is happening, but it is a theoretical possibility based on the info (that may or may not be accurate) we have.

What I mean by poisoned the well is that if they really are being super overbearing in trying to get Key the job, then Batt is in a position where it becomes harder to hire him regardless of whatever other merits the choice may have.
Considering this is a CPJ player, this speaks a lot to me about Key

Agreed. We should figure out a way to keep Key in some respect. He clearly knows how to motivate and communicate with 18-22 year olds. Shouldn't that translate well to recruiting, too?

It seems silly to risk an outside hire considering the financial pressures and the vanilla list of candidates. Give Key a shot (one or two seasons). If he sucks, then cut him loose and hire someone else.
Batt is no different from any of the rest of us. He takes his marching orders from his boss. This search is going the way it is because that's how PAC wants it, and that's a good thing. I have faith in the process. Good things come to those who wait and don't speculate
No. If he stands up to the Key tantrum by boosters I think we have the right guy.
Tulane is supposed to have its weekly press conference today previewing this week's opponent. If that press conference gets cancelled, you can be assured stuff is happening. If it does happen as scheduled, there will be questions asked about GT, it will be interesting to see the answers.
Do you have details on that press conference, @georgiatech22 ? Specifically time?
My sources assure me that Saban has already signed the document and they are holding the announcement until Vegas makes it higher odds. Lots of our big money men are waiting to place their bets.
wrong. saban isnt playing in a championship game, so cant be him.
We absolutely, 100%, no question or debate, do not need the boosters to be dictating what decisions we make for hires. They are absolutely allowed to put an opinion in and Batt has to listen, but he can't be forced to agree or there was no point in hiring him. Maybe excessive hyperbole, but it's one of those situations where if you give an inch they could end up taking a mile. This may not be what is happening, but it is a theoretical possibility based on the info (that may or may not be accurate) we have.

What I mean by poisoned the well is that if they really are being super overbearing in trying to get Key the job, then Batt is in a position where it becomes harder to hire him regardless of whatever other merits the choice may have.

It is funny to me that we have people saying that Boosters should keep their noses out of it and just pay their millions into the program while at the same time long time fans here on Stingtalk with no financial investment in the program screaming that if a coach they don’t like is picked they will quit being fans.
Batt doesn't need to "stand up" to anyone. That's a great way to create an adversarial relationship. He just needs to make a good choice for the next HC of GA Tech football. NB: A good choice is not a binary decision... there are several potential "good choices" out there. Key may be one or he may not be one. We don't know. That depends on information that neither you nor I have access to.
Question based off the Chadwell wanted to bring his Defensive staff, we said no, so he said no...

Are we trying to retain Thacker? Do we have another DC lined up that the ne HC won't have a say in?

Either of these scenarios would seem to be a negative for a new HC.
No. If he stands up to the Key tantrum by boosters I think we have the right guy.

I meant specifically the players and stabliization of the program. A few tweaks Key could make us perinnel bowl eligible and potentially a regular top 6 ACC team
Hello Fellow Yellow Jackets!

First post here on StingTalk.

This may prove to be unpopular, but I'm hoping and praying for CBK to be named as HFC @ GT. For me, he just exudes class and leadership and a love for GT and a burning desire to get us back to being a competitive, winning program. He has an intangible, magnetic leadership quality about him that makes me want to suit up and play for him. Hard and demanding, but affirming, caring and appreciative. He's a no-BS, straight forward kinda guy that has been able to, IMHO, rally the team to perform under difficult circumstances. He personally recruited Pyron... That says a lot to me about what he will be able to do sans Scooter's interference. And, I believe the OL has greatly improved overall in the last 8 games.

I have no proof & no data... only my gut telling me that Coach Brent Key is the right man for the job.

Do we just give him the job? No! We need to go through the process and interview other possible candidates. I will say nothing negative about any of the other candidates. But, again, IMHO, his interim work and his intangible qualities make CBK the leading candidate.

I will support our Yellow Jackets, regardless of whomever JBatt and crew choose. But I can't help but feel like we will be making a big mistake, if we don't hire CBK.

Go Jackets and God bless!!

Question based off the Chadwell wanted to bring his Defensive staff, we said no, so he said no...

Are we trying to retain Thacker? Do we have another DC lined up that the ne HC won't have a say in?

Either of these scenarios would seem to be a negative for a new HC.

Thacker turned some heads and is relatively young DC and also CC DC has shown to be regular utterly outmatched
Question based off the Chadwell wanted to bring his Defensive staff, we said no, so he said no...

Are we trying to retain Thacker? Do we have another DC lined up that the ne HC won't have a say in?

Either of these scenarios would seem to be a negative for a new HC.

I haven't seen anything credible yet on Chadwell insisting on that to begin with. In fact, I haven't seen anything credible at all, until Ken and Schultz lost their credibility.
Question based off the Chadwell wanted to bring his Defensive staff, we said no, so he said no...

Are we trying to retain Thacker? Do we have another DC lined up that the ne HC won't have a say in?

Either of these scenarios would seem to be a negative for a new HC.
I've said in another thread that was one of my concerns with Chadwell. Him and the DC are apparently tight and a package deal. If his defense sucks at a lower level, I have no problem with Tech saying we want you but not him. I also have no problem with Chadwell telling us to piss off.