Official GT Head Coach News Thread

Not sure if anyone else caught Joe Hamilton earlier on 680 but he said that Chip Long wasn't involved in game planning or play calling the last couple of games. Apparently Key gave Weinke the opportunity since the Miami game.
He also said Key reminds him of another very successful coach in the state coaching his alma mater. I had been thinking that all along, there are strong similarities in the two from age to coaching experience / trees. Make no mistake, Brent Key has witnessed and knows exactly how to run a winning program with support from GTAA.
I can't speak for others, but I wouldn't quit being a fan for any particular hire. Maybe BOB would make me think about it, but probably wouldn't really do it and that's from a different set of principles.
There's a difference between noses being in/out of things and full on going "hire the guy I want hired or my money is gone", which to me sounds too similar to "I'll quit being a fan if we do/don't hire this coach". We've heard rumors that span the whole spectrum from the above in quotes to Batt is completely stonewalling them and we have no idea where reality actually falls on that. Both extremes of that are bad.

I'm of the opinion that boosters and non-invested fans alike should chill out and let the decision makers make the decisions. If that turns out to be a bad decision then it will be Batt's head on the chopping block. He was hired to make these decisions and there's no point of us whining about what he chooses to do. That's just the way it is.

That being said, Batt has a tough job to do, as he needs that booster money, and more of it. So he's got to take their input into consideration. Similar to a CEO having to listen to his Board of Directors.
I'm of the opinion that boosters and non-invested fans alike should chill out and let the decision makers make the decisions. If that turns out to be a bad decision then it will be Batt's head on the chopping block. He was hired to make these decisions and there's no point of us whining about what he chooses to do. That's just the way it is.

That being said, Batt has a tough job to do, as he needs that booster money, and more of it. So he's got to take their input into consideration. Similar to a CEO having to listen to his Board of Directors.
We’re going to believe unconfirmed reports and rumors from random twitter fonts and crucify him a dozen more times before he announces his decision and then we will do it some more. Anybody buy yet?
In 2020, Fritz signed a contract extension through 2026. Would be interesting to know the details of that contract.