Official GT Head Coach News Thread

The reason for the Fritz hire is to get a proven football knowledgeable coach that GT can afford at the moment who is also a quality person. He is 62 so his is not a long term stay. in a few years, the financials will be in order to go after a top-of-the-line hire - if college football even still exists as we know it today. The transfer portal and NIL is quickly turning this whole sport into a very small pool of schools who will run the entire show and sadly, GT is not one of them.
I'm sure that there are players and donors and fans lobbying for CBK. However, I just don't see him doing anything nefarious in order to get the job or sabotage the process. Doesn't fit with what I see in his demeanor and character.

Go Jackets and God bless!

Chadwell turning down a P5 offer from a program like a Tech over his defensive staff? That doesn't seem wise to me. Maybe Chadwell either doesn't want to leave CCU or maybe he is a stealth hire. Or just maybe he's not the prize many think he is. Auburn now has gone away from him and hired Hugh Freeze of all people. For some reason he's not getting hired. He is reputed to be very loyal to staff. That's a good quality until it becomes a fault. Regarding his D: It is pretty bad (#97 Total D, #123 Passing Yards Allowed, #39 Rushing Defense), particularly his pass D. That's playing a bunch of G5 teams - granted some of which have pretty potent offenses. [TBH though, our D didn't perform a whole lot better. Seems to be the mirror image of theirs. However, they didn't play UGAg, UCF, Ole Miss, UNC, and FSU, all in the top 15 in Total Offense, with Dook also being top 40ish. Also, all of those are ahead of Chadwell in Total Offense.] Being allowed to bring coaches with you is normally a given, however these would be a pretty clear step backward. My question to him would be why would you want to do that when you have a better set of coaches on hand at Tech? That answer might be quite revealing and may be the reason they reportedly parted ways.

Fritz is in a position where he doesn't need to move. If he finishes his career at Tulane, he may end up with a statue there and some building dedicated in his name. Honestly, he done better than any other coach there ever has. At his age, why would he leave unless it was to coach at the highest level of college ball? He’s got a good deal now and may not be in a hurry to leave. He no doubt also wants to finish well and win the conference championship With the team he has built. If he feels Tech somehow violated that, he might just withdraw over principle, though it may be the last chance he has to coach P5 ball.
I don’t see either if these as meddling by anyone. Both could be very normal. Coaches’ names get leaked all the time, and requiring certain staff remain is not too uncommon either.
Finally, we’re in a much bigger hurry than either of thise two, both of whim are in the postseason now. To me, it just is what it is and I don’t try to find something negative behind it.
I forgot the most important point. Suguira should stop posting false rumors. He's (theoretically) a journalist. Two sources???
You mean he isn’t like Bernstein and Woodward in All The Presidents Men getting Ben Bradlee’s permission to run the story?
keep Key and throw whatever extra money saved at recruiting staff and NIL, possibly a top notch offensive coordinator. Key has already proven he is capable of commanding the ship and getting the players to play hard. Next year our goal should be 6-8 wins and a bowl game which I think is highly probable with Key given how the latter half the season played out.
I wonder if J has found the coffee yet?
we need speed
As for those who say Key couldn't be part of the new staff because he was Intern HC, Freeze is retaining Cadillac at Auburn.
This type thing happens more than ine might think. Not so often with the interim, but often with position coaches. Johnson kept several of Gailey’s defensive staff, other than those who chose to leave.
Well with 5 years left and a salary in the $2M+ range, it wouldn’t be a 100% buyout. If he’s averaging $2.5M a year over that 5 years then $8M would be a discount.
We aren't talking about the school's buyout to him if they fire him, we're talking about what his buyout is to leave Tulane before his contract is up. No way it's that high. That number is usually only a fraction of what the salary would be.
As for those who say Key couldn't be part of the new staff because he was Intern HC, Freeze is retaining Cadillac at Auburn.

I know it does happen that interim coaches are retained as position coaches sometimes, but I feel this situation is a lot different than Cadillac's.

Cadillac went 1-2 vs P5 competition as interim, and his one victory was against a sub-.500 Texas A&M, whereas Key went 4-4 with two victories over top 25 teams. Cadillac has only four years of coaching expeirence whereas Key has 18. Cadillac was only a position coach previously, whereas Key was already associate HC.

I just feel that there's a big difference between keeping on an interim coach who was clearly only a bridge to hiring a new HC and keeping on an interim coach who has a signifcant amount of public support from players/donors/fans to be the new HC.
I don't think Key himself is doing it. I think it's folks that want him to be the guy.
Alot of board members at the gtaa are of the opinion that gt hire a bargain coach that wants to be here and take a chance at a cheaper dollar. Just fyi. Not saying it will play out that way. But many on that board have been saying that.