Official GT Head Coach News Thread

I think Stingtalk would meltdown if Sunday morning it's announced that Deion's coming. We would be the biggest story in the country.

If the entire GTAA had a circle jerk at midfield we would also be a big story. I'd rather us just do that if it's attention we're after.
If we are waiting to announce this long, I'm pretty sure it isn't Key. And if Chadwell is even thinking about USF of all places then it isn't him either.

Ergo, welcome to the flats, Coach Fritz.
based on his refusal to deny that he is leaving and saying he's focused on this saturday has me believing this as well.. would rather have deion but oh well
I don’t know man. I find it more believable that those reporting on these negotiations don’t actually know the truth vs J Batt tells Chadwell to retain Thacker and/or Key, Chadwell says öööö off, then J Batt interviews Fritz and is about to sign a deal but that falls through and then Chadwell says oh öööö I don’t have too many options and comes back to J Batt and says ok I’ll reconsider keeping some staff. Who is reporting all these details in these negotiations? I would fire any staff member who was present in those meetings immediately if there was an ounce of truth to anything being reported about what a öööö show it has been.
Maybe in that case the leak came from the Chadwell camp if he turned it down because he wanted to bring his whole staff. Again I never heard he was told he had to retain anybody currently here, but I heard we just weren't thrilled with his complete staff... as in wanted him to make some better hires at certain positions.