Official GT v UCheat Game Thread

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So my ducking acc app decided to go back to halftime. Good thing because I missed the unc touchdown
You are making up numbers. I can remember it working 1 time ever. Definitely not 10-15%. But okay.

I didnt say they jump 10% of the time (though maybe they do, 10 of those plays would probably be half a season), I said it increases our chances of converting on 4th down, by combination of catching them off guard, making them jump, and overall confusion. Impossible to measure, but we convert on 4th down at a pretty good rate.

edit: and I can think of several times when opponents have jumped off sides during the fake. Probably close to once per season on average.
When does CPJ realize field goals won't cut it? He's about 2 1/2 quarters late
Guys calm down. This is not Ted Roof's fault. Teams score points. Not much we can do about their score at will offense. We just gotta outscore them.
I didnt say they jump 10% of the time (though maybe they do, 10 of those plays would probably be half a season), I said it increases our chances of converting on 4th down, by combination of catching them off guard, making them jump, and overall confusion. Impossible to measure, but we convert on 4th down at a pretty good rate.
We convert on 4th down at a good rate when we run an offensive play. Everyone knows what were doing when the first A-back goes into motion and sets up next to the QB, everyone. If we'd actually play off of that, then maybe it would be useful. But we rarely, if ever, do. I don't recall the last time we did. I think its a wasteful play. We lose a time out that could be useful. Even though we don't actually do anything during time outs aside from opera, apparently
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