Patrick Skov

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he will be eligible to play in Fall Semester 2015

The first word of a sentence is always capitalized. Punctuation also plays a big part in the way something is read. Take that grammar cop.

This guy's post-workout shake is blended bulldog puppies.
That's the brother.
It is not that simple.
More people learn about interest as a family starts to explore more deeply, including asking questions and transferring documents, regarding academics, athletics, area, etc. Then you buy plane tickets and make arrangements to miss classes and "voluntary workouts" at your current is going to get out.

I am surprised it held to within 48 hours of arrival. Quite a good job in my opinion.
So is staying at Stanford an option for him?
No over signing at all....we have 84 set to be on scholarship August 1.

We don't actually have room for him at this moment. That 1 open ship is for Jabari, assuming he is good to go like they expect him to be. Someone else will have to leave in order for the ships to work out right.
We don't actually have room for him at this moment. That 1 open ship is for Jabari, assuming he is good to go like they expect him to be. Someone else will have to leave in order for the ships to work out right.

Jaylend Ratliffe - will be part of the 2016 class. At least that's my understanding of where the 'ship will be coming from.
That 1 open ship is for Jabari, assuming he is good to go like they expect him to be.

I'd be surprised if there is a rule that requires a player get his scholarship back once he has lost it for academic reasons. Obviously, it would be ideal if that can be done, but I doubt that someone in good standing with the program would get their scholarship pulled to provide one for JH. CPJ can't be expected to hold a spare scholarship for someone who may or may not be able to play next year.
For people saying it will be a hard adjustment to take handoffs and run... Dont kid yourself. The kid is a fullback moving to fullback not a ööööööö DT moving to fullback
For people saying it will be a hard adjustment to take handoffs and run... Dont kid yourself. The kid is a fullback moving to fullback not a ööööööö DT moving to fullback

stop cussing, it's 10:15 in the morning
I don't doubt that Skov can run the dive effectively for the typical 4-5 yd gain, because that's what he was doing at Stanford. His size seems best suited to short runs up the middle and blocking, and he could be a big contributor to our offense, even if that's the limit of his game. I'll be pleasantly surprised if he has the kind of speed and evasiveness to be a big play guy, or get to the edge quickly.
I'd be surprised if there is a rule that requires a player get his scholarship back once he has lost it for academic reasons. Obviously, it would be ideal if that can be done, but I doubt that someone in good standing with the program would get their scholarship pulled to provide one for JH. CPJ can't be expected to hold a spare scholarship for someone who may or may not be able to play next year.

I'll double check, but I'm 95% certain we are currently sitting at 84 guys on scholarship and the last one is for Jabari when he makes it back, and that's already with Jaylend not coming on until 2016.

We have to lose someone for there to be room for Skov.
I'll double check, but I'm 95% certain we are currently sitting at 84 guys on scholarship and the last one is for Jabari when he makes it back, and that's already with Jaylend not coming on until 2016.

We have to lose someone for there to be room for Skov.

Unless he isn't on athletic scholarship. For all we know, his parents might be loaded, or at least well off enough to pay, and it doesn't matter. Or perhaps he has other academic scholarship/grant opportunities available. He did go to Stanford so he might have smarts real good.
I'll double check, but I'm 95% certain we are currently sitting at 84 guys on scholarship and the last one is for Jabari when he makes it back, and that's already with Jaylend not coming on until 2016.

We have to lose someone for there to be room for Skov.

I put this somewhere else in this thread. We have 84 scheduled to be on ship August 1. Taking a Skov commit would be 85 scheduled to be on it August 1. You cannot assume JHD will be back on schollie because he has to do well in the spring to move on to the summer...then do well in the summer short session to regain eligibility. By the time that is sorted out something else will pop open as we have at least one player leave between the end of spring practice and August 1 every single has never not happened that I can find.
I put this somewhere else in this thread. We have 84 scheduled to be on ship August 1. Taking a Skov commit would be 85 scheduled to be on it August 1. You cannot assume JHD will be back on schollie because he has to do well in the spring to move on to the summer...then do well in the summer short session to regain eligibility. By the time that is sorted out something else will pop open as we have at least one player leave between the end of spring practice and August 1 every single has never not happened that I can find.

What are we talking here, like 1893 or just since CPJ?
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