Paul Johnson....

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So you guys think he purposely avoids all the 4-5 star players that want to come to GT??

I think he would be overjoyed to take another Dweyer if he could get him convinced to play BB and get him through the hill. I was just telling you what the concept was you asked about.

Now having said that - I do think our ABs are generally smaller than a tailback would be in a pro style offense and for sure the QBs are different. WRs are a touchy subject as PJ would correctly point out that we have 2 high round picks out of this system but it does require a lot more blocking and less precise route running than other systems.

You could take the "arrogance" as simply a different athlete than other pro style offenses.

IMHO the recruiting hit for PJ is more on the defensive side. And I don't perceive him to be "arrogant" there just not able to find a DC able to manage the situation.
IMHO the recruiting hit for PJ is more on the defensive side. And I don't perceive him to be "arrogant" there just not able to find a DC able to manage the situation.

I agree with this. Wasn't it the policy of former coaches to take the best athletes and put them on D? Then if they didn't work out they ended up on offense? We do the reverse currently and it's not ideal IMHO.

This may be a bad example but I think Waller should play defense. He reminds me of a Bruce Irvin-type (1st round DE, Seahawks from WV).
I think he would be overjoyed to take another Dweyer if he could get him convinced to play BB and get him through the hill. I was just telling you what the concept was you asked about.

So what you posted previously makes no sense:

The concept is that PJ believes his offensive system is so good he can move the ball and score without the need to recruit top D1 offensive players.

I think CPJ wants to recruit the top players across the board. With the way you worded it, you believe he doesn't even offer scholarships to the "top D1 offensive players" which is not true.

Now... getting these top players to commit to GT and stay committed is another thing altogether.
Answer this question, would anyone on this board play for Paul Johnson? Put yourself in the recruits place.

I started 3/4 yrs at a powerhouse HS, won 3 state titles and played 1 year of small college ball, I say that as a precursor to the fact that I would've played for GT and CPJ over every school in America if given the chance.
So what you posted previously makes no sense:

I think CPJ wants to recruit the top players across the board. With the way you worded it, you believe he doesn't even offer scholarships to the "top D1 offensive players" which is not true.

Now... getting these top players to commit to GT and stay committed is another thing altogether.

I will try a different way - and see if I can get my point across. First I am not giving my opinion per se but answering the question of what the "arrogance" was. To try to define it differently and succinctly, PJ seems to believe that he can have a successful offense with recruits that would not fit into a more typical pro style offense and thus would not be recruited by those type of teams. As a by product they would normally have a reduced recruiting ranking as the rankings are skewed to the UGAs of the world over us. That is just the definition of what folks mean by "arrogance".

Personally I think PJ would love to have 5 star players at his playmaker positions. I just don't think they are generally going to come play in this system. Certainly not a 5 star pro style QB. I think we all know this. I would love to see a couple more 5 star type playmakers in this offense but I do think it can be successful without them.

Defense on the other hand doesn't have a similar "fix". We need better players and a better system for them to be successful in than the 3-4 we are trying to run right now.

That help or should I just leave it for someone else?
That's a pretty stupid statement since you have no idea who you're talking about.

He's your brother, right?

I'm pissed that we lost, but I don't care who you are. They could be Calvin friggen Johnson, but if the only time they come on a GT fan board and post comments is after a GT loss to piss on our program, then they can hear me tell them that I think they stink as fans and as human beings.
You are right. Some of the idiots on this board get excited when we beat Tulane, MTSU and FIU for players. We sick because we recruit bad players. We had a top 15 class 5 years ago and beat UGA 4 years ago. Quit making excuses.

And ST sicks because we can't ******* spell!!
PJ seems to believe that he can have a successful offense with recruits that would not fit into a more typical pro style offense and thus would not be recruited by those type of teams. As a by product they would normally have a reduced recruiting ranking as the rankings are skewed to the UGAs of the world over us. That is just the definition of what folks mean by "arrogance".

Again. This would make sense if he was purposefully NOT offering scholarships to the players that other schools with "pro style offenses" (this is a fallacy in itself but a totally different discussion altogether) are offering. However, take a look at the offers we've had out instead of looking at the players that actually accepted.

The issue is how to get the highly recruited kids to accept our scholarship offer, not that we aren't offering them scholarships because CPJ thinks his offensive system can do without the top offensive players.
Per football outsiders, we had the #2 offense in the country in 2009. So while the scheme can be "successful" for 6 ypp and getting big plays against lesser defenses, it can be VERY successful when you have a roster like this:

QB - Nesbitt
BB - Dwyer
AB - Jones and Allan
WR - Thomas and Hill

So there's definitely room for improvement in recruiting, which may be CPJ and may be the hill. Thankfully we do have Vad Lee, but there's no O in the near future full of 4* players like the one above.
wait, is the complaint that CPJ is not recruiting guys that fit offenses other than our own?
Yeah it does. It means that you can't enjoy GT winning. I don't care what you think of our coach, but if you can't enjoy GT winning, gtho. Most of us are pissed about today, and you come on here to gloat?! "Fans" like you are the worst possible kind of fans, imo. "Fans" like you should just move on and root for the dwags. Nobody's satisfied. Nobody's happy. But only a dwag or a dwag wannabe would come on a GT board and piss on GT today of all days.

Ok $hit for brains........what makes you think I don't enjoy winning? And I came here to gloat? You pal are as *ucking dumb as you are showing with your replies. Just remember it is YOUR opinion about worse kind of fans. Just so you know I was not pissing on the program. I was pissing on the coach because for 2 mil a year he isn't delivering. If you can't see that then that's your problem.

And to call me a dawg wannabe..... Let me repeat myself from a while can go *uck yourself.
MOF2 is no Dawg lover. He is upset that Tech lost today and mad that CPJ has lost 4 in a row. Beestorm has the good sense to give us 'till midnight tomorrow to vent. I'll gladly read any Tech fan's rants without being critical. It hurts to get embarrassed at Athens.
Is a ---- joke. We are completely out manned today which reflects on the poor ass recruiting job done by him and his staff. We might as well be in the FCS division; eventhough I'm not sure we could compete there.

Extremely disappointed today.

Appears to me that you are about as right on target as possible. It was evident that we were completely out manned.
I don't know if CPJ is recruiting as well as is possible considering that albatross "The Hill" that he has to work thru, or what, but whatever the case, he just ain't getting the job done.
Saying all that tho, he still is second only to GOL in winning % since 1975.
So........another year of eating dog crap.
I'd be glad to at least get back to the days of when I looked forward to getting to play UGA.
Why does it hurt?!? It has been the same result for a decade+. Should be immune to it now. That is why it is not the team #1 goal. Just pointless
Why does it hurt?!? It has been the same result for a decade+. Should be immune to it now. That is why it is not the team #1 goal. Just pointless

Another question for you. Is it actually possible to motivate a team to win? IMO, it seems that we've really lacked any sort of killer instinct since Nesbitt went down in '10. We've been in decline since that game, and I've seen no signs that it's turning around. Is that a function of coaching, or simply another result of the "character" players we are recruiting? I've always felt that the team mirrors PJ's demeanor, and that is very obviously a bad thing given the results.
Ok $hit for brains........what makes you think I don't enjoy winning? And I came here to gloat? You pal are as *ucking dumb as you are showing with your replies. Just remember it is YOUR opinion about worse kind of fans. Just so you know I was not pissing on the program. I was pissing on the coach because for 2 mil a year he isn't delivering. If you can't see that then that's your problem.

And to call me a dawg wannabe..... Let me repeat myself from a while can go *uck yourself.

You can curse all you want, that's what dwags do, but where were you rejoicing with our wins?!! Where was the post that said something like, "I may not think our OL coach is very good but our OL had a good game against Md which has played some decent D this year." Where was the post like, "I may not like CPJ, but he got our guys to shake off the bad start and beat the teams we were expected to beat in Md, UNC, and Duke." Maybe you could have posted something like, "Well, I still hope we go in a new direction as far as coaching is concerned, but I'm glad our bowl streak was kept alive and our kids get to play in the postseason." Hell, it's hate week, maybe you could've come on once during hate week, put aside your hate for GT's coach, and posted, "To Hell with Georgia!" You didn't do any of that. Why? Because you're a crap fan, imo.

Face it. You let your feelings about our coach keep you from celebrating our wins. Well, the truth may hurt, but you need to face the facts. You are who your posting history says you are. Cursing me isn't going to change that fact.
Another question for you. Is it actually possible to motivate a team to win? IMO, it seems that we've really lacked any sort of killer instinct since Nesbitt went down in '10. We've been in decline since that game, and I've seen no signs that it's turning around. Is that a function of coaching, or simply another result of the "character" players we are recruiting? I've always felt that the team mirrors PJ's demeanor, and that is very obviously a bad thing given the results.

If you any pride or ego, yeah you can motivate a team to win.

I think it is a combination of both. You cannot teach someone how to be physical. Either you have it or you don't. You can teach aggressiveness. Whether that is through demeanor, style of play, and everyday philosophy ( ie. body slam a GT player when you get them in you grasp).
If you any pride or ego, yeah you can motivate a team to win.

I think it is a combination of both. You cannot teach someone how to be physical. Either you have it or you don't. You can teach aggressiveness. Whether that is through demeanor, style of play, and everyday philosophy ( ie. body slam a GT player when you get them in you grasp).

Our defense has not played physical since 2009. The defense has declined every year since CPJ came on board. The players are not being coached up at all.

Our recruiters on staff are not good, yes, but how could you expect highly touted players to choose GT over any SEC team in Georgia, South Carolina, Florida or Alabama? In addition, why would an athlete with NFL hopes want to subject himself to the rigors of GT academics when he could glide through at any SEC school? Why would any 4 or 5 star come to the ACC to a team running an unique offense not geared for NFL play or a defense that has been steadily getting worse each year? Blame all you want on CPJ and company, but the problem with GT football goes way beyond coaching and's ACC and tough academics......
most of the tenuta (minus 51-7) tenure saw GT lose close games to UGA where we couldnt score and it was defensive struggle

its been awhile since we played defense against UGA
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