per AJC: significant announcement for GT football

Depends on whether we are forced to vacate or forfeit wins.

If we are forced to vacate wins, Clemson's record will be untouched. GT's record will have to show that we had one less win (if we're only talking about the ACC championship game).

If we are to forfeit, Clemson will get that win. We'll get a loss.
I think they just drop the loss and we drop the victory, isn't that correct? I don't think they alter the records beyond that.
I wonder if this guy knew what he was talking about after all:

No foundation for this except that someone in the AA office said that we would be under investigation for something a high official of the AA did. It is not CPJ but it is with regard to the football team. I have no details of what was done and cannot figure what would have been done by this person but...discussion came from several people at the game today.
So with this "repeat offender" business, does it not matter that our first violations were basically accidental (again, this is IIRC) and the self-reported?
I have it on good authority that we will NOT have to vacate any bowl wins.
Sucks to think that non-GT fans may perceive our football program to be dirty. Especially since they just got off probation. Can't be good for recruiting.
So with this "repeat offender" business, does it not matter that our first violations were basically accidental (again, this is IIRC) and the self-reported?

Violaitions are violations, whether there is intent or not. If you are constantly having unintended violations then I think that is when the words "lack of institutional control" come up.