per AJC: significant announcement for GT football

If we get hammered for a shirt and a watch I would expect there to be some pretty significant backlash.
Sucks to think that non-GT fans may perceive our football program to be dirty. Especially since they just got off probation. Can't be good for recruiting.

Has not seem to have any effect with USCw or Auburn. I mean sure tOSU lost a recruit to Michigan, like that never happens. Even UNC is staying in the front with some stellar recruits who are hesitant because they're uncertain of the outcome.

EDIT- FWIW, I'm not saying we compete at that level for recruiting, but we shouldn't chalk up poor recruiting to whatever the outcome of this may be... JMO.
Violaitions are violations, whether there is intent or not. If you are constantly having unintended violations then I think that is when the words "lack of institutional control" come up.

"constantly having unintended violations", as in twice in 10 years? This "lack of institutional control" is a catch-all to put blame on the innocent when you don't have any power to blame the guilty.
I ööööing figured it out!

The rings, after beating UGA, were given to the players by a UGA booster and we got rope a doped.
It's times like these, more than any loss, I question my emotional investment. I am physically sick right now.
It's times like these, more than any loss, I question my emotional investment. I am physically sick right now.

Same here. As a student who attended all but two games in 2009, this really hurts. Assuming this plays out as expected, I'm going to be a lot less excited for football season.
Well, the last probation was the biggest pile of bullshit I ever saw. Braine was an incompetent tool and didn't make sure the compliance guy handled the quarter to semester transition well. I still have no idea how the penalties were as severe as they were. At the same time, FSU got a bullshit penalty for sustematically cheating on tests. Vacated wins only for that öööö is complete bullshit.

Sounds like another pile of bullshit from the NCAA. A watch and a shirt? What the öööö? If that's considered a major violation in an already bullshit probation period, I will go ahead and jump off the Bank of America tower.
I think the reason we get big penalties for things is cause everyone likes to see the good guy go down. We've never had any recruiting violation. We've had, what, two or three players arrested in the past 15 years.
I'm done with the NCAA.

Question: Did this occur under the watch of CPJ or is the time frame still unknown?

Also, I suppose the NCAA is totally cool with players robbing stores and assaulting people because the schools with those problems get hit with petty, insignificant sanctions. NCAA has seriously ööööing issues with their justice/sentencing system.