per AJC: significant announcement for GT football


CBSSports CBS Sports by os_coleyharvey

RT @McMurphyCBS: Georgia Tech will vacate 2009 ACC title, source tells @CBSSports My story:
alright asshat, sorry I haven't spent the time figuring out where the ignore user function is on ST - most sites have them next to each post.

Oh, and go f yourself buddy.
Geez, sensitive much? I showed you how to do it. Don't let a smiley face get your panties in a wad.

Oh, and I'm not your buddy, guy.
I'm still wearing my shirt.

I hope the appeal makes the NCAA look like a bunch of ritards seeing as how Thomas and Burnett are denying vehemently.
NCAA: "Georgia Tech played inelligible players and will vacate ..."

GT: "Did not and won't"
Interesting that Thomas and Burnett are denying any of the claims yet they are possibly the reason the title and other games will be vacated? Going to be interesting to hear what all the NCAA has to say.