Post Game discussion thread

Should have done onside kick every time defense was that bad
Since we clearly don’t have a defense this year, maybe we should just do onside kicks all year and give our defense shorter fields to defend. We will do well with TOP and keep our offense on the field longer.
Unpopular opinion but I'm ok with declining the penalty. Giving them two tries to get 25 (would it have been 15 or half the distance?) vs one to get 10 seems about 50/50 the way the game was going. Maybe they drop the 3rd down play since that was about the only way we stopped them today.
Probably going to be an unpopular opinion here but Key may end up being Bill Curry 2.0. Great guy, great Tech man who has pulled us out of a disaster. Great upset wins but head scratching losses. Just like Curry, Key is still learning how to be a head coach who is defined by his assistants (Faulkner) Hopefully Key can bust through the ceiling but be a Bobby Ross but the jury is still out.
Unpopular opinion but I'm ok with declining the penalty. Giving them two tries to get 25 (would it have been 15 or half the distance?) vs one to get 10 seems about 50/50 the way the game was going. Maybe they drop the 3rd down play since that was about the only way we stopped them today.
Also forced them to kinda try to decide to play not to lose or go win the game.
Unpopular opinion but I'm ok with declining the penalty. Giving them two tries to get 25 (would it have been 15 or half the distance?) vs one to get 10 seems about 50/50 the way the game was going. Maybe they drop the 3rd down play since that was about the only way we stopped them today.
The bitching is way over the top about it. It was 3rd and 10. If you want to win the game, you have to stop them on 3rd and 10 without an extra 15 yard cushion.
It was about the same effort / game plan / strengths / weaknesses that we saw last week, except this was a road game and Syracuse had a better qb than gsu
Probably going to be an unpopular opinion here but Key may end up being Bill Curry 2.0. Great guy, great Tech man who has pulled us out of a disaster. Great upset wins but head scratching losses. Just like Curry, Key is still learning how to be a head coach who is defined by his assistants (Faulkner) Hopefully Key can bust through the ceiling but be a Bobby Ross but the jury is still out.
Why are we calling this Syracuse team a head scratching loss at this point? College football teams are largely good or bad based on QB play. They have a good one. They are 2-0 and beat a very legit Ohio team who likely had that game circled. A lot of buzz in the off-season about transfers into Syracuse.

We didn’t play our best game and lost by 3 on the road.
I obviously don't think that. But I do think this could be a BC game where McCord turns out to be another Matt Ryan and our defense is simply average instead of atrocious.

Key distinction is that Ryan was carving up a very talented Tenuta defense.

McCord is high-end college QB who will probably have some time in the NFL, but he didn't do anything you wouldn't expect a good QB to do when given a clean pocket virtually all game.
I can not figure out for the life of me, in all of football, why there is such a thing as a 2 minute offense.

Why in the hell would you wait till you are time crunched and behind to press the gas and make plays. Run the 2 minute offense starting at kickoff, then when you get up 4 scores you can switch to this other öööö we run for 50 minutes.

Never made sense in at any level in any league.

Because the 2 minute offense pretty much abandons the run and focuses on plays that lead the receiver out if bounds.

That's not something you want to do for an entire game.
Showed a lot of grit and never gave up. Cuse carved us up and stopped our run game they deserved to win. I don't see many ACC schools stopping Kyle McCord
I think a lot of teams will take note of the film on this game. You can't let McCord stand back in the pocket or else he'll pick you apart.
We were badly outplayed. It would have been a fluke if we had won, but I would have taken it. There are about 14-15 teams in the ACC that are roughly equal and we are one of them. At least now, we will not have folks worrying themselves about the 12 team playoff. If we win 6 games against this schedule, I will be very happy.
D was really frustrating to watch. They made some good throws but I’m not sure our safeties made a play on the ball all day.
The bitching is way over the top about it. It was 3rd and 10. If you want to win the game, you have to stop them on 3rd and 10 without an extra 15 yard cushion.
It certainly isn't the no-brainer most are saying it is. I did say we shoulda have accepted in the game thread before the conversion, but I could see it either way on that one.