Reports Tuitt back to ND

If the circumstances were the same and just reversed, I'd still say he was on a bitch leach. I just wouldn't say it out loud :hsugh:
This!! Parents should have some influence but ultimately you should do what you feel is best. If ND is what he wants then fine but it sounds more like what his mother wants then him.
Sounds like she is to blame based on stuff read here... She said he basically has to go to ND, she has to sign his LOI, and when this **** just happened, she said recruiting was completely over. Sounds like she has a bitch leach on this 6'5" 250+ lb monster.
That may very well be the case but it doesn't matter. The comment was something I would expect to see from a ugump fan.

That being said...I believe it was Bobby Bowden that said you recruit the mother first. Looks like we didn't finish the drill.
Sounds like she is to blame based on stuff read here... She said he basically has to go to ND, she has to sign his LOI, and when this **** just happened, she said recruiting was completely over. Sounds like she has a bitch leach on this 6'5" 250+ lb monster.

You guys need to calm this **** down. He's 17 and just had 4 coaches and his mother putting the screws on him.
We still have a shot.
Tuitt is more conflicted than Logan Booker.
Not trying to be disagreeable, but ND is a good school and there is nothing wrong with trusting your mother's perception on issues.

That being said, GT is a great school and his mom should weigh her comments carefully and have her son's interests and desires at heart when helping him make the decision.

I wonder what RM has to say about this. I haven't read all the posts - maybe he's already posted...
That may very well be the case but it doesn't matter. The comment was something I would expect to see from a ugump fan.

That being said...I believe it was Bobby Bowden that said you recruit the mother first. Looks like we didn't finish the drill.

Bowden got that from the Bear.

I know this is absurd, but I feel violated, I feel dirty, I feel like I just slept with a woman only to find out later she was a he, I think I'm going to be sick.
This!! Parents should have some influence but ultimately you should do what you feel is best. If ND is what he wants then fine but it sounds more like what his mother wants then him.

If so, why?

Is she getting her Poppa Newton scam on? What does she have to gain? and if it's what I think then she is a biotch.

Poor kid. ND fans shrugged him off and now we're attacking him and his mom. The kid can't really be feeling too welcomed anywhere right now.

If he sticks with GT - I hope he never hears of this thread...
Kelly (Rivals guy) said that Tuitt's MOTHER called CPJ and decommitted for Stephon; he never spoke with CPJ.

This isn't over. We've got the last in-home visit. This is one of those whoever has the ball last scenarios, and the ball is an in-home visit.
Kelly (Rivals guy) said that Tuitt's MOTHER called CPJ and decommitted for Stephon; he never spoke with CPJ.

This isn't over. We've got the last in-home visit. This is one of those whoever has the ball last scenarios, and the ball is an in-home visit.
Calm down bastards. You may be bashing our future DE.
This is going to come down to signing day.
Kelly (Rivals guy) said that Tuitt's MOTHER called CPJ and decommitted for Stephon; he never spoke with CPJ.

This isn't over. We've got the last in-home visit. This is one of those whoever has the ball last scenarios, and the ball is an in-home visit.

Holy balls. CPJ must be pissed (as ****).
If this is his mom taking over the show, then we might not have heard the end of it.
You guys need to calm this **** down. He's 17 and just had 4 coaches and his mother putting the screws on him.
We still have a shot.
What he said!

Not a damn one us has the slightest idea of the details of all this, but yet you feel compelled to bash the kid and his family. Hell no I am not happy about it. If the kid's heart is set on us then I hope he has the gumption to sit down with his family and convince them that we are whats best for him. My guess is that she may be very religious and wants her son to be in a place where religion is taken more seriously...whether it is true or not it may be what she believes.

So take an FN Midol, put on some fat pants, open up a pint of Ben and Jerry's, turn on Oprah, and relax.
Kelly (Rivals guy) said that Tuitt's MOTHER called CPJ and decommitted for Stephon; he never spoke with CPJ.

This isn't over. We've got the last in-home visit. This is one of those whoever has the ball last scenarios, and the ball is an in-home visit.

But will his mom let CPJ in her house?
Of all the things that might prevent us from getting a 5-star recruit, I didn't imagine that a woman who likely doesn't know a thing about football to be one of them.
After a few minutes, suddenly this image came to mind regarding CPJ talking to Tuitt's mother.

Kelly (Rivals guy) said that Tuitt's MOTHER called CPJ and decommitted for Stephon; he never spoke with CPJ.

This isn't over. We've got the last in-home visit. This is one of those whoever has the ball last scenarios, and the ball is an in-home visit.

I don't know. I guess someone will be doing a cost-benefit analysis of the situation.

Do we want a kid that can't commit? If it isn't his choice - can we really convince his mom with an in-home? If she readily calls up CPJ and decommitted her son then either he had her do it or she has no respect for CPJ and could care less about hearing more from GT coaches.

Do we waste the in-home on this situation?

Side note. Can't thank Vad enough for sticking w Tech through and through.
It's over. His Mom has to sign the LOI. GT won't have an in home with him. Just move on.