Reports Tuitt back to ND

GT coaches going to talk to Cooper tomorrow.. I wonder who is making the trip up?
They are divorced and his Mom controls things. His Mom will make him sign with ND come Feb 2.
truthfully, she really can't force ****. He needs her signature if he wants to send a LOI on Feb 2, but he could send it in a few months later when he's 18. Players wait till after signing day all the time. It's pretty common.
No. If I was a UGA fan, I'd be laughing my ass off right now.

I don't wish good things upon people who rule over their children like a tyrant.
You have no FN clue about the situation in his family, and for you to speak as if you do know what she is like makes you look like an imbecile.
truthfully, she really can't force ****. He needs her signature if he wants to send a LOI on Feb 2, but he could send it in a few months later when he's 18. Players wait till after signing day all the time. It's pretty common.

Well actually she can. She just did today didn't she? Dont you think she would know that something is up if he doesn't sign with Nd Feb 2nd? And that's not something that is very common. Only a handful of people Pryor and Clowney
You have no FN clue about the situation in his family, and for you to speak as if you do know what she is like makes you look like an imbecile.

It's been made clear by those with knowledge of the situation that the mom wanted him to go to ND, that she called PJ up to tell him that he won't be going to Tech, and that she said that her son's recruitment is over. Oh yeah, and her sig is needed for him to sign a LOI on signing day.

I've never put anyone on an ignore list...truthfully don't even know where it's located, but your holier-than-thou attitude is sorta pushing me in that direction.
Wow. Tuitt, if you come back to Tech, we'll just forget this ever happened. It's a rare thing to go where you love and do what you love for a living, it's even rarer to be as successful as you no doubt will be. Why waste that? Be strong, buddy, sometimes hard decisions have to be made for long term happiness. Once you've made them though, it only gets better from there.
It's been made clear by those with knowledge of the situation that the mom wanted him to go to ND, that she called PJ up to tell him that he won't be going to Tech, and that she said that her son's recruitment is over. Oh yeah, and her sig is needed for him to sign a LOI on signing day.

I've never put anyone on an ignore list...truthfully don't even know where it's located, but your holier-than-thou attitude is sorta pushing me in that direction.
Hello kettle
Think about this poor kid having to go to school tomorrow and face his classmates, his teachers, his coaches knowing his momma embarrassed him in front of the ENTIRE nation!!

I'm over it. Anyone else?

I'm feelin for the kid WAY more than I'm feelin for the team. He could be an absolute legend here, and have the time of his life playing for guys that will turn him into a football guided missile. He'll be one of a handfull of guys at ND and play for a coach that has no clue. I'm sure his talent and raw physical ability will make him stand out there too, but it has to suck not being able to follow your dreams "because I said so, and that's final".

This recruiting class is still going to be good, and Tech is still going to make waves in '11/'12. It's just a shame and a waste. I feel bad for the guy.
Well actually she can. She just did today didn't she? Dont you think she would know that something is up if he doesn't sign with Nd Feb 2nd?
What does any of that matter? A verbal commitment means nothing, as these last 2 days should be evidence. She cannot legally force him to go to Notre Dame.
What does any of that matter? A verbal commitment means nothing, as these last 2 days should be evidence. She cannot legally force him to go to Notre Dame.

On February 2nd he will sign with ND.
Eric, does his mom have something against Tech or does she just love ND that much? I would think being close to home would be meaningful to her.