Reports Tuitt back to ND

I don't think we understand the complete situation. Only small details.

It maybe true that the mother is a control freak who is forcing her kid to ND for religious, money and/or exposure reasons. If so, I think she committed him to ND early and after his recent visit to Tech he informed his H.S. coach of the situation and the H.S. coach went to the media about leaving ND and committing to Tech to try and help the kid with what he truly wanted to do.

However, maybe the kid just hates to disappoint and has dug himself such a hole that he feels compelled to use his mother as a way out. Maybe she is taking on the role of the bad guy and taking the brunt of this so that her son can do what he really wants to do and play for ND.

In the end I'm sure CPJ and the staff were somewhat aware of the situation and all though they had his verbal they were likely not putting all their eggs in the Tuitt basket.
Those ND jokers absolutely bitched him out on facebook and now are crawling back saying welcome back. I hate ND with a passion. Why anyone who is not catholic would go there is damn ridiculous. The players are required to go to mass, makes total sense.

you got screenshots?
ND probably sweetened the deal... Newton-style. :hahano:

+ 1000. I bet they only pay momma if Tuitt signs with ND.

And I bet Tuitt "doesn't know" so he is in the clear even if/when the NCAA finds out. As long as they can't trace the money.
Can you be excommunicated if your son turns down an offer from ND? :ohnoes:
It sure is tough being a Tech fan!!

I feel bad for the kid. No one here knows what is happening in that household, so it's unfair to speculate. However, if the reports that she is "making" him go to ND are true then that's plain bad parenting and wrong. If that's how Tech people have spun the truth to make the truth less painful then I apologize to the Tuitt family on behalf of GT. Either way, it sounds like we lost this BIG FISH and it's probably in Stephon's benefit if we just move along. It was like a 24hr C-tease.
I bet his mom just has a naive, media-popularized, antiquated view of Notre Dame as an elite football program and school. She thinks they're something special, but seeing through the Catholic front they're really just an ordinary Big 10 school that won't admit it. Not a bad school like UGA, but Tech is more special academically and our football coaches are classier. I mean, Johnson and Groh vs. Kelly--you really think
Kelly cares more about your kid?

:laugher: Yes? It's at least close. Even us Tech fans know CPJ is one mean son of bitch who has run people off the team before. Not to say that Chip Kelly is some saint or something, but I don't know why you think it's clear cut that he is worse than CPJ in that regard.

Tuitt’s mother, Tamara Bartlett, was clearly a catalyst in the decision.

“I never changed my mind in the first place,” she said of her son de-committing to Notre Dame. “Stephon did. The reason he was wavering back and forth all boils down to him not wanting to hurt anybody’s feelings. He had developed relationships with all these coaches and didn’t want to disappoint them. But somebody’s going to have to be disappointed and today it’s Georgia Tech. Tomorrow it’s going to be Georgia Tech and the next day it’s going to Georgia Tech because recruiting stops now.”

Ok I'm sorry this is personal for her, obviously the father wants Tech and since they are divorced this is a power play on her part. It is just a competition for her to manipulate control over her son, as the product of divorce myself with an overbearing mother, I know it when I see it. She is projecting her feelings for her ex husband on to GT. For his own sake he has to break away from this woman and take a stand at some point.

Best of luck to him in the future, he is going to need it.
Ok I'm sorry this is personal for her, obviously the father wants Tech and since they are divorced this is a power play on her part. It is just a competition for her to manipulate control over her son, as the product of divorce myself with an overbearing mother, I know it when I see it. She is projecting her feelings for her ex husband on to GT. For his own sake he has to break away from this woman and take a stand at some point.

Best of luck to him in the future, he is going to need it.

Lets all read our own dark pasts into this, it's definitely the right way to figure out what's going on.
Lets all read our own dark pasts into this, it's definitely the right way to figure out what's going on.

It is not a dark past lol. I'm not haunted by it you just have to stand up for yourself and tell her to back off. A mom in this sistuation is like a bully, it's a life test. She called ND down here against his wishes, she called CPJ and refused to let him call, by any reasonable measure it is clearly personal for her.
Tuitt’s mother, Tamara Bartlett, was clearly a catalyst in the decision.

“I never changed my mind in the first place,” she said of her son de-committing to Notre Dame. “Stephon did. The reason he was wavering back and forth all boils down to him not wanting to hurt anybody’s feelings. He had developed relationships with all these coaches and didn’t want to disappoint them. But somebody’s going to have to be disappointed and today it’s Georgia Tech. Tomorrow it’s going to be Georgia Tech and the next day it’s going to Georgia Tech because recruiting stops now.”

Store this, I can't imagine this working out well for the kid in the end with a control freak like that.