Reports Tuitt back to ND

He's done with GA Tech. CPJ doesn't abide payers who commit and then switch. Also, she's his mom. She has a say in the decision, but a wise parent will advise a child and let him-her make the decision. After all, it is the child that must live with it for the rest of his life. This mom is overboard, and Tuitt will now get to live this down among the players as well. If his heart's not in it, we'll see how it works out. It looks as if he's going to have MAJOR competition up there, and he's going to really have to bust his butt and persevere to play. It's really too bad.

Indeed. She certainly has a say in the decision but it's still supposed to be his decision. He's the one who's gonna have to put in all that work.

Now she's made it clear that he's there because she said so. I'm sure no one will give him a hard time about that.
It's hard to believe that this kid maybe 3 years removed from making millions and millions but he still cant make decisions for himself.
Okay, then what's the deal with this:

Wouldn't this guy be tweeting Tuitt's return???

Well, he DID decommit. He then committed again, but it didn't reverse time and undo the previous action. That is plausibly what he means. If his decommit/recommit turns out to be fictional I'll be amazed once more at the power of the rumor mill.
Just read the Towers article. Damnit! Wonder what Momma Tuitt will be driving next week ...
Go to a Catholic website and ask that question. You'll be very surprised at the answer.

The answer would be, "No, you won't be excommunicated." If you want, I can ask the question on a Catholic forum that I know of, and I can post the response on the Off Topic forum.
The answer would be, "No, you won't be excommunicated." If you want, I can ask the question on a Catholic forum that I know of, and I can post the response on the Off Topic forum.

Please do...because I find that extremely difficult to believe.

The answer would be, "No, you won't be excommunicated." If you want, I can ask the question on a Catholic forum that I know of, and I can post the response on the Off Topic forum.

No, the answer you would get is that Notre Dame hasn't been a Catholic university for at least 10 years as some of the policies at that school fly in the face of the CCC. Then there would be 5 pages of people attacking ND's policies.

As far as offenses where you can be excommunicated (excluding the offenses that can only be committed by a Catholic cleric):

Can. 1364 Someone is openly declares to be an apostate or heretic
Can. 1367 Desecration of the Holy Eucharist
Can. 1370 Use of physical force against the pope
Can. 1374 Anyone who becomes a Freemason
Can. 1398 Obtaining or assisting to obtain a completed abortion
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No, the answer you would get is that Notre Dame hasn't been a Catholic university for at least 10 years as some of the policies at that school fly in the face of the CCC. Then there would be 5 pages of people attacking ND's policies.

That too.:laugher:
Tuitt’s mother, Tamara Bartlett, was clearly a catalyst in the decision.

“I never changed my mind in the first place,” she said of her son de-committing to Notre Dame. “Stephon did. The reason he was wavering back and forth all boils down to him not wanting to hurt anybody’s feelings. He had developed relationships with all these coaches and didn’t want to disappoint them. But somebody’s going to have to be disappointed and today it’s Georgia Tech. Tomorrow it’s going to be Georgia Tech and the next day it’s going to Georgia Tech because recruiting stops now.”

This is just code for "ND came up with 180k and I'd have to give it back if he didn't go".
Frankly, if the kid doesn't have the fortitude to stand up for himself against his own damn mom, I seriously don't see him living up to the 5-star potential, especially in CPJ's program where you're pushed to the limit, expected to know the difference between being hurt and being injured, and playing at the top level of college ball where you can't rely on size and raw talent alone.

Call it sour grapes, but it's not. We've missed on 5-star recruits for the entire history of our program, so I'm not too bothered by this.
I thought I'd be over it this morning but I just feel bad for the kid.

And I want to play slapahoe.
Frankly, if the kid doesn't have the fortitude to stand up for himself against his own damn mom, I seriously don't see him living up to the 5-star potential, especially in CPJ's program where you're pushed to the limit, expected to know the difference between being hurt and being injured, and playing at the top level of college ball where you can't rely on size and raw talent alone.

Call it sour grapes, but it's not. We've missed on 5-star recruits for the entire history of our program, so I'm not too bothered by this.

And, frankly, I'm pretty damn happy with this recruiting class. Our classes always get re-evaluated higher than when they initially signed with Tech. I have a feeling that this class will be no different, with or without Tuitt.
Quote from Tuitt's mom via Chip's article:

“Stephon does like Tech, but I’m looking at this long term,” she said. “Notre Dame is a known entity that’s going to influence his entire life. That’s a big difference. It’s apples to oranges.”

Quote from Tuitt's mom via Chip's article:

“Stephon does like Tech, but I’m looking at this long term,” she said. “Notre Dame is a known entity that’s going to influence his entire life. That’s a big difference. It’s apples to oranges.”


She's grossly misinformed. :facepalm:
Quote from Tuitt's mom via Chip's article:

“Stephon does like Tech, but I’m looking at this long term,” she said. “Notre Dame is a known entity that’s going to influence his entire life. That’s a big difference. It’s apples to oranges.”


Our coaches did a ****ty job selling GT to the mother.
Asinine statement. Georgia Tech has influenced a few lives. Hell, UGA has, even a handful for the better.

But, I maintain we blew this as a staff. If the young man was ready to flip, his father favored it but his mother was against it, we had two choices.
1. Lay low. Work on Mom. Introduce her to former Tech football players who are doing amazing things and are very successful, both black and white players. Let her talk to some who have gone on to NFL. Sell her on the value of Georgia Tech.
2. Pressure him to go ahead and commit without Mama's blessing. See if we can bluff Mom. (Always a bad strategy)

We chose #2. Not the best strategy. I said when he announced for us that with the negative energy of last season and the early off season his commitment was a nice shot in the arm. Now, it is another bit of bad news for Georgia Tech. I think we played it poorly.
Here's my question:

What are Stephon's academic goals? If he's interested in a Liberal Arts degree, then he made the right choice. If he's interested in science and engineering, he made a terrible choice.