Something Coach Johnson said this week

I recall a recruit taking an official to UGA for the UGA Ok State (?) game, and his mom wearing Ok State garb. They ran her out of the stadium, and we all talked about how classless UGA was for it.

Dunno if there's any parallels here or not, but it's food for thought.
Who the hell cares what a 17-year-old kid wears on his head to a practice! Half of them wear South Carolina game cocks hats because they say COCKS really big. Others wear naval academy hats because they say Seamen on them. It has no real reference or meant disrespect, it's to be "cool". I coach highschool kids and 90% of what they do or wear or say is to look cool or fit in. The kid probably doesn't even realize the UGA v GT rivalry, especially if he was a UGA fan because we're not even a rival to them anymore anyway.
Who the hell cares what a 17-year-old kid wears on his head to a practice! Half of them wear South Carolina game cocks hats because they say COCKS really big. Others wear naval academy hats because they say Seamen on them. It has no real reference or meant disrespect, it's to be "cool". I coach highschool kids and 90% of what they do or wear or say is to look cool or fit in. The kid probably doesn't even realize the UGA v GT rivalry, especially if he was a UGA fan because we're not even a rival to them anymore anyway.[/quote]

Talk to the true nad licker fans, we are a rival of theirs. Yes lopsided the past few years but the thought of losing to us turns their stomach.

Cool or not, you shouldn't wear the hat.
1. The kid should not have worn the hat.
2. The coach should have said something to the kid in question.
3. Coach Johnson did the exact right thing. UGA has gotten kneecap deep in Georgia Tech ass the last 7 years. If the players are pissed off, GOOD. They should be pissed off, mad, upset, disrespected, etc. Now they need to do something about it. PERIOD.

Respect isn't given, respect is earned.
PJ is known to have strong talent as a motivator.

A good motivator takes whatever shows up and somehow uses it to motivate his guys. Kids wearing the UGA caps was a perfect set up. The message:

"If you don't like it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT".

FWIW, I don't care what caps the kids wear. It's a free country and they can wear whatever they want.
If Marc Richt invited my son to observe a personal training session at UGa I would advise my son to be respectful enough to leave his Tech hat in the car.

I would beat my son if he ever took off his Tech cap. Though, I'd hope he would have the good sense not to go to Athens in the first place.

I think Johnson handled this perfectly. I really hope his offense is as awesome as he says, because he's got the attitude that Tech needs.
I would have politely walked over to the young man and stated, "Young man, do you need $20 for anything?" As most teenagers he would have probably taken the money. I would have said, "Tell ya what, I'll give you $20 bucks for that hat on your head." He would have taken the money and said thank you. I will not only replace the hat but have a couple of bucks left over maybe.

After acquiring the hat I would have taken the hat and threw it on the floor, stomped on it a few times, and THEN I would have stood over the top of the hat, pulled out the ole wazoo and PISSED all over the DAMN hat!!!

But in hind sight I am not CPJ and he did the correct thing. But I sure do like his way of thinking these days!!
I would beat my son if he ever took off his Tech cap. Though, I'd hope he would have the good sense not to go to Athens in the first place.

I think Johnson handled this perfectly. I really hope his offense is as awesome as he says, because he's got the attitude that Tech needs.

Same here. My son is 10 and he will tell you in a heartbeat that his worst day as a Yellowjacket is better that UGA's best day. If a coach were to tell him not to wear GT to athens, I bet you my last dollar he would at least wear white and gold, that is if he even went.
All of my friends are die-hard uga boys and they will be the first to tell you that beating UF means a hell of a lot more to them than beating Tech.

Yes, BUT losing to us means a heluva lot more than losing (or winning) against Florida. As someone (I think it was on here) said,

"The thing that ugag wants the most is a win over UF, while the thing they hate the most is a loss to Tech."
All of my friends are die-hard uga boys and they will be the first to tell you that beating UF means a hell of a lot more to them than beating Tech.

No crap, son. For the mutts to consistently beat UF would mean that their program has stepped up, thats a good thing for them. For us to consistently beat the mutts would mean that our program has stepped up.

Just like we take for granted that we're going to take it to UNC most years, the hydrant humpers see us the same way. What I hope Coach Johnson and his teams can pull off is getting us to peer level with the mutts (or better if they digress, but as of now the bastards are teir 1) and making the rivalry mean something besides all of us catching hell from our in laws until New Years.
I would have politely walked over to the young man and stated, "Young man, do you need $20 for anything?" (etc)

Good story.

At our company christmas party this past year, we do the whole gag gift thing, where everybody buys something to throw in the pile, and you can either steal someone else's gift or take one at random. Well the only UGA guy in our office (we have lots of Tech guys) bought some UGA paraphernalia as his gift - some beer coozies and whatnot, and I stole them when my turn came up so I could "take them out of circulation."
How bout we stop debating whether or not we are UGAy's rival and start acting like we are?
Not totally related, but you might enjoy this.

I'm a campus tour guide for the admissions office. I'm leading a big group of highschoolers, about 1/4 of whom are wearing UGA crap. However, two kids in Tech gear stand out.

I show them the fake dorm, and tell them we'll stop by inside the stadium and then head back to the buses. Someone makes a comment about seeing where UGA always beats us. Without missing a beat, one of the kids in a Tech hat raises his hand and asks, "What's the good word?"

Of course I respond, "To Hell With Georgia!" making sure everyone can hear me. All the kids in the UGA gear (and one of the chaperones) look at me like I've lost my mind.

Not sure if that would be looked on well by the admissions office, but it sure as hell made my day.
All of my friends are die-hard uga boys and they will be the first to tell you that beating UF means a hell of a lot more to them than beating Tech.

Of course it does. Just like winning the ACC means more to me than beating them. Winning your conference (which they can do if they beat UF)>a rivalry game that is becoming worth less and less.
Not totally related, but you might enjoy this.

I'm a campus tour guide for the admissions office. I'm leading a big group of highschoolers, about 1/4 of whom are wearing UGA crap. However, two kids in Tech gear stand out.

I show them the fake dorm, and tell them we'll stop by inside the stadium and then head back to the buses. Someone makes a comment about seeing where UGA always beats us. Without missing a beat, one of the kids in a Tech hat raises his hand and asks, "What's the good word?"

Of course I respond, "To Hell With Georgia!" making sure everyone can hear me. All the kids in the UGA gear (and one of the chaperones) look at me like I've lost my mind.

Not sure if that would be looked on well by the admissions office, but it sure as hell made my day.
See, this is the main reason why I never signed up for doing tours when I was there. Personally, I would have given the UGA kids some coloring/activity books and crayons and told them to stay on the bus and learn something.
PJ handled it the right way. You don't let a high schoolers choice of head wear bother you. the fact that it bothered our players tells us what we already knew... they are soft like Chan.
PJ handled it the right way. You don't let a high schoolers choice of head wear bother you. the fact that it bothered our players tells us what we already knew... they are soft like Chan.
I don't think it means our players are soft. I'd get pissed off at some little brats showing up wearing that red and black garbage as well. I do think that PJ handled it perfectly though.