Re: Strength & Conditioning - It\'s a Bad Sign For The Gailey Era IF....
MsTA, you still won't produce facts and all you do is throw innuendos around with nothing to back them up.
Your statement "The FACTS are I did hear that from within" is not a fact. It is a rumor, it is heresay. Get the quote and the person that quoted it. Let them put it in writing and verify to its correctness and we can use it. Anything other than John Doe said is rumor and is not fact.
You also said "I said the communications from fans not liking what they saw and were negative and concerned was 50%". Again that is rumor. Provide the verified proof, figures and where they came from. It has to be verified. Any thing John Does says is rumor and is not fact.
You also said "Every time you talk about Chan - YOU USE THE WORD FIRE! Is it something you want????????". Now you are completely rediculous. I have made it clear I don't want him fired without having a chance. Again you can't provide any kind of statistics or facts, so you just throw garbage around.
You also said "My negativity is all about what I saw and the direction this program has taken - that's the 50% camp". Again provide the facts, figures, and verified proof of a 50% camp. Another false lie until you can prove it.
When you come up with the sources and verified facts, it can be believed, but until then they are made up lies.
You also stated "You also TRY to convey that the fans who are not happy are less then those who are - WRONG!!!". I have never said that. Find the post and prove it. I have only rebutted the untrue statements you and a few others have made. Again, some of your lies and misstatements.
You also said "Your AD does not go in front of the public and say he's been hurt, send out letters, try to gain respect back over a small group of fans critizing the football product"!
He is not my AD, where did you get that? He is your AD, my AD, and any person's AD that is a fan of GT. He happens to be the Tech AD and does not report to me. Go find a post where I have pushed anyone for getting rid of Braine or retaining him. You cannot find one. Another smoke screen by you.
And, you are wrong again, many leaders would distribute PR remarks, even if dissenters were less than 10%. I am sure most companies would produce some PR if they had as much as 10% of their customers complain about a product.
You also said "We went to a bowl - the very last game of the season. A game where in most instance you'd believe the team to be better then during the year. It was like distruction had already occured against UGAG and Fresno State was the 'after game torture'!"
Yes, in 2001 Tech went to a bowl in the last game of the season. If your statement is true, then Tech should have been better than during the year. The year was 9-2, the bowl was a disaster, because Friegden was gone, and GOL coached it. He then followed that up with a 7-5 year with a predicted top ten team. Yes it was disastrous and torture.
You have never given Chan the doubt as you claim. You have stated on this board, you did not want him from the beginning. That is not giving him the benefit of the doubt.
You also said "The only barometer that bowl gave us was - is this how far we've come with this coach to look this bad!"
No, there were other aspects of the barometer. It indicated Tech had to get rid of O'Brien, it indicated some of the players laid down in the game, and it indicated Tech had to have a new offensive coordinator, and it indicated Tech had to have a new quarterback coach.
So, you are still blowing all kinds of smoke without any proof. your statements mean zilch unless you can back them up with facts.
You said "BOR.. I laid out a very simple concent for Ahso". Could you please tell me what a concent consists of?
You also said "Ahso says 2 years total". I said no such thing. I said I will tell you at the end of this year or maybe before then what I think about Gailey's chances at success or failure. I did not say he should go at the end of this year.
Until the season is played or a huge trend is set, it will be difficult to determine further trends in his abilities to get the job done at Tech.
As I said, your reading comprehension is atrocious.
Sheesh! Golly Gee! Holy Cow!