"Tech Talking Title"

Re: Well, one statement right there.......

GT_D, I don't know why I bother with you. You know nothing and prove it every time you post.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Maybe you should look at yourself and see who's on here looking for answers and who isn't.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Wow. I turned into an OF just by reading this thread.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

I'm not looking for answers, I said no one could answer that. Besides you already know everything so you don't need to answer nor can you even ask a question. Oh you were refering to have him tell us what was done at the hill, that wasn't a question just asking him to clarify.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

hope you didn't read it all some, of it will drive a person loco. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
Fogy, forget about GT_Dean.

He's never delivered an intelligent football post. None of the FOC'ers wanted to answer the tough questions in my last post. They'll just ignore the problems and live in a dream world of glowing practice reports.
Re: Fogy, forget about GT_Dean.

What "tough questions" are you referring to? This post?


If you think the program is heading in the right direction, the only person you are fooling is yourself. No recruiting publication has ranked any of Gailey's classes highly. Do they all have it in for Gailey? Yes, Gailey has recruited some fine players like Johnson, Richard, Scott, and others but not nearly enough. I'm not trashing players. If Gailey were to recruit a 6'1 200 pound offensive tackle and I said he was too small, is that trashing a player? Even though we need Wrotto on the d-line with Richard's injury, we have to keep him on offense. What happened to all the quick athletic lineman Gailey recruited to replace O'Leary's slow fat ones? There is some optimism in 2005 because of 9 returning starters off a top 12 defense but Gailey's offense will have to produce to reach the next leve. Given the results of the past 2 years, that seems unlikely. The UVA game was a warning sign. I was at the game. The attendance was disappointing. UVA, led by Groh who has had highly touted recruited classes, won the game easily on our field for the first time since 1994.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, I'll assume so.
First recruiting. No magazine has ranked Gailey's classes very highly. True. That does NOT mean they aren't good classes, just that the average ranking of all the recruits weren't as high as other school's recruit IN THE OPINION OF THE RANKING SERVICE. This is nothing new. In the past 20-25 years, other than a couple of O'Leary's classes, we've never been ranked high. However, the real proof is in how they turn out. We'll see a lot this year. POINT--->condeming the efforts of the coaches based on recruiting services rankings is hardly reasonable.

"What happened to all the quick athletic linemen?"

You'll see them playing on Saturday this year. Wrotto was recruited as an o-lineman, he was pressed into service on the d-line due to a shortage of players, and moved back this spring since we have depth (for the first time ever!) on the d-line. However with the injury to DR, Mansfield may contribute more back on D. We'll see how it turns out.

"Gailey's offense will have to produce to reach the next leve. Given the results of the past 2 years, that seems unlikely."
Well, duh. No doodoo, sherlock. I'm sure you think improvement is unlikely, however, to win 8-9 games will take only SLIGHT improvement in the offense, which is very likely, given that PJ is healthy and adding Choice in the mix, not to mention finally a full stable of receivers. If we see more than slight improvement, which is certainly possible, look for 10 wins or more!

I guess your comment about the UVA loss was meant to reinforce your point about recruiting. Why didn't you point out that Maryland also has had good recruiting since the Fridge took over?

What dream world?
3518techie ..

who has said that the OL recruited by O'Leary is "fat and slow"?

is this another fabrication of your mind attributed to FOC'ers?

no Tech fan that I know has claimed O'Leary's OL to be fat and slow. please tell me who has made these remarks.

and you say you're not a BS artist. what is the comment that the trinity is turning Tech football into Vanderbilt football all about?

isn't that BS? it takes a creative and artistic imagination to reach that conclusion.
and one more thing techie

you're right that UVa beat us down at our place last year. First time since '94. yeah and the recruiting services LOVE their ranking. it was really weird to see them lose to Fresno State though. I mean they had all those recruits and a great coach. When Tech loses to Fresno State .. "well, that's cause Gailey is our coach and he can't recruit."

any thoughts on how we've been handling Maryland the last few years despite losing the "recruiting services ranking" battle against them?

despite your opinion of Maryland's recruiting, (which was your fall back to explain last year's Tech win over them after your's and oldfoggy's dire predictions), the recruiting services really have liked UMd's recruits way better than Tech's.

i won't even bring up NC State.
Re: and one more thing techie

Please see my previous post. Read it, learn it, live it.

It is not logical to say Chan can't recruit and can't coach, when his teams are outperforming recruiting rankings.

I have no problem with posters who claim Chan can't coach. I have no problem with posters who claim Chan can't recruit. But the ones who claim both? They are retarded.
Re: and one more thing techie

What to heck are you talking about YLO? I never made a prediction on Md, if I did it was as we Americans say just a tongue in cheek remark. I wasn't even in the USA for that game, Europe yes. I do remember picking Tech to be 6-5 guess I got that right. I would like to ask you how did your Sterling Sharp prediction come out for DBO? Now ans my pm!

GTC but who are wins against the elite of the ACC and the OOC teams? There are teams that CCG has never had a lead against in his 3 years here. I should write a song , I remember Duke, I remember Wake, I remember Fresno etc.
Re: and one more thing techie

I never made a prediction on Md

[/ QUOTE ] Allow me to help out, J-lo.

OF, of course you haven't made a prediction on Maryland. Maryland and NC State are examples of CCG successes - teams that have beat us in the mythical recruiting championships but fall short when toe meets leather. Your people (that's right, I said it) dwell on the failures but will not acknowledge the successes. CCG hasn't been perfect by any stretch of the imagination but now that his learning curve is over, we're heading in the right direction. And the Chanwagon is building momentum, so get on while you have a chance. If you wait too long, your old legs won't allow you to catch up. (it's a joke, at least I didn't call anyone a "blue hair" ;) )

I'll touch on something else while I'm "ON": The "he's the best option" argument is very true in that any replacement option will have go through the same learning curve. It it not in GTs best interest to change coaches every 3-4 years when the learning curve (primarily around recruiting and bringing in the right kind of student athlete) is 2-3 years. Football factories don't have this problem therefore you will see some short term success stories like Stoops and Richt.

Oh yeah...
GTC but who are wins against the elite of the ACC and the OOC teams?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, in GO'Ls days the elite of the ACC was FSU. What was our record against them? GO'L was a fine coach and did wonderful things for GT but noone ever judged him based on his record against FSU.
Re: here you go oldfoggy

Ok YLO, I stand corrected. But my prediction about the 6-5 record was on the money. Also lets hear once again your prediction that DBO would be the next S. Sharp, so what happened to that prediction? Lets give a cheer for YLO for the prediction of the season, DBO will be the next Sterling Sharp.
Re: here you go oldfoggy

Also lets hear once again your prediction that DBO would be the next S. Sharp, so what happened to that prediction? Lets give a cheer for YLO for the prediction of the season, DBO will be the next Sterling Sharp.

[/ QUOTE ]
DBo had more receptions last year than Sterling SharpE. Foiled again - whatcha got now, OF?
If ands and buts were candy and nuts...

Now your logic is Chan doesn't beat the 'elite'. Then you mention he has lost to Duke, Wake, and Fresno. So he can't beat the elite and he can't beat the non-elite in your mind. How can he be making bowls every year if he can't beat anybody?

The fact is he is beating the recruiting ranking predictions. Either he is recruiting better than they think, or he is coaching the players up. It isn't rocket science.

One more thing on elite... please list the teams that have beaten Auburn in the last two years. List the teams that beat ACC champ Maryland in 2003.
Re: here you go oldfoggy

I knew there was an EEEEEE, but I still like to spell SHARP without the E. My friend Jesus (pronounced Hey sus in spanish) is a close friend of his. Now lets see SS is at the end of his career, doesn't play all that much anymore, DBO is just coming into the prime of his career. I guess you have now become YLO's mouth piece. He can't answer for himself. Lets hear from YLO himself about his prediction.
hehe .. i love the DBo comparison

well firstly, it's not a prediction. it is a *comparison*.

secondly, i absolutely LOVE the DBo comparison with Sterling Sharpe. i *HOPE* for Tech and DBo's sake that it comes true.

but i cannot fathom why this particular "prediction" is being labeled as *mine*. i did not make this "prediction".

i think 3518techie started this whole thing, lol. damn you techie, for running around everywhere and telling everyone that this is my "prediction".

Buddy Geis actually made this comparison. here are some links to confirm this.


The part that most caught my attention was the comment by Buddy Geis that Bilbo was a lot like Shannon Sharpe, but "bigger, faster, and stronger."

[/ QUOTE ]

LINK: thread on stingtalk discussing above comparison .. dated 08/06/2004

please note my absence in the above thread.


this below is from an article on the AJC. i googled the info. AJC wants money to open the entire article but google provided all that i needed.

coach Buddy Geis has already favorably compared Bilbo's body size and shape to that
of one of his previous pupils in former NFL great Sterling Sharpe. ...

[/ QUOTE ]

LINK: AJC article found via google

so oldfoggy, let's give a cheer to Buddy Geis for making this *comparison* and let's hope it comes true.

and 3518techie, please stop claiming that this is my "prediction". thankyou.
Re: If ands and buts were candy and nuts...

A very tired post. He beats the teams with better recruits. Can't you at least be somewhat more innovative? Oh yes he's coaching players up, every time I see our QB I see how he's coaching players up. The players I see coached up are on the D. OK we had one big upset MD big DEAL, 1 true upset in 3 years. I'd like to see us upset the Mia's, the FSU's and last but not least I'd like to see us beat UGA once in a while without spiking the ball on 3rd and long or at least to lead them once.

Buddy Geis, now we can all blame it all on him. But may I assume you are the one to post it here? I hope that DBO makes it big, I hope that he ends up all pro or being what ever he wants to be and a success at what ever he chooses. DBO might have been what you and Gies said had he had proper coaching. I remember him coming out of Miss. and how highly regarded he was now I see a guy with potential and getting no where fast.
oldfoggy .. dude .. geis makes a comparison

geis makes a comparison and it's my fault?
i don't get it.

moreover, your assumption that i was the first to post it here is wrong as well. it was TechFowl who did it.

that's right TechFowl, please take ownership of this "prediction".

you go around asking people for logic and proof. i give it to you and yet you're not satiated.

don't kill the messenger.