"Tech Talking Title"

Those are excuses, not logic.

I expected as much.

Again your logic fails you.

You say in many of your posts 'the time for excuses is over' or WTTE yet now this post claims that Chan's classes haven't hurt us yet.

And you want to challenge me to a logic contest? The Seinfeld with George laying on the floor with his pants around his ankles and everybody staring at him comes to mind.
Re: Those are excuses, not logic.

The Seinfeld with George laying on the floor with his pants around his ankles and everybody staring at him comes to mind.

[/ QUOTE ]

....And you want to be my latex salesman....? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
Re: here\'s the thing with old foggy

YLO, true my degree's are in another field Chemistry, but I always thought that was a pretty good field and it is a science. YLO wana talk about games from the 40's, 60's, 70's etc. Oh YLO, glad you don't like me as I dislike you as well. But I will say one thing for you, you do seem to come up with some pretty laughable posts, like the one I'm answering now. Oh yes answer me this how much football (American) did you learn in India?
i\'m glad you got a laugh out of it OF

i didn't learn any american football in india.

now quickly, without looking it up ..

can you answer me who did Reggie Ball throw the game tying touchdown to in the Vandy game at Vandy a couple of years ago and what was special about that game?

can you tell me how Duke got on the scoreboard three years ago when they visited Tech? who was at QB when they scored?

don't look it up now.
Re: Attention foggy:

Guess I could call you a few names I won't you are not worth the effort.

[/ QUOTE ]

You already did.

Then you continue to insult me with the rest of this post. But, sure, you're completely innocent of anything like what you're accusing me of. Sure you are.
Re: Attention foggy:

When are you going to get the hint OF?

If you don't like my post then don't read em.

[/ QUOTE ]

NO ONE HERE WANT TO READ THEM! Take it to buzzoff so all of you can enjoy them!
what\'s the matter old foggy?

Now lets quit this silly argument I have forgotten more about Tech football than you ever knew. A quick ? don't look it up now. What game was played in BDS stadium against Army (mid 50's) and what made it different? Next, now don't look it up What was special about the game in the early 50's against SMU? Hint I wrote of it several times long years ago. Now if you can tell me of those games without looking it up or asking some else about I jusy might have a little respect for you.

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see folks, if you don't know the answer to the above two questions, you *cannot* be respected by oldfoggy because he has forgotten more football than you know.

but is it true that he only remembers games from the 50s? what about the games played 2-3 years ago? hello?

say it isn't so.
Re: i\'m glad you got a laugh out of it OF

YLO, you may have all day to sit and be on the net, I had to get to town to buy something at Lowes. Now for you and your ilk. Did our QB not run the ball in I remember the last drive, it was all busted plays, wrong plays called for the situtation with our QB running for most of the yardage. I do remember the TD that our QB ran in to end the game in OT. Maybe our QB did throw a pass, truely don't remember. At that point in the game I was as troubled by our O as was many Tech fans around me. So now are you happy? YLO and as I told you in a pm you are not worth my time, or effort to post to you so do you get it this time? No guess not.
how weak oldfoggy

you will ask people in their 20s about Tech games played in the 1950s as proof of their fandom to gain your respect.

yet you don't recall huge plays made in games a few years ago.

and *I* am a piece of work. isn't that sweet.

i'll answer these questions for you.

Reggie Ball threw a touchdown pass to JP Foschi for the tying score.

The special part of the game was the OT. it will go down as the shortest OT played in college football's current format. (if you recall, they didn't have OT in college ball in the 50s). Ball scored a TD in the 1st play of our drive. Butler intercepted the vandy quarterback in the 1st play of their drive.

as far as the Duke game goes. the score was 17-2. Duke scored on a safety. the QB on the field when Duke scored was Fred Smith. the safety occured because Smith was in shot gun formation and the snap sailed over his head and out of our end zone.

you may have really forgotten a lot of football oldfoggy. it's very apparent that there's a lot of truth in that statement at the very least.
Re: how weak oldfoggy

Who in hades was talking about Duke? I guess you. Maybe SMU is to much for you to understand 6-4 Tech now it look up and see why that was a different game.
Re: Attention foggy:

Oldfoggy, could you possibly list the Focers or some of them on this board, and then tell me exactly what makes them in particular a Focer.

I'm guessing that a Focer is someone who puts Gailey's best interests in front of Georgia Tech's best interest.

I don't know of any of these type of people, so maybe an example would help me.
Re: Attention foggy:

BOR, I don't think anyone here, the Hive or where ever are putting CCG above Tech! I just truely believe some like YLO, GTL etal are for the status quo, when I read "he's our very best option" that convinces me more than ever some are for the staus quo (maybe that puts CCG above Tech I sure hope not), I'm not! As I told GTL in a PM, I want at least to see an OC, better position coaches, better O line coach. I also told him I was not necessarily in favor of canning Chan but changes do need to be made. Go over to BO and read a thread called Just curious see what a guy (maybe gal) Rival Fan had to say. What he says I've seen posted here many time. The constant praise for a coach whose record is 21-17 is not something to write home about.

Do you recall that CCG when he 1st came here said he would never be the OC and HC again. See where that statement got us. He says Nix is the OC, I sit behind the Tech bench (or did) on the west side and I see him calling most if not almost all the plays. Seems to me he micro manages everything maybe not the D as the D coach probably won't let him.

But to answer your question again. I think no one would put CCG above Tech, but in their unbridaled(sp) support it could be construed that way.

Hey RF glad to see you on line.
I refuse to be a Stepford fan.

I won't sit by while the trinity of Braine, Clough, and Gailey turn Tech football into Vanderbilt. I've never stated that all the problems in football program are Gailey's. He was hung out to dry on flunkgate by Clough and Braine. However, he should have demanded more reasonable standards and been willing to go bat for recruits he feels like could succeed at Tech even if they don't meet the 950 rule. The Carlos Thomas case showed he won't go to bat for recruits. Flunkgate should have been a call to action for Gailey but instead it's become a convenient excuse. We'll be out of O'Leary recruits afer 2005 and Gailey's recruits will have to produce in something other than practice reports. I was Tech during one of the worst stretches in history (17-26-1). There was much more optimism back then thanks to Homer Rice and the great new facilites that were being built. Now, with the coach, AD and president, there's a sense of pessimism. You can see it in the decline in attendance (people who go to the games, not tickets sold) and the funeral-like quiet in the west stands.
Re: I refuse to be a Stepford fan.

You've got to be kidding man!! So, I guess he just walks up to Wayne and Dave and says "Hey BOSS, I don't like what's going on with Flunkgate and YOU BETTER let Carlos Thomas in with next year's class!!"
When are YOU going to get it through YOUR HEAD that GT is not a FOOTBALL FACTORY! The AA Department doesn't RUN THE SCHOOL!! HELLO McFLY??????????????
So, all of this is Gailey's fault because he didn't stand up for himself?
heheh .. 3518techie refuses to be a Stepford fan

The Carlos Thomas case showed he won't go to bat for recruits.

[/ QUOTE ]

your are horribly misinformed and ignorant when it comes to this issue. Gailey would have loved to have Carlos at Tech. the hill would not entertain Gailey's pitch. this was conveyed to the coaches just two days before Carlos' official visit date.

And you are not aware of the prospects that Gailey *and* the staff do go to bat for. They do their best to get athletes with borderline or even below the borderline grades but the attitude to stick with the program. They go before the Hill and get these kids in as long as they meet the Hill's minimum requirements. There are several players on the team who Gailey and staff have batted for and gotten exceptions.

And the coaches do have a tough row to hoe. The Hill will not consider 12th grade results at all. The Hill will also take into account all the grades for a particular course and not just the best grade. so if a recruit got a D in algebra and retook it to get a B, his effective grade is a C. The NCAA will accept the highest grade but Tech will not.

Another huge requirement is language courses. If a recruit doesn't have the minimum math and language courses, there's nothing Gailey or anybody can do to get them in at Tech.

Flunkgate should have been a call to action for Gailey but instead it's become a convenient excuse.

[/ QUOTE ]

Flunkgate was a definite call to action. Mistakes were realized and changes were made. Col. Stephens was brought in and he did a bang up job. We just hired somebody else after his retirement. She had the same role at USF and Gailey was excited about her coming on board.

The entire support to the Tech football team in terms of tutors and supervision was revamped. Gailey's attitude about supervision has also changed. Freshmen are now closely supervised. Yes this is something that Gailey has learnt on the job. yes, the learning curve hurt us here.

However, the bottomline after all this is that you cannot hold a student athlete's pinky for all his time at Tech. if the SA will not put in an effort in the classroom, no one can stop him from flunking out.

hell Reverend Richt cannot hold the pinkies of all his "student" athletes and keep them out of jail through the summer either.

There was much more optimism back then

[/ QUOTE ]
there's a lot of optimism right now. you are just unwilling to see and feel it. time will tell if that optimism is realized. you don't think it will happen whereas i do.

We'll be out of O'Leary recruits afer 2005 and Gailey's recruits will have to produce in something other than practice reports.

[/ QUOTE ]

yup. Then you guys can put your claim .. "oh Gailey is winning with O'Leary's recruits" to rest.

and finally ....

I won't sit by while the trinity of Braine, Clough, and Gailey turn Tech football into Vanderbilt.

[/ QUOTE ]

well firstly, the trinity is not turning Tech football into Vanderbilt. The last time I checked, Vanderbilt football did not have the opportunity to play in the post season for all the years that the trinity has been on Tech's helm.

Secondly, what exactly are you going to do if you're not going to sit by? what is your plan of action really?

create a message board and trash Tech personnel and debate with Tech fans on the internet? is that your plan.

do you make posts on the internet standing up? what do you mean when you say you won't sit by idly?

what are you doing constructive anyways? you use your dad's tickets. probably don't even have your own AT points.

i laugh at your "ohhh .. i'm not going to sit by idly" spiel.
Re: I refuse to be a Stepford fan.

Gailey's recruits will have to produce in something other than practice reports.

[/ QUOTE ]

Best player on the team, maybe on any team, is a Chan Gailey recruit.

and someone tell that Reis kid that 3518 expects HUSTLE from those lazy, no good, Chan Gailey recruits.
Re: I refuse to be a Stepford fan.

Gailey's recruits will have to produce in something other than practice reports.

[/ QUOTE ]

Best player on the team, maybe on any team, is a Chan Gailey recruit.

and someone tell that Reis kid that 3518 expects HUSTLE from those lazy, no good, Chan Gailey recruits.

[/ QUOTE ]
Damn SLACKERS(Henderson and Anaoi) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

Declining attendance???

How do you figure that? I have been to almost every home game since 2000 and more than a few before that going back to 1997.

Last season there was a *slight* decline (no Auburn or UGA on the schedule), but still ahead of the 2002 numbers.

I don't get it. And in my experience, other than a few big games, the lower west stands has ALWAYS been like a funeral...too many blue hairs.

I don't get this feeling of pessimism either. We have folks talking us up as ACC championship contenders and fans are pessimistic? Who are these people anyway?

We agree on one thing

Col Stevens did a bang up job. I'm not a BS Artist. I don't claim to hobnob with the big name alumni. I could have lied and said those were my season tickets not my Dad's but I don't operate thay way. Since I'm not a wealthy big name Alumni. I'll do the only thing I can do and that is speak up on this board and through other avenues and hope people will start to notice what is happening to the program. If enough people speak up, even the pompous Clough will have to listen. If you think the program is heading in the right direction, the only person you are fooling is yourself. No recruiting publication has ranked any of Gailey's classes highly. Do they all have it in for Gailey? Yes, Gailey has recruited some fine players like Johnson, Richard, Scott, and others but not nearly enough. I'm not trashing players. If Gailey were to recruit a 6'1 200 pound offensive tackle and I said he was too small, is that trashing a player? Even though we need Wrotto on the d-line with Richard's injury, we have to keep him on offense. What happened to all the quick athletic lineman Gailey recruited to replace O'Leary's slow fat ones? There is some optimism in 2005 because of 9 returning starters off a top 12 defense but Gailey's offense will have to produce to reach the next leve. Given the results of the past 2 years, that seems unlikely. The UVA game was a warning sign. I was at the game. The attendance was disappointing. UVA, led by Groh who has had highly touted recruited classes, won the game easily on our field for the first time since 1994.
What standards techie?

What I've seen lately suggests the biggest stumbling block for most kids is the requirement Tech has for 4 advanced math courses in HS. In a thread on one of the boards it sounds like Gailey has some leeway in who he can recruit but that the one thing that isn't negotiable is the math requirement. So how do we get around that? It's a simple fact that there is no other school that I'm aware of that has that requirement. BTW, if you suggest we allow athletes to be admitted with only 3 (which will be less than any other student admitted to Tech) also explain how they can stay eligible under the progress towards degree requirement with at least one year of remedial math.