"Tech Talking Title"

One thing is certain.....

The next two years will determine whether CCG is the right
coach for us. He's had to overcome a lot of hurdles up til
now & still kept us competitive. Even with one of the
toughest schedules in GT history I expect us to have a break
out year.

The inroads that CCG has been making with the HS coaches
will start paying off this year with a good season on the
field.We easily could have won 2 more games last year &
we wouldn't even be having this conversation.Of course we
could have/should have lost the Clemson game but isn't that
what makes college football so exciting?
Re: We agree on one thing

3518, there is an old American saying (not an Indian one YLO) that even a blind hog (not cow YLO) finds and acorn once in a while. Yes, even CCG has gotten a few stars but with those players his classes of recruits still ranked near the bottom of the ACC and pretty low nationaly. We now have 119 D1 schools are we to wait until the O is rated 119 before action is taken? Where did we rank even with CJ last year near the bottom, don't remember and will not look it up, what was it in the 100's?
Well, one statement right there.......

The Carlos Thomas case showed he won't go to bat for recruits.

[/ QUOTE ]

....proves conclusively how utterly and completely clueless and speculative you are about what really goes on within our program.

Gee.....I'm shocked. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
old foggy .. i think in your emotional rush ..

you're confusing sayings ..

there is an old saying that even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn .. not a hog .. and yes definitely not a cow.

what would a hog or a cow do with an acorn .. leave alone a bling hog or cow.

Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Buzzfan, From your statement one can assume that you know exactly whats going on so please tell all of us whats going on. How it came about and don't forget to fill in all the details.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Why don't you and your compadres KEEP ASSUMING that you know what's going on with the football program like you have been? Why ask for details now? You've already made up your mind.
Re: old foggy .. i think in your emotional rush ..

YLO, you forgot AMERICAN! It's not squirrel, it's hog here in America. Since you apparently know nothing about hogs they eat them. Now get back to building that tank or what ever it is for Fulton county, Or are you just a gopher, sit around all day on the net.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

GT_D, Techie wana be. I don't live in Atlanta so I want the news and since you don't know and he implies he does I want the scoop.
hmmm .. learn something new every day

my mistake old foggy ..

apparently hogs do eat acorns .. and therefore a blind hog may find an occasional acorn.

you seem to know a lot about hogs and acorns.
Re: how weak oldfoggy

Who in hades was talking about Duke? I guess you. Maybe SMU is to much for you to understand 6-4 Tech now it look up and see why that was a different game.

[/ QUOTE ]
who cares! ROLL TIDE!!!
Re: hmmm .. learn something new every day

Since my grandfather was an American farmer (300+ acres) and I spent summers there. I was around many pigs (hogs), cows (we eat them in America), chickens (we eat them also). Do I know hogs not really but I do know the old sayings (American that is). As I said get back to work or the tax payers of Fulton county paying you to stay on the net all day?
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

If you knew HOW to act, then I'm sure people would be willing to share this kind of info.
In the meantime, make up some stuff and post it over on buzzoff. They'll believe anything(ask peepad).
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleep.gif Same tired old act out of the buzzoff gang. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dead_horse.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Ah, your way of saying I don't know! So attack, attack, my post was to Buzzfan, not impolite, not attacking, I truely want to know why he was not signed nor given a visit. Why don't you give us your emlightened synopsis on why not. Tell all of us what happened on the hill, how CCG went to bat, how the AD went to bat for the guy.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

TJ, you forget that I was told none to politely to get to hades to BO, so I went and now people complain, I do however, still thank you for the GT stickers you sent me. They are still on my car.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Think what you want OF.
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Your welcome OF ( for the stickers ) This whole debate over CCG has been going on for far to long........we all know how you and some others feel about CCG, which is fine you are entitled to that; but when someone posts something that is a "feel good" type message don't try and ruin it with your dislike for CCG.
Thanks in advance. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

TJ the problem with CCG and many do not or will not recognize is that CCG is dividing an already fan base. I've been told that we the anti CCG group are ruining Tech. Then this same person get down right nasty calls me a "JACKWAD" (what ever that is) gets down right insulting because I just want an answer to his statement. So who is hurting Tech more he or I? When he calls me a "JACKWAD" people will read and say say this guy is hurting Tech, but the people who support CCG think thats great he's defending Tech. Did I call him a name, just FOCR, No just asked for proof. Did I say loser yes I did, when I see thinks like the now infamous spike, the CCG group, say little to nothing, when I see 39-3 the CCG group say little to nothing, when Duke, Fresno, etc beat the stew out of us the CCG group say little to nothing. The people who read this or any board read and see the support CCG gets what to heck are they to think?
Re: Well, one statement right there.......

Do you really think you're going to change anyone's mind OF? That would be like me going to buzzoff and trying to change Ms TA's mind about CCG.
