Texas A&M too SEC ?

You obviously don't understand TV markets. Dumb post. It doesn't matter that they get the other half of the state of SC. The point is THEY ARE ALREADY IN SC! Christ some of you don't get öööö.

Clearly I don't, because the entire TV market analysis revolves around adding teams in states you don't have.

QUICK, before anyone else acts, we should add N Dakota State, S Dakota State, Montana, and Alaska. Locks up 4 new states!!! Clearly the SEC is DUMB for having both Auburn and Alabama, Ole Miss and MSU, and Vandy and Tennessee. They should let half those schools go for schools in NEW STATES.

Why does the former Big 12 halve so many schools in TEXAS. OH MY GOD. And two in Oklahoma. No wonder they are going under, THEY DONT HAVE ENOUGH STATES.
Not really. Just Clemson. I can see them adding FSU because Florida has a huge population and they're are 5 BCS conference schools in Florida and the SEC only has one, so locking up another kind of makes sense. Not so in South Carolina.

Wait, WHAT?!?!?!? You mean there are considerations OTHER THAN JUST ADDING NEW STATES??!?!?! Next thing you know you are actually going to look at where the population resides and what teams (if any) they are actually interested in. Nevermind, that gives you WAAAYYY too much credit.

Nice use of "they're are" asshat.
Not to pick sides here or anything but I thought I would just point out that you have more posts per day than BOR.:cool:


I actually thought he had a reasonable argument until he went all "I'm smarter than y'all and I've got a falcons box" on us.
Ok douchebag. Pretty sure I would smoke you on the intelligence test, regardless. Not to mention your reading comprehension is obviously lacking. Not even going to get into how you 10k posts shows you obviously don't have a life - social or work.

Doubt it considering you can't do simple math. Check the stats.
Legal Jacket: 3.23 posts per day.
Me: 3.13 posts per day.

I've just been around a lot longer to know a dummy when I see it.
Clearly I don't, because the entire TV market analysis revolves around adding teams in states you don't have.

QUICK, before anyone else acts, we should add N Dakota State, S Dakota State, Montana, and Alaska. Locks up 4 new states!!! Clearly the SEC is DUMB for having both Auburn and Alabama, Ole Miss and MSU, and Vandy and Tennessee. They should let half those schools go for schools in NEW STATES.

Why does the former Big 12 halve so many schools in TEXAS. OH MY GOD. And two in Oklahoma. No wonder they are going under, THEY DONT HAVE ENOUGH STATES.

So much retart in this, I don't know where to begin. Should I begin with TV markets not meaning anything when Auburn, Bama, Ole Miss and MSU came into the SEC, or should I talk about the states you mentioning not having a lot of TV viewers of college football. I don't know... I'll just let you respond and stick that size 18 foot in your mouth again.
So much retart in this, I don't know where to begin. Should I begin with TV markets not meaning anything when Auburn, Bama, Ole Miss and MSU came into the SEC, or should I talk about the states you mentioning not having a lot of TV viewers of college football. I don't know... I'll just let you respond and stick that size 18 foot in your mouth again.

Your sarcasm meter must be broken
So Legal Jacket, are seats an important indicator of status for you? Where are your GT seats located?