Texas A&M too SEC ?

Just because the SEC has a national contract with ESPN does not mean that it will not get added value, beyond the number of fans for a school, from having a member in a new distinct location, Texas, for example. There are Jefferson-Pilot level SEC games as well. Those games would be available in Texas if there were an SEC member here. As it is, we only see those national SEC games. But I get lots of Big Twleve games on broadcast TV that you would only see with PPV.

The Big Ten Network contract should make the value of having a footprint in a state plain. They get paid considerably more by contract in states where there is a Big Ten school. But what is rleevant is that there is a reason they are paid more. That reason is that it is worth more in both advertising value and package value to consumers.

It is not the ONLY consideration for choosing an expansion target, but I assure you it is something that they have evaluated in cost/benefit analysis.

I'll agree that it's a factor, but now you are talking about the money involved with expanding your regional network footprint. I don't think that expanding Jefferson Pilot into a new state is particularly significant when compared with the relatively national brands the SEC is trying to add.

EDIT: And again the reason they are worth more in advertising value and package value to consumers is eyeballs, not geography. There could be a "new state" of 10 people, and an existing state of 5 billion, and you'd get more money adding a school to an existing state over a new state. I agree there is added benefit to adding regional broadcasting where it didn't exist previously, but having people who watch it is much more important than the mere fact it exists.
The Hokie fans do a pretty good imitation of dawg fans.

Not even close, not even close. Ya'll miss the fact that the ACC is deeply entrenched in the mid-atlantic just like the SEC is deeply entrenched down there.

I can see Tech leaving long before I see VPI, MD or UNC leaving the ACC. From Boston down to North Carolina, the schools and fans appreciate the academics too. That changes when you hit South Carolina/Tennessee. Football dominates the conversation down there.
Not even close, not even close. Ya'll miss the fact that the ACC is deeply entrenched in the mid-atlantic just like the SEC is deeply entrenched down there.

I can see Tech leaving long before I see VPI, MD or UNC leaving the ACC. From Boston down to North Carolina, the schools and fans appreciate the academics too. That changes when you hit South Carolina/Tennessee. Football dominates the conversation down there.

Agreed - the Virginia and NC schools could not be happier where they are right now.
By the way, FSU and A&M to the SEC will water down that conference. Watch. The ACC has had a similar number of NFL drafts as the SEC of late. The difference is the SEC has long term entrenched giants and just enough patsies to stay entrenched. Meanwhile, FSU and Miami burped and the conference was fighting 11 deep to become the big boy.

FSU and A&M to the SEC creates an imbalance of good teams beating each other up. Watch how they drop in the eyes of the nation when they have lots of 7-5 teams, a la the ACC of the last five years.
A&M meeting was moved to monday to avoid a meeting by these guys:


Basically, they've got similar Board of Regents problems to ours - stacked with Texas grads who support the Texas Network but might move to block A&M leaving. They were scheduled to meet Tuesday, so A&M ups their meeting to Monday. Sunday is the SEC meeting.

Snowball Engage.
By the way, FSU and A&M to the SEC will water down that conference. Watch. The ACC has had a similar number of NFL drafts as the SEC of late. The difference is the SEC has long term entrenched giants and just enough patsies to stay entrenched. Meanwhile, FSU and Miami burped and the conference was fighting 11 deep to become the big boy.

FSU and A&M to the SEC creates an imbalance of good teams beating each other up. Watch how they drop in the eyes of the nation when they have lots of 7-5 teams, a la the ACC of the last five years.

Esp A&M. Wish I could find that cartoon where its basically the SEC gangbanging poor "Aggie"
Respectfully disagree - Clemson is at least half the state and probably has a bigger fanbase than SC. They averaged about the same attendance last year even though SC had their best season in decades and Clemson was 6-7.

Does that mean the SEC values half of SC more than it would value adding Texas (no) or West Virginia (prolly)? No. But its pretty shortsighted to say that adding Clemson adds no value to the SEC. SC is pretty divided - adding Clemson probably brings them from around 50% market penetration to close to 100%. Again, gaining a big chunk of SCs market may not be worth that much to the SEC, but saying it adds no value is unreasonable.

You obviously don't understand TV markets. Dumb post. It doesn't matter that they get the other half of the state of SC. The point is THEY ARE ALREADY IN SC! Christ some of you don't get öööö.
Respectfully, I don't think you know what you are talking about either. I'm assuming based on your handle that you went to GT, graduated in 2005, and weren't into marketing. . etc.).

Based on your posts a couple of weeks ago talking about how the ACC should go after UCF and USF, I'm highly confident in saying you don't know what the öööö you are talking about, and its best you shut up before you bring the board intelligence level down anymore than it already is.
Based on your posts a couple of weeks ago talking about how the ACC should go after UCF and USF, I'm highly confident in saying you don't know what the öööö you are talking about, and its best you shut up before you bring the board intelligence level down anymore than it already is.

You're really going to look like a jackass if the SEC adds a program in a state they're already in.
You're really going to look like a jackass if the SEC adds a program in a state they're already in.

Not really. Just Clemson. I can see them adding FSU because Florida has a huge population and they're are 5 BCS conference schools in Florida and the SEC only has one, so locking up another kind of makes sense. Not so in South Carolina.
Based on your posts a couple of weeks ago talking about how the ACC should go after UCF and USF, I'm highly confident in saying you don't know what the öööö you are talking about, and its best you shut up before you bring the board intelligence level down anymore than it already is.

Ok douchebag. Pretty sure I would smoke you on the intelligence test, regardless. Not to mention your reading comprehension is obviously lacking. Not even going to get into how you 10k posts shows you obviously don't have a life - social or work.
Ok douchebag. Pretty sure I would smoke you on the intelligence test, regardless. Not to mention your reading comprehension is obviously lacking. Not even going to get into how you 10k posts shows you obviously don't have a life - social or work.

lol u mad