I don't give a flying frogs ass where he went to school. Part of our problem, as GT football fans, is the looking down our nose at anyone who potentially could be a fan. GT football has the image of being snobbish little know it all nerds. Doesn't help when a snobbish know it all nerd proves any potential fans right by being a snobbish asshole.
But good for you guys. Run off the recruits we are recruiting now being idiots. Run off the fanbase. Run off everyone. None of y'all are putting up the cash to do anything because most of you whiners are cheap bastards who are happy to cry, stamp your feet, complain, and wait for OTHER people to fund your tantrum.
The rational ones know Collins isn't going anywhere untill the end of next season, at earliest, and would much rather not have to read your same, repetitive bullshit for the next 8 months.