This is what a paid for multi million dollar college team looks like

strange how TCU can go into Texas and control that game, then look like a bad HS team here. I suppose it's due to the difference in talent, but Texas had Bama beat early in the year too. Or the moment was too big for TCU and got headlights in their eyes
It’s called luck.
It’s also time to stop requiring that college football players be college students until there is better regulation of what each supposed school is doing to maintain minimum academic standards. Instead just have teams that are “associated” with colleges that want to participate. No academic requirements. Just make it a true nfl minor league like it already is for most factories like uga where athletes do mostly “online classes” and get an “education.”

Good point

The positive here is that pervasive online "classes", (also admitted students that cannot read and need academic intervention) continue to degrade the party degrees they issue. At some point a hiring manager would have to wonder if non-athletes are accessing those courses, and what is this mouth breather really worth at your company...
It’s also time to stop requiring that college football players be college students until there is better regulation of what each supposed school is doing to maintain minimum academic standards. Instead just have teams that are “associated” with colleges that want to participate. No academic requirements. Just make it a true nfl minor league like it already is for most factories like uga where athletes do mostly “online classes” and get an “education.”
Absolutely. Stop any and all even semblance of “academic requirements”. It’s a complete joke. The NFL is better. At least they have a salary, caps and contracts which prevent players from job hopping.
You’re always reasonable.

Don’t you just think TCU showed up unprepared and just plain ööööing quit?

This disaster should have been avoided.

We played those guys closer in Athens! We would have covered 14.5 tonight.
I turned it off at 24-7. Based on the final score and some of the things I have read, Kirby obviously decided to run the score up and TCU gave up.
TCU had some injuries that probably impacted their performance. Most teams don't have four and five stars on the third string like the cesspool.

A team with any class would never have thrown a pass in the second half.
We need our team to get better, but it be nice for Bama, Ohio St, and another SEC school (Florida) to start being great again so mutts can't make it for a long time.
The Arizona Cardinals job is open. :scared:

They’d have to pony up an extra 30% with lots of GM control.

I’d love for Kirby to move to the NFL… might be our only way to get rid of him. But if he does it then it will be because his passion to coach at that level is there. He already makes more than most NFL coaches. I will keep praying we get so lucky.
Just a bunch of butthurt people whining. We have two choices now:
- bitch about things
- get better

It's really that simple.

If I ever, ever, EVER hear one of you stupid douchebags say "hurr durr, I want UGAg to come into COFH undefeated so we can beat them" again, I swear to God I will track your stupid ass down and burn down everything you love on this earth. Got it?
strange how TCU can go into Texas and control that game, then look like a bad HS team here. I suppose it's due to the difference in talent, but Texas had Bama beat early in the year too. Or the moment was too big for TCU and got headlights in their eyes

Different weight classes in regards to talent. It's why Michigan can soundly beat Ohio State but can't compete with UGA while Ohio State can. And then can lose to a TCU team that gets creamed by the team that almost lost to Ohio State.

The difference in talent between Texas and Alabama is much closer than between TCU and UGA.
SMU got the death penalty for trying too hard to play good football. For the good of the game the Mustangs were shut down. Their TCU neighbors made it to a national title game and lost 65-7. For the good of the game you have to do the right thing. Horned Frogs should get the death penalty. We should never be subjected to this again.

You were so close...

UGA should get the death penalty.
Edit to add: I think its safe to say that the World Cup is going to lap last night as far as TV viewership goes. I never really considered the idea that international soccer would be a more popular sport than NCAA Football but that's where we are.

Really? College football is a regional sport now. Outside of some of the mid-west and southeast, I can't imagine many casual sports fans care when you can name 3 of the 4 teams before the season starts that will be in the playoffs. I would expect TV ratings to continue to go down for college football during this era of buy a title. Having a sport where 90% of the teams have no chance to play for a title isn't good long term. Maybe, the expanded playoffs will help on this front.
I’d love for Kirby to move to the NFL…

He'd be a fool to do so. College coaches with ridiculous advantages over 90% of their opponents get found out quickly in the NFL. There's a reason that the NFL stands for "not for long." Is he really doing anything that an above average coach with such advantages would do?
Really? College football is a regional sport now. Outside of some of the mid-west and southeast...
It's very close to NASCAR status but not quite there yet. The midwest still gives it enough eyes to make it a respectable level of viewers. The numbers from the New Years bowls were pretty good b/c they involved UM/OSU and were competitive games. The most watched college game of the year wasn't an SEC team but UM/OSU.

Take away interest in the midwest and college football will be firmly entrenched, maybe worse than NASCAR level regional interest. I'm not a conspiracy theory kind of guy but I wouldn't be surprised to see a Big X team get a few breaks next year to keep their fan base engaged.
He'd be a fool to do so. College coaches with ridiculous advantages over 90% of their opponents get found out quickly in the NFL. There's a reason that the NFL stands for "not for long." Is he really doing anything that an above average coach with such advantages would do?

Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see him fail in the NFL too!
Really? College football is a regional sport now. Outside of some of the mid-west and southeast, I can't imagine many casual sports fans care when you can name 3 of the 4 teams before the season starts that will be in the playoffs. I would expect TV ratings to continue to go down for college football during this era of buy a title. Having a sport where 90% of the teams have no chance to play for a title isn't good long term. Maybe, the expanded playoffs will help on this front.

The expanded playoffs will give us basically an expansion of how this playoff went. You'll get a couple fun early round games between teams that are somewhat even, then most of those winners will get curbstomped out in their next game. The question is will being in a playoff be exciting enough despite 90% of the teams having no chance of winning a title.