To HELL with the dwags: Post-game Ramblings.

In general, I think few visiting teams take their full band to games. First reason is they would rather sell more tickets to paying fans/donors. There is expense involved with bringing the band. Plus, most teams have their own half time shows and don’t want to share with the visitor.

Most teams just take a smaller, pep band. In that case, the band doesn’t take the field because the show does not work without the entire band; so the band can be put further away from the field.

GT took their full band to UGA last season and Clemson this season. In both cases, they had good seats: lower bowl; corner at UGA; end zone at Clemson. In both cases, the bands performed a joint show and both were veteran appreciation type shows.

For other games, just a pep band. UVA they were in the upper deck, Ole Miss top of the lower bowl near goal line.

UGA chose to not bring their entire band to BDS. I’m assuming it was their decision where to sit but don’t know for sure.
Broadcast jerks had a mic on the dwag band, though! :mad: Occasionally I could hear the GT Band but most of the time it was that annoying mutt band crap!
Broadcast jerks had a mic on the dwag band, though! :mad: Occasionally I could hear the GT Band but most of the time it was that annoying mutt band crap!
This is why I was asking. All I heard was their band. I can’t remember hearing ours on tv.
So after successfully converting on 4th down three separate times and scoring TDs each time, would we have chewed up so much time we wouldn't have had time left to score the winning TD? Oh, wait - we probably wouldn't have left UGAg enough time in the first half to score a TD near the end of the half if we hadn't kicked those FGs. So we wouldn't have needed a final TD. But then maybe UGA has the ball last and scores a TD as time runs out, because they were already down by 4.

Mental masturbation, all of it.
I like the physical version better.
Too bad you were a pussy and stopped buying tickets. Our band was vastly superior to theirs from my seats.
Unanticipated life events basically made coming out in person the last few years difficult. I’d rather watch uga beat us 52-7 every year for the rest of time, in person, than go through the last two years of my personal life again.
Unanticipated life events basically made coming out in person the last few years difficult. I’d rather watch uga beat us 52-7 every year for the rest of time, in person, than go through the last two years of my personal life again.
Then why did you make out like you dropped the tix because of Lolgef?-

so are things better now? I hope they are and we’ll see you next year.
Then why did you make out like you dropped the tix because of Lolgef?-

so are things better now? I hope they are and we’ll see you next year.
I dropped the tickets 100% because of goof. I had tickets and attended 1-2 games a year and just ate the tickets if I couldn’t give them away before to support the program. But when my own shit hit the fan, and the program a total joke I saw no reason to throw money away. I am back next year and convinced my buddy who lives out of town to get a couple as well. I’ve never claimed to be the best fan. W
I dropped the tickets 100% because of goof. I had tickets and attended 1-2 games a year and just ate the tickets if I couldn’t give them away before to support the program. But when my own öööö hit the fan, and the program a total joke I saw no reason to throw money away. I am back next year and convinced my buddy who lives out of town to get a couple as well. I’ve never claimed to be the best fan. W
Shit/life happens bro. Hoping you and the jackets are on the upward spiral moving forward. Rock bottom has come and gone.
I know people have complained about the in game music, but the DJ did a good job of playing over the redcoat band and stopping them from firing up their fans. Also good to see them make sure the gaggers couldn't do their theatrics during the 3rd/4th quarter break.

Does anyone have insight on how visiting bands are seated (allocated by away team vs. assigned by Tech)? Agree with the comment earlier that the pep band was mitigated - kudos if that is something Tech had a hand in.
From UE222, didn't hear single note from them all night...
Where can I find a replay?

I had it recorded live. But it was on SEC network last night, then immediately after it finished ESPN2 (or maybe it was ESPNU) did a re-play. I'd look today and tomorrow, I bet one of them shows it again because it was a game worth watching for the casual college football fan nationally.

Some more thoughts today:
2) I was just mulling over what our defense would look like with Jared Ivey, Akelo Stone, Jordan Domineck, Chico Bennett, Zamari Walton. Our offense is built on transfer success. Gotta win in the transfer portal to build the program going forward.

For those calling for firing our Defensive coaches, THIS is why our D is not where it needs to be. We have been gutted by the Portal, plus Ace and Charly graduating.

I am over it....I was even nice to a bulldog today (in my wife's clinic.....bulldogs are $$$ for Vets):
For those calling for firing our Defensive coaches, THIS is why our D is not where it needs to be. We have been gutted by the Portal, plus Ace and Charly graduating.

I am over it....I was even nice to a bulldog today (in my wife's clinic.....bulldogs are $$$ for Vets):
Seriously, how can someone create that sad little animal. So many health issues. Can't run. Can't breathe. Skin issues. Can't breed.