To HELL with the dwags: Post-game Ramblings.

And PAY Buster.
Up until the UNC game, I was ready to dump Buster because much of his play calling seemed clueless. Although some of that old Buster showed up against Clemson, last night cinched it for me --- WE MUST KEEP HIM!!! I heard today from a friend that Ark has offered (or is rumored to have offered him) the OC position there. But I also heard that Buster has a son on our team (walkon???). I think since the UNC game, and with a son on the team (walkon or not), Buster is comfortable here, and I don't see him leaving. BUT we still have to PAY him and pay him BIG.
2 game questions I want to ask Key. When asked about going for the first down instead of the FG in the 1st qtr. he said they had decided to get points every chance they got. BS! we had the mo and would have made the 1st. #2 why did we not try to send the KO's into the EZ? Ever kick went directional or pooched kicked. ugay had three KO's returns that went for 30 yds or more and started their drives from the 40yrd line!!!
Good question regarding directional KO, but I specifically remember 2 where the placement couldn't have been any better but the coverage team completely shat the bed. If they'd have done their job, the gaggers would have been starting inside the 15 yd line. Failing to use the sideline as an extra defender in that situation was just maddening.
Amen! As if we don't already know those inbreds take up 80% of BDS every other year. They said it more than once too. We need more tshirt fans. They aren't inferior to us alumni and we need to stop acting like they are.
I have brought a "tshirt fan"with me (same guy) to every home game for the past 4 years. He is now a full-fledged fan, and the people around us in the stands love the guy, and he has grown to love Tech.
Two seasons ago we closed out with a combined 100-0 loss to ND-UGA. We were in this game for 58 minutes tonight against the two-time national champs (THWG). I wanted to win the game, and thought we could. That’s a long ways away from where my mindset was at the end of 2021.

Go Jackets! THWG
If you can't see the improvement then you don't want to see it. :) We played well. I'm excited about the future of Tech Football.
And öööö you to the people to our right and the folks behind us who apparently sold their ST's to mutt fans. öööö you. I don't really know or talk to any of them and now, I never will. David, who sits to my left, couldn't make it and ended up eating his tickets, so I had a few empties next to me.

The students REALLY showed up. Kudos to them. They are better than 95% of the sorry ass "fans" and alums we have. ööööing Tech assholes sitting at ööööing home because they are goddamn cucks or are too big of pussies to buy tix and show up at games.
Oh no, UGAg fans might be mean to me! öööö you. Any of you who are on this board who are pulling this "until we get better" bullshit, öööö you. All of you. I don't give a flying frog's ass what your pussy excuse is, you POS.

If you are anywhere NEAR metro Atlanta and don't have season tix, öööö you. You have the money, you cheap ass little bitch. And if you have those season tix, they DO NOT GIVE OR SELL TO THE ENEMY YOU CHEAP BASTARD.

"But JJacket, they will pay me money for my tickets and I can take my fatass cruise with my fatass wife that money". öööö off. Divorce that fat bitch and get your ass to our ballgames. Take a stripper.


For those of you who stuck it out and are still in that stadium ever home game, you have my utmost respect. You are what we need.

Students showed up for the team in such numbers in the upper north the portals were crushing pretty much all of the first half. Literally crushing. Security and police had to get involved. Students were climbing the side of the portal just to get into the stands. Better than our other pussy fans. I love our students. And to the one student who took a few swipes from the stands at the UGAg "fan" jawing at him as the UGAg fan came through the crushed up portal (looked like a GT student in UGAg gear), kudos to you. Get in that SOBs face.

The students absolutely showed up and did us proud.

I'm glad Budweiser is as loud as it is. Overruns that stupid "hold up your phone" lame ass öööö UGAg does. Annoyed the gaggers behind us that we overwhelmed their stupid little end of the 3rd bullshit.

This wasn't starting out a rant, believe it or not.
I really don't like giving out too personal information on myself, but I am 79 years old, and I have driven up from Augusta (2 1/2 - 3 hours, depending on the perennial mess at Panola Rd), for all but 2 games since 1962. I shouldn't and probably wouldn't now drive it alone, but fortunately I have what someone else referred to as a "tshirt fan" who has come with me for all the games over the past 4 years. If I can do it, ANYBODY can, and I totally agree with your assessment of those who won't. I look forward to bragging about being 80 (OUCH) and having done it at the end of the 2024 season, and I am sure my "tshirt fan" friend is looking forward to it too.
Look, I may be missing the point entirely, but no grown man should be wearing a t-shirt in public unless they're working out or getting supplies for a home project. Collared polos are as casual as a gentleman should go.
After every college game weekend this fall, the Augusta paper (undfortunately now owned by USA Today) prints at least column on "winners and losers" from the weekend games. I have no doubt that they will include the gaggers as one of the "winners" this week, but IMO, the only winning aspect for them last night was the final score of the game. We had the better quarterback, the better overall offense, the better coaching staff, and a better game-plan. The only place we fell short was on defense, but the mutts' defense wasn't any better, in spite of all their beef and "talent", and whatever they paid for them to play for them. So I call that a draw. IMO the key plays of the game that prevented us from winning were a phantom holding call on Tech, an absurd no-intereference call against UGAg (and yes, I know it was techinically the correct call, but the rule that allows that is an effin' STUPID rule), Singleton not being able to stay in bounds on the TD reception, and King getting sacked in the redzone late in the game.
My thoughts:

1) best prepped Tech team offensively speaking against Ugag since 2016 win in Athens. Game plan was great & we executed it well for the most part.

2) Ugag was not expecting a Tech team being well prepped and playing to win rather than playing to not get blown out.

3) we need a massive infusion of talent on defense, especially the front 7. They were a mere speed bump for Ugags massive O-line and stud backs. Captain Obvious there I know.

4) Whistle to whistle we gave them hell and it shook them something fierce. You could tell Bowl Cut was nervous.

5) we need to keep Buster happy and our offense will continue to grow.

6) next year in Athens is our year!
Feels like 1997, boys
We were better defensively. We had a nose guard UGA absolutely could not block and we got hosed on the interception by Tillman. I agree with you that 2024 could be a very good year. If this D continues to create turnovers and gets a little stouter and faster we could be very good.
Look, I may be missing the point entirely, but no grown man should be wearing a t-shirt in public unless they're working out or getting supplies for a home project. Collared polos are as casual as a gentleman should go.
I wear tight tank tops. If you have it, flaunt it.
Good question regarding directional KO, but I specifically remember 2 where the placement couldn't have been any better but the coverage team completely shat the bed. If they'd have done their job, the gaggers would have been starting inside the 15 yd line. Failing to use the sideline as an extra defender in that situation was just maddening.
And how many times do you have to do it before they figure it out?
I liked the directional kicks. Coverage needs improved, but we nearly had UGAg's KR step out of bounds around the 2 catching one of them. That would have been a game changer and gotten the defense and crowd hyped
Look, I may be missing the point entirely, but no grown man should be wearing a t-shirt in public unless they're working out or getting supplies for a home project. Collared polos are as casual as a gentleman should go.
Rubbish. This is my Home Depot attire (and pub)


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