Travis Custis and JHD ineligible for 2014 season

brian piccolo
I can't wait to hear what PJ has to say about coaching at Tech when his days here are over.

This program is a complete dumpster fire.

Just hang a "DO NOT RESUSCITATE" sign outside the main entrance. Not having a team would make me much happier than what we are about to witness this year.

In this situation (which seems every few years to be repeating itself in some form) I can only feel some empathy for CPJ. I am no longer a fan of his (mainly because he has already been given 6 years with one coming), hate the O but this, I feel, is beyond him.

The HILL would love nothing more than a DO NOT RESUSCITATE sign hanging out at the AA. The elimination of sports at GT would thrill them.

In their idiotic world, they somehow think that would help GT academically, but it will do the opposite (and thankfully so)

2 big players and 2 "coaches" gone in this time frame? Total BullCrap.

Prez Bud should catch holy, burning for eternity, painful HELL for this.
Sorry to hear this - first of all for the young men, and then for their teammates. We've lost two important players to a team that does not seem overly talented. I think one of the real issues CPJ has faced has been how difficult it is to recruit, develop and/or keep the right players for his offensive system - it has proven hard to get the running backs and quarterbacks who can perform as well as the players did that were here when he arrived. To my surprise we have done as well or better getting WR's to play for us.
Unbelievable--our best running back in years, gone. Unlike other schools, we only get a few players like Custis. I'm pissed. If that Paul Griffin guy had anything at all to do with this, he deserved to get axed. But even if so why wasn't PJ himself on top of Custis's situation? It is unacceptable to keep losing talent for bullshit reasons like this (all indications are it is some bullshit reason). There is no way any human alive is dumber than Isaiah Crowell and UGA at least got one season out of him. And I don't want to hear people keep saying "Custis was unproven". Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better.

I just hope these dismissals are signs of us acting with integrity and not a prelude to deeper troubles. It is disturbing that we still don't know the reasons these players are ineligible.
Thank God Tech has a plethora of talent to replace these guys. Not.

Hopefully Matt "The Rifleman" Conners will be able to bring his rifle to games with the new GA carry law. If you saw a guy running at you with a rifle would you tackle him?
I am glad I decided not to waste more of my money on GT. I feel bad that it hurts the SA's but choosing to not support a mediocre program with two arms tied behind its back is my choice. If GT decides to ever compete (doubtful) I might reconsider.
I am glad I decided not to waste more of my money on GT. I feel bad that it hurts the SA's but choosing to not support a mediocre program with two arms tied behind its back is my choice. If GT decides to ever compete (doubtful) I might reconsider.

I am glad I decided not to waste more of my money on GT. I feel bad that it hurts the SA's but choosing to not support a mediocre program with two arms tied behind its back is my choice. If GT decides to ever compete (doubtful) I might reconsider.

I wonder which came first.. fans like this or a mediocre program
I just hope these dismissals are signs of us acting with integrity and not a prelude to deeper troubles. It is disturbing that we still don't know the reasons these players are ineligible.

So why is Custis ineligible? The article doesn't really say.

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If it's academics, there's a reason it's not made public.
When I saw the title I just laughed. If you're not completely numb by this point, you haven't been following Tech sports long enough.
Believe it or not, there are coaches out there who recruit more than 300 miles from campus, especially if they are at a school with a national reputation like GT.

When the recruiting focus is on rural Georgia and rural Alabama, do you expect to find potential Rhodes scholars? You don't find billfish in a pond. Compare the 1990 2 deep with last year's, and you will see a great difference in where the players came from.

The academic excuse is absurd, and that's all it is--an excuse for a coach who either doesn't understand what he has to sell--a great school in a great city-- or he is too lazy to go sell it. Compared to Ross and O'Leary, he IS lazy.

The next coach needs to be a proven recruiter, and not a guy with zero track record as a BCS recruiter or coach.

Makes sense to me.

Lousy situation and one would think inexcusable. These are like 2 of our golden boys and ..OOPS! Well, don't we look silly! It's going to hurt but hopefully not as much as we fear. Whatever's going on over there (and something is or has been awry) I hope they have a handle on it now.
Sucks. I ain't a Tech grad so öööö like this year after year would make it easy just the ship to Alabama or Georgia or wait for Tennessee to inevitably get good again.

You just gotta accept these things until Tech gets some athlete friendly majors. Hell, neither kid is a dumbass. School can just be tough sometimes.
5 years ago I would have never thought GT football would be in the state it is in now. Good thing I am not a betting man.

I guess we should have known after the starting QB transferred that we were in for it. This team is an injury or two away from disaster.

Umm, this is exactley why I wanted CPJ gone after 2010. It was pretty clear where this program was headed. I have never gone to the point where I would never be interested in watching a GT football game......but I am losing interest real fast.
It's bad news, but shouldn't be a big surprise with Custis since he has a history of academic problems. Laskey will be the workhorse this year, and maybe Perkins will be moved back to BB.

JHD showed great promise early in his career, but recently seemed to have trouble earning playing time, so he might not have been a big contributor this year. He probably would have been an asset, though.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter how good an athlete is if they can't stay academically eligible. That's true for all programs, not to mention legal troubles keeping some players from playing. If failures on the part of our staff were to blame in some way, that's really unfortunate and ultimately the fault of the head coach.

It's way too early to predict final records or bowl streaks, but the whiny negative nancies sure do get turned on by this kind of news.