"Unprecedented" penalties TBA for PSU

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If NCAA is indeed fining Penn State 30 million dollars to give to childrens' foundations, that's freaking messed up as far as NCAA's authority. I admit, I was wrong about that part.

I had no problem with NCAA giving a penalty, since I think covering up crime and enabling crime inside the program is grounds for punishment, but punishment like other schools got, death penalty, bowl bans etc. Not 30 million for NCAA's chosen candidate foundation.
ok back to original topic

If NCAA is indeed fining Penn State 30 million dollars to give to childrens' foundations, that's freaking messed up as far as NCAA's authority. I admit, I was wrong about that part.

I had no problem NCAA giving a penalty, since I think covering up crime and enabling crime inside the program is grounds for punishment, but punishment like other schools got, death penalty, bowl bans etc. Not 30 million for NCAA's chosen candidate foundation.

It would be totally ----ed up and the Penn State program would pass the hat and have that paid off in no time. I really don't think this is the NCAA's jurisdiction anyways, but to impose a penalty like this would be even more ----ed up than the previously discussed penalty ideas.
A monetary fine would be retarded. Talk about outside of the NCAA's purpose...can they even do something like that? Did the schools agree to submit to NCAA fines when they entered it?
What penalties would you guys impose on Penn State if you were the NCAA?
Someone may have already posted this, but on ESPN they did a telephone interview with a former NCAA employee who seemed to know his stuff. He believed the only way that the NCAA could get around their normal process is because they've accepted PSU's self imposed penalty(s). I apologize if that's already been posted.
Someone may have already posted this, but on ESPN they did a telephone interview with a former NCAA employee who seemed to know his stuff. He believed the only way that the NCAA could get around their normal process is because they've accepted PSU's self imposed penalty(s). I apologize if that's already been posted.

What penalties did PSU self-impose?
What penalties would you guys impose on Penn State if you were the NCAA?

No more football. Ever. All current players get allowances to go to ANY program they want to go to, no questions asked. ---- that school.
A monetary fine would be retarded. Talk about outside of the NCAA's purpose...can they even do something like that? Did the schools agree to submit to NCAA fines when they entered it?
Didn't they penalize GT 100k last time around? 30-60 Million is a new ball park though.

What penalties would you guys impose on Penn State if you were the NCAA?
Death penalty for 1-2 years or bowl ban for 4-5 years and scholarships.
1. Penn St boards are saying the fine is around $60 million, which if true, I hope it goes towards helping the victims of the sexual abuse. Otherwise, the NCAA is just making bank.

2. I'd give them a death penalty for a few years. I'm afraid that would hurt other schools too much, so maybe just a 10 year bowl ban and scholarship reduction.
By the way, wouldn't a 30 million dollar fine hit non-football sports at PSU the hardest?
In the same vein, shouldn't the NCAA go back and kick VT out of the NCAA for letting that Chinamen run rampant and kill 30 something people, after ignoring warnings from students and others that he was dangerous?

Chinamen is not the preferred nomenclature dude.
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1. Penn St boards are saying the fine is around $60 million, which if true, I hope it goes towards helping the victims of the sexual abuse. Otherwise, the NCAA is just making bank.

2. I'd give them a death penalty for a few years. I'm afraid that would hurt other schools too much, so maybe just a 10 year bowl ban and scholarship reduction.
That makes no sense. A monetary penalty does nothing imo, unless it is part of what they are hit with. Unless there is some significant loss of scholarships and bowl ban of at least 4 years, this does nothing to penalize PSU football. They would simply start a fund raising drive and cut minor sports.
If 60 million is even close to accurate, the NCAA sees this as their last chance to make money before the super conferences form and boot them to the curb. That's it. No question.
Could they pull all football scholarships?
If 60 million is even close to accurate, the NCAA sees this as their last chance to make money before the super conferences form and boot them to the curb. That's it. No question.

I can't imagine that the NCAA would get to keep the money. That would be utterly horrifying and really make them just about as bad as JoePa, for they would essentially be deliberately profiting off of Sandusky's actions. We can argue all day about if or to what extent PSU benefited from the cover-up, but there's no arguing about the benefit of thirty million+ dollars.

I have to think any type of fine would go to charity.