Wes Durham is Leaving Tech Radio

I'll admit it. I've never heard Wes call a Tech game. I'm either in the stands watching or watching it on TV. Who listens to games on the radio anymore?

you used to be able to listen to Wes WHILE BEING IN THE STANDS, but maybe you dont know how radio works
My guess is that Wes will be calling primetime games on Fox or ABC or something like that. He could become the next Keith Jackson "HELLO EVERYBODY THIS IS KEITH JACKSON AND TODAY WE HAVE THE MICHIGAN WOLVERINES TAKING ON THE FIGHTING IRISH OF NOTRE DAME"

I would love it if Roddy were good enough in the booth to do it, but I have never heard him play call.
I'm guessing a lot of teams around the South are going to lose radio guys to FS1. They have a ton of inventory they need to assign announcers to.

Sucks to lose Wes, but this is a great opportunity and it plenty of people will be able to hear him.
while his leaving might be something that you personally dont like if you liked to listen to him calling Tech games, since he is not in any way connected to the Football program saying that this is something horrible for Tech just seems like major drama-queening

especially if you are older than 15 and remember Al Ciraldo
Why the öööö would I want to do that? Those people look like über dorks

in the photo below, Diseqc convinces his boyfriend not to wear radio ear buds instead of the customary bluetooth earpiece so that they dont look like über dorks at the game

I'll admit it. I've never heard Wes call a Tech game. I'm either in the stands watching or watching it on TV. Who listens to games on the radio anymore?

Please please please tell me you are kidding! :lol:
in the photo below, Diseqc convinces his boyfriend not to wear radio ear buds instead of the customary bluetooth earpiece so that they dont look like über dorks at the game


Someone is mad
I've never met anyone, including all my UGA friends, who knew Wes and didn't like him enormously. When Munson stepped down, a lot of folks wanted to pry him away from Tech. You'd have thought he would have trouble following an act like Ciraldo but he more than pulled it off. You're right in that this was one area where Tech was vastly superior not just to UGA but to nearly everyone else. Hopefully Wes can keep close ties to GT and remain a resource. He will be very hard to replace in the booth, but as someone said, there's a lot of talent out there that will be competing for this job.
My guess is that Wes will be calling primetime games on Fox or ABC or something like that. He could become the next Keith Jackson "HELLO EVERYBODY THIS IS KEITH JACKSON AND TODAY WE HAVE THE MICHIGAN WOLVERINES TAKING ON THE FIGHTING IRISH OF NOTRE DAME"

I would love it if Roddy were good enough in the booth to do it, but I have never heard him play call.

Seems like I've heard him do a baseball game or two, and he did well.
Unlike you apparently, I don't need someone to narrate to me what's happening in the game.

Strange how that Munson fella became so popular isn't it? Have you heard of him? Joe Buck Sr? Vin Scully? In all seriousness, you are really missing out!