Wes Durham, Paul Johnson, and great 790 Coverage on NOW!

Sep 16, 2008
There is great coverage going on right now for GT on Brandon and Wolvey. Wes Durham is coming up and Paul Johnson is on at 11:30, if your at work stream it now to get THE GOOD WORD!
Rushed to get back to my office when I heard about it. Pretty excited, should be a good 2 hours.
Adams is somehow put off or shocked by the idea that our #1 goal was to beat Georgia.
Yep, I know. I mean really though, it is true. I personally would rather win the ACC and beat UGA, but the ACC first IMO.

Jonathon Dwyer is getting good coverage, Rick Strom is taking Dwyer over Moreno.
Not me, not right now. I'd take beating Georgia first and foremost. Losing to Georgia is the big cloud hanging over the program right now. Move it out of the way and the sun is shining regardless of whether we're going to the ACCCG or whatever bowl game this year.

The big problem that most narrowminded Georgia fans can't seem to get past when they "mock us" for having their demise as our number one goal is that just because it's our top priority right now doesn't mean that it's always going to be.
Dominique Reese may try to practice today. Jahi is questionable, Vance will play.
- CPJ is alright with our #1 goal being to beat UGAg.
- CPJ says preparations still have to be as though it was another game.
- Says OLine played best game of the year on Thursday.
- Adams pressing CPJ on whether beating UGAg is as important as winning the ACC, CPJ basically says it's not for him to decide
- CPJ being very political about it right now.
- Dominique should practice today
- Jahi = Questionable; Vance = Will play
Rennie Curran has something to say on the subject, coming up. That guy is probably the only guy that I am a little worried about on the UGA defense. We need to shut him out, although Florida and Alabama did it, Kentucky too, so hopefully we will fare the same.
Kinda pisses you off though hearing one of the hosts on your flagship station saying "They are coming in expecting to win and expecting to win, but I'm sorry the streak will not be broken this year. They(GT) aren't going to come over here (Athens) and beat us (UGAg)."
"When Georgia and Georgia Tech play, Georgia is going to take care of things and hold things down." - Rennie Curran
I don't know how you guys can listen to the crap i've heard so far. UGH! "My" team has already lost to UGA to start the season, I cannot take another loss!
I don't know how you guys can listen to the crap i've heard so far. UGH! "My" team has already lost to UGA to start the season, I cannot take another loss!

Accepting that Adams can be a complete moron/jackass allows you to tune him out when necessary. Jeff is a pretty good listen and makes sure that the entire show isn't done from the perspective of a mutt.