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Adams saying that the status quo for this series should be 8 UGAg wins for every 10 games played against us.
Basically Adams is saying that we ought to be satisfied if Johnson beats Georgia 3 of the next 10 years. What a moron.
Funny, right before the Chan firing, Adams and Wolverton were doing the Saturday morning shift, and they agreed that Tech's goals should be to win "their fair share" of UGA games, and that meant "2 out of every 5."
Funny, right before the Chan firing, Adams and Wolverton were doing the Saturday morning shift, and they agreed that Tech's goals should be to win "their fair share" of UGA games, and that meant "2 out of every 5."

Jeff is still saying that. It's Adams that believes Georgia ought to have the 8-2 advantage.
Adams is tolerable when he's not talking about Georgia, but once he puts on the JAWJA hat he's insufferable.

3 out of 10? Are you kidding? If you just went by historical record alone, you'd see we're 38-59 against UGA, essentially 40-60. And I'm not happy with that, I don't think it's ridiculous to expect 50-50.

Some caller just said he would be happy if we "were in position to win" 4 out of 10, not WIN but KEEP IT CLOSE?!

Georgia fans are annoying, but at least they have pride. There's nothing worse than a Tech fan who's just happy making a game out of it.
Adams is such an idiot. Is he kidding? 3 times out of 10? We are definitely going to win 2 of the next 3 in my opinion. Just look at our teams. Gailey was a fluke. He and Nix were horrible.

And whoever was that idiot who called in and said that he would be happy if we "made it a game" 4 out of 10 years he would be happy. What is wrong with these people? They must be delusional. Have they not seen us play this year?

Georgia hasn't beaten anyone this year. Yeah, they lost to the top 2 teams in the country, but I know 100s of teams that can lose to the top 2 teams in the country. Name one solid win against a good football team that UGA has this year.
That guy is definitely a moron. 2 out of 10?! No way, I would be much happier with 50%. That is BS. I say we win the next 3 and do 7-3 and never let it happen again.

Hell, when the coach search was going on, Buck Bellue said "I am praying that GT does not pick Paul Johnson", they will HATE PJ as long as he is at GT.
Retards, by their logic UGA should lose to UF 9 out of 10 years.
So Adams is saying that UGA should fire Richt if they lose to us 2 years in the next 3? I would like to call in and ask him that question. Because he made a comment about changing personnel if you don't meet expectations, which in his opinion is 8 out of 10 wins versus GT.
Funny, right before the Chan firing, Adams and Wolverton were doing the Saturday morning shift, and they agreed that Tech's goals should be to win "their fair share" of UGA games, and that meant "2 out of every 5."

Adams is backpedaling because he is scared. He knows that Tech has the ability to make this a 50/50 thing again and he is trying to make himself feel better.
Historical records are worthless. It is coaching matchups.

I wouldn't expect to win more than 2 out of 10 with a Richt/Gailey matchup. Maybe 1 out of 10.

But an O'Leary/Goff matchup I would expect to win 7 out of 10.

O'Leary/Richt I would think 4 out of 10.

Johnson/Richt I expect to be 5/5. Once Johnson gets his system up and running, I could see him retiring with a winning record against UGa. Depending on who Tennessee hires, Johnson/Meyer/UT could get Richt fired over a 2 year span.