What are folks thinking about Paul Johnson these days?

ever heard of strength of schedule?

I don't think he heard about flunkgate either. Gailey came in at a bad time and did have his hands tied a bit his first few years. He wasn't a great recruiter, having come from the NFL. He did make mistakes in recruiting and putting Reggie Ball out there. But he did provide the recruiting class that Johnson reaped the benefits of. Comparing the teams of a coach with NCAA sanctions and one without is idiotic.
Of course, the discussion is academic. GT can't fire him even if he has a bad year. His buy out is WAY bigger than Hewitt's was (and bigger than Spurrier or Richt, but that is another issue for another day).

So, Paul Johnson will be around for awhile, win or lose.
Exactly let's have this discussion after 2 more seasons, hopefully we won't even need to have it. Last season on contract is the 2016 season.
Exactly let's have this discussion after 2 more seasons, hopefully we won't even need to have it. Last season on contract is the 2016 season.

Fear is a great motivator. The real question is: why does the GTAA keep handing out contracts to coaches that remove all fear of failure, and the associated motivation?

I don't think it is coincidence that Hewitt never acheived on a high level after he was given his evergreen contract, or that the last two years under Johnson have been lukewarm after he was given an extension to 7 years at about $2.5MM a year.
I like Paul Johnson, I think he is a good coach and a great fit for us.
The check on his "hot seat" is that we have just enough old boosters who still believe we should be in the SEC, and be SEC champions, that they won't let him get complacent. Especially because they're the ones paying his salary.
Yeah, but Beamer didn't have more than 8 (of 11) regular season wins until his 9th year at VPI. He was 17-26-1 after his first four years at VPI (no bowls) and 41-47-2 after his first 8 years (incl bowls).

CPJ is 43-22 after his first 4years at Tech.

Huh? my count is 34-19. I don't see your point. Are you saying CPJ gets nine years of grace. No--his honeymoon is over. Fish or cut bait, etc., etc. And Beamer was NOT at Georgia Tech, he was at a cow college with no tradition called VPI, with a hillbilly fan base that knew no better and liked him because he played there.
I like Paul Johnson, I think he is a good coach and a great fit for us.
The check on his "hot seat" is that we have just enough old boosters who still believe we should be in the SEC, and be SEC champions, that they won't let him get complacent. Especially because they're the ones paying his salary.

They don't pay his salary, only the buyout. Ticket sales and TV money pay the salary. He will be on the hot seat if we lose to VT, UGA, Miami, and a bowl opponent. Like with Hewitt, that would kill fan support and attendance, leading to no other option.
false. the acc is the perfect conference for this option. it would get murdered in the sec or even big 12,13,14,15,16.

other schools that it would work at. Vt, Miami, FSU,

Like Meyer got murdered in the SEC? I'm surprised more people aren't adopting either PJ's run-oriented option or one of the pass-oriented ones.
Just curious--why do you say he is moving the program forward?

His third team at GT (2010) was the only losing season since the mid '90's and the Lewis hangover.

That same third year team was ranked lower in Sagarin than Gailey's third year team in 2004.

Johnson's fourth team--last year--was ranked lower in Sagarin than Gailey's fourth team in 2005.

How is that moving the program forward?

Johnson proved in 2008 and 2009 that he is an outstanding offensive coordinator. But Johnson won with Gailey's best recruiting class (2007). Gailey probably would have had his best results with that class as well.

I've been an AT contributor for more than 30 years. I knew Curry and Ross and some of their assistants. I knew Homer Rice. I just don't see that things are moving forward. I have followed this program closely for a long time.

I give Johnson credit for his work in 2008 and 2009, which are a setoff to 2010 and 2011. However, 2012 is the "rubber match". It's his guys and his program. He needs to prove he can be a head coach at this level, not just a hotshot offensive coordinator, and he needs to do it this year.

Of course, the discussion is academic. GT can't fire him even if he has a bad year. His buy out is WAY bigger than Hewitt's was (and bigger than Spurrier or Richt, but that is another issue for another day).

So, Paul Johnson will be around for awhile, win or lose.

you and i both know the problem with our program has little to do with the last two head coaches. Both are doing what they can within our ridiculous system.

given that, i will take paul over gailey anyday.

but i don't care for pauls use of scholarships on walkons and i think he finally the last two years realized i need to recruit bigger OL. We have 8 walkons and former walkons on ship. That is too many and tech doesn't have the athletic depth to afford that year over year. But, now that he his bringing bigger lineman in and seems to have better QB talent coming in, we should know much more this year and next.

with that said, i don't think his seat is warm at the start of this year at all. And I do think he is better than our last coach. But now is the time he needs to start shining.
we need CPJ to have success and stay. I'm saying that for selfish reasons...as others have pointed out, the constant churning of coaches has not done us any favors.The second thing...imagine the transition that will be necessary to get back to a more traditional or pro-style offense. The next guy will need several years to recruit QB's, pass blocking OT's, tight ends, etc. That will not be an easy switch.
we need CPJ to have success and stay. I'm saying that for selfish reasons...as others have pointed out, the constant churning of coaches has not done us any favors.The second thing...imagine the transition that will be necessary to get back to a more traditional or pro-style offense. The next guy will need several years to recruit QB's, pass blocking OT's, tight ends, etc. That will not be an easy switch.

yeah, we're kind of pot-committed to his Spread Option at this point. We're also getting close the same situation with Al Groh's 3-4.
Gailey and some unexpected transfers screwed him over at OL. It turns out that when you have one of the youngest OL's in the nation with a tough offense to learn, you surprisingly enough have big issues on the OL.

I've said this before, but my fear is that we will lose a close game to VT and people will come on this board yelling "You can't use youth as an excuse now, can you?!! FIRE JOHNSON!!!" The people who come out from the woodwork after a loss need to temper you expectations. By that, I don't mean to "accept mediocrity." I mean to accept losses once in a while and not demand a championship every year.
I like PJ cause he's that arrogant cocky bastard, but I also think he can coach like a mofo. All we need is a half way ööööty D and he'd be immortal status. I think we are on our way to that decent D with AG coaching and McCollum getting recruiting cranked up.
He keeps losing to ugag and he will get on the hot seat sooner than later. I would think that MR would not be around long if we ran off 7 or 8 wins in a row against the mighty bull pups. I think CJ is a good fit for Tech but he will have to put together a couple of winning seasons and some wins against ugag to survive.
Guys PJ aint going anywhere unless he wants to.HIs offense is very well sutied for the ACC and he will always or should win seven a year.I see no heat on his butt since many wil excuse our poor play to many many excuses but its clear we need to .........I repeat we need to beat Ga or all we are is a second rate or third rate football school in GA.I think its time we win and win big but so does PJ.We will not fire him and he will stay until he wants to go home.Seven wins at Tech and Chan should tell us that.He will go only when he wants too.
. I would think that MR would not be around long if we ran off 7 or 8 wins in a row against the mighty bull pups.

If we ran off 7 or 8, they'd be on their 3rd coach for either #7 or #8. Don't think they have the patience that our fanbase does. Or maybe they have the cash to be more impatient than us.