A Crucial Three Weeks

Agree 100% that this stretch will be crucial. I’m an optimistic guy and I still think we have a shot for a respectable season, BUT…

If we finish out the season playing like we have the past few games and end up 3-9 or 4-8, Collins is officially on the hot seat for next season, as far as I’m concerned. Lack of talent is not an excuse when we’re losing to MAC teams and getting blown out by middling ACC teams with equal or lesser talent. He needs to prove that the UNC game was not an anomaly, because THAT was the GT team he’s been selling us.
Pitt is not a middling ACC team with lesser talent this season.
Pitt is not a middling ACC team with lesser talent this season.
I think he’s referring to all ACC teams as being middling. Even the best ACC teams. Pitt did lose to Western Michigan.
Outsider looking in: When did the wheels come off the football program? What I mean by that is as a UGA fan, I used to dread playing GT. In a bad year GT would be 6-5 or 7-4 and most years they gave UGA a fight to the end and won a fair share of those games. To me it feels like the CPJ years started the downward trend because of the effect his offense had on recruiting. I’m not saying GT didn’t win games but recruiting became for a special type player for a system only a few teams were running. GT is still coming out of that (possibly). CGC may not ultimately be the guy but he is serving to change the type players GT recruits which is a positive. It was going to take a few years to turn this ship in the right direction no matter who the new guy was. I know you guys will give me ööööe for this and I may be all wrong but that’s what it looks like to an outsider.
If I were a fan of UGA or any other non GT program, I would want GT to keep Collins forever. Sort of like I wanted UGA to keep Donnan.
I think he’s referring to all ACC teams as being middling. Even the best ACC teams. Pitt did lose to Western Michigan.
And? So? Several teams have struggled this season. Pitt is a very good football team that was caught flat footed by WM. I'd bet if you played the game again, Pitt would run away with it, but iiwii.
And? So? Several teams have struggled this season. Pitt is a very good football team that was caught flat footed by WM. I'd bet if you played the game again, Pitt would run away with it, but iiwii.
the story on this season is still being written. My expectations are low but I will root for the team. I think the statement about being blown out by ACC teams will reveal itself to be true in the coming weeks. I would consider the UVA loss a blowout. We were down 21 with 3:50 left and took ~3 minutes to get within 14.
If I were a fan of UGA or any other non GT program, I would want GT to keep Collins forever. Sort of like I wanted UGA to keep Donnan.
Of course you would. This is you taking a passive aggressive shot at Collins. Why don't you just become a UGA fan so you can make your dreams come true?
the story on this season is still being written. My expectations are low but I will root for the team. I think the statement about being blown out by ACC teams will reveal itself to be true in the coming weeks. I would consider the UVA loss a blowout. We were down 21 with 3:50 left and took ~3 minutes to get within 14.
Do you consider Clemson 2004 a blowout loss too?
No because we were never losing by 21 with < 4 minutes left. But we did get really lucky.
We were down 10 with 3 minutes left with Clemson dominating the stat line. Figured a guy like you would stay in character and just quit
We were down 10 with 3 minutes left with Clemson dominating the stat line. Figured a guy like you would stay in character and just quit
Do you not think this is a vastly different situation than down 21 with 3:50 left?
Do you not think this is a vastly different situation than down 21 with 3:50 left?
Do you think throwing a pass to the endzone with the possibility of tying the game means the game was not a blowout?

What part of playing a 60 minute game confuses you? Do you get to the 56:10 mark and call the game? Should we have run BBack dives to run clock?
And throwing INTs it seems.
1 interception. 2 big drops. 1 drop was almost certainly a TD. He had a bad read on the INT, definitely, by not seeing the deep safety.

We could put the other QB in and just throw baby screens, I suppose. Risk/reward. No chance of scoring and no chance of picks.
Do you think throwing a pass to the endzone with the possibility of tying the game means the game was not a blowout?

What part of playing a 60 minute game confuses you? Do you get to the 56:10 mark and call the game? Should we have run BBack dives to run clock?
Yes. We did the extremely unlikely and scored a quick TD after recovering 2 onside kicks. The planets nearly aligned and allowed us to try for a 2-pt conversion to tie the game. We are truly a team that is only 8 points worse than UVA at home.
1 interception. 2 big drops. 1 drop was almost certainly a TD. He had a bad read on the INT, definitely, by not seeing the deep safety.

We could put the other QB in and just throw baby screens, I suppose. Risk/reward. No chance of scoring and no chance of picks.

I was just echoing the sentiment of some portion of the fan base.
Here’s what is frustrating to me about the way we played the last two weeks: we are not as good as the final scores indicate. I fear that Coach Collins has these guys thinking we are SO close to being 6-1. We are not. We have been extremely lucky and we are 3-4. We are not always going to get 5 extra possessions like we did against UNC. Teams aren’t always going to miss 3 FG’s and allow 2 deep passes in the last minute like Duke. And we aren’t going to recover every single onside kick like Clemson and UVA. We are actually a very lucky team right now and we have a terrible record to show for the amount of luck we have been blessed with. Based on our fans responses and our coach/team’s demeanor I think we are being way too positive about our current position and team.
Yes. We did the extremely unlikely and scored a quick TD after recovering 2 onside kicks. The planets nearly aligned and allowed us to try for a 2-pt conversion to tie the game. We are truly a team that is only 8 points worse than UVA at home.
The drops were every bit as bad as the pick. The two holds in the second half were killers. The non hold on UVA on the most blatant hold in the history of football was a killer. Offense looked good, bit obviously need to clean it up.
Scored on 7/13 drives, but our defense just couldn't get a stop. No pressure applied. Too many wide open receivers. #99 being able to run roughshod over us was concerning and teams that have this type of player will probably be trying to imitate that feat. I fear that big TE for UGAg may be unstoppable for our defense. Good lord that kid is a ööööing mountain.
Here’s what is frustrating to me about the way we played the last two weeks: we are not as good as the final scores indicate. I fear that Coach Collins has these guys thinking we are SO close to being 6-1. We are not. We have been extremely lucky and we are 3-4. We are not always going to get 5 extra possessions like we did against UNC. Teams aren’t always going to miss 3 FG’s and allow 2 deep passes in the last minute like Duke. And we aren’t going to recover every single onside kick like Clemson and UVA. We are actually a very lucky team right now and we have a terrible record to show for the amount of luck we have been blessed with. Based on our fans responses and our coach/team’s demeanor I think we are being way too positive about our current position and team.
The more I practice, the luckier I get.
The drops were every bit as bad as the pick. The two holds in the second half were killers. The non hold on UVA on the most blatant hold in the history of football was a killer. Offense looked good, bit obviously need to clean it up.
Scored on 7/13 drives, but our defense just couldn't get a stop. No pressure applied. Too many wide open receivers. #99 being able to run roughshod over us was concerning and teams that have this type of player will probably be trying to imitate that feat. I fear that big TE for UGAg may be unstoppable for our defense. Good lord that kid is a ööööing mountain.
I fully expect the UGA - GT game to resemble the UGA-Vanderbilt game.
1 interception. 2 big drops. 1 drop was almost certainly a TD. He had a bad read on the INT, definitely, by not seeing the deep safety.

We could put the other QB in and just throw baby screens, I suppose. Risk/reward. No chance of scoring and no chance of picks.
So you wanna give a pass on the other int because of a penalty? Maybe I do wish you were grading my papers at Tech.