Bobby Dodd Stadium at Hyundai Field

I'm sure you could probably find some skeleton in the closet of about every company, but the fact is, we unfortunately live in the age of NFL and pay-for-play, and although we are already too late even starting, if we expect to survive, much less move forward, we have to GOT TO play that game too, whether we like it or agree with it or not.
I'm sure you could probably find some skeleton in the closet of about every company, but the fact is, we unfortunately live in the age of NFL and pay-for-play, and although we are already too late even starting, if we expect to survive, much less move forward, we have to GOT TO play that game too, whether we like it or agree with it or not.
Can't wait to see an Elantra lead the Georgia Tech Doritos onto the "field"

There need to be limits on the selling out or we lose our tradition which is a big part of our identity
Can't wait to see an Elantra lead the Georgia Tech Doritos onto the "field"

There need to be limits on the selling out or we lose our tradition which is a big part of our identity
I don't like changing the name either, but Tech NEEDS the money, and that will never stop the fans from calling the stadium and field what we have always called it.
So we ööööed Grant, is that it? The dude who gave us the money to build the stadium in the first place?
Looks like Tennessee is getting $20 million over 10 years for naming rights to their basketball arena.
Sheeeeit. For 55 million, I'd be ok with Bobby Dodd Stadium at Spirit Airlines Field.
Sheeeeit. For 55 million, I'd be ok with Bobby Dodd Stadium at Spirit Airlines Field.
The gonna somehow have the game balls show up at Auburn on GameDay and ban fan use of deodorant to get in the "Spirit"?
Looks like Tennessee is getting $20 million over 10 years for naming rights to their basketball arena.
That’s the cost of keeping Bobby Dodd Stadium. No one is going to call the place Hyundai Field.

The BoR can’t expect to have it both ways.
Maybe you need to brush up on your history. It was originally named after U.S. Grant, but southerners got all butthurt. We found a patsy Grant and claimed it was named after him. You're lucky that it wasn't "Sherman Stadium at Grant Field" with this being the Wreck

backing up the unfunny with the less funny

People who joke about wanton looting and rape are hilarious.