A Talk with Campus Leaders

This thread shows the comparisons you make (ND & Stan.) are not similar to GT.

They are. Their entrance requirements for football players are very similiar. Yes, they have a wider curriculum, but I put that on the football recruiting staff's incompetence in understanding and selling the school.
You could say that about a lot of things...

If you don't agree with oversigning, you indirectly don't want football to succeed.

If you don't agree with pulling scholarships for players who don't perform well, you indirectly don't want football to succeed.

If you don't agree with players taking cheap shot like Bear Bryant's teams would have, you indirectly don't want football to succeed.

Just because you are willing to draw a line at something doesn't mean you don't want football to succeed. It just means you aren't willing for football to succeed at the expense of something else you consider to be more important, whether it be academics, decency, or playing the game the right way.

You are absolutely correct. The thread was about oversigning, running off players, etc.
ND has two alleged rapes hanging on its football team (one victim even committed suicide, no charges filed by ND). I would say they are not that clean. Also a ND film guy died when team decided to practice in heavy winds and sent him up a mobile tower to film the practice. They are a FB factory...

We've had players with rape charges. We've also practiced and played in high winds. That's not how you come to the conclusion that it is a football factory. Movie watching as a major, however, would be.
We've had players with rape charges. We've also practiced and played in high winds. That's not how you come to the conclusion that it is a football factory. Movie watching as a major, however, would be.
Not really, our guy didn't play for a year. These guys didn't miss a practice and the girl got persecuted. I read a lot about these cases and it is more similar to Penn State than to GT, winning at all costs.

Also our filming platform is fixed, not mobile. ND switched to that now.

Also, you said player(s), Tarrant, and who else?
They are. Their entrance requirements for football players are very similiar. Yes, they have a wider curriculum, but I put that on the football recruiting staff's incompetence in understanding and selling the school.

Isn't that the overall underlying theme here? What can GT do to get better players, keep them eligible, and graduate?. The wider carriculum at those schools make that much easier is why I don't consider them similar. ND has like a 90% grad rate. GT hovers around 55 to 65...I don't think their guys are any smarter than ours and no amount of coach selling the school is going to get a better graduation percentage.
Not really, our guy didn't play for a year. These guys didn't miss a practice and the girl got persecuted. I read a lot about these cases and it is more similar to Penn State than to GT, winning at all costs.

Also our filming platform is fixed, not mobile. ND switched to that now.

Also, you said player(s), Tarrant, and who else?

We've let players off in the past. I don't disagree that the culture of some of their fans is idiotic, but we have the same issues in a smaller scale. And if they let the athletic department have too much rope, they'll be the next Penn State. That culture works for a while, but not forever.

Beyond Tarrant, I know Travis Spivey was. I'm sure there are others because the threshhold of being accused of rape by some drunk bitch is low.

As far as timing platforms, there are a variety of types and until the tragedy, there was no reason to think that there was a danger. Live and learn, the coach wasn't trying to kill someone on purpose and it really isn't a reason that you can claim that Notre Dame is a football factory.
Beyond Tarrant, I know Travis Spivey was. I'm sure there are others because the threshhold of being accused of rape by some drunk bitch is low.
googling says that happened at Iowa State not GT.

So it was on to Iowa State, where Spivey was redshirting last spring when he met two girls, ages 17 and 15, at a convenience store.

As far as timing platforms, there are a variety of types and until the tragedy, there was no reason to think that there was a danger. Live and learn, the coach wasn't trying to kill someone on purpose and it really isn't a reason that you can claim that Notre Dame is a football factory.
Actually the guy who died thought it was dangerous.
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Isn't that the overall underlying theme here? What can GT do to get better players, keep them eligible, and graduate?. The wider carriculum at those schools make that much easier is why I don't consider them similar. ND has like a 90% grad rate. GT hovers around 55 to 65...I don't think their guys are any smarter than ours and no amount of coach selling the school is going to get a better graduation percentage.

The graduation rate is a function of the AA's academic support department that has failed in the past and has been criticized lately. We're never going to have the joke majors that are fun and require little effort, something that ND has done, I'm not sure about Stanford.

I believe our coaches don't understand recruiting very well because of the Navy and Georgia Southern connections. They don't do a good job of explaining that a very small percentage of 4 star players make the NFL and they need a major that gives them a chance for a job and if nothing else, teaches them enough to not be fleeced. The SI story on bankrupt NFL players should be part of it. It has worked with the parents of Kallon and Calvin Johnson, who value an education. It would also work in a lot of areas outside the generally dumbass southeast.
The graduation rate is a function of the AA's academic support department that has failed in the past and has been criticized lately. We're never going to have the joke majors that are fun and require little effort, something that ND has done, I'm not sure about Stanford.

I believe our coaches don't understand recruiting very well because of the Navy and Georgia Southern connections. They don't do a good job of explaining that a very small percentage of 4 star players make the NFL and they need a major that gives them a chance for a job and if nothing else, teaches them enough to not be fleeced. The SI story on bankrupt NFL players should be part of it. It has worked with the parents of Kallon and Calvin Johnson, who value an education. It would also work in a lot of areas outside the generally dumbass southeast.

1992, you can't convince most of the kids out there of the odds. You hit the nail in the head mentioning CJ and FK parents...that however is not the norm. I don't know the numbers but it really seems to me that Johnson is graduating more players than Gailey. I could be wrong but if that us true then I would say he us recruiting exactly what the school wants.
1992, you can't convince most of the kids out there of the odds. You hit the nail in the head mentioning CJ and FK parents...that however is not the norm. I don't know the numbers but it really seems to me that Johnson is graduating more players than Gailey. I could be wrong but if that us true then I would say he us recruiting exactly what the school wants.

What I'm telling you is that outside of the southeast, there are many more kids with parents like that.
What I'm telling you is that outside of the southeast, there are many more kids with parents like that.

How do you suggest we beat out ND and Stanford for these recruits from outside the Southeast when they largely get who they want inside the southeast? GT may be very well known in engineering circles but certainly doesn't have the name recognition nationwide of ND & Stanford.
i think it's an improvement to add history sports whatever major but you guys realize this is not going to fix our recruiting.

The main problem with recruiting is hiring guys who can do it. Not just the HC but other coaches as well. If Tech wants to compete in big boy football, they will have to spend a bit more money. I'm talking about SEC money. Alas we don't have that.

Play style is probably one of the biggest negative recruiting tools they use against us. Highly sought after kids are more concerned about making it to the NFL than anything else, there are so many ways to recruit against us using this. We'll get some very fast athletes for QB position, I'm sure of that, CPJ is good at recruiting fast QBs so far, but everything else that's required for a dual threat team is lacking. And it's easy to use negative recruiting against the triple option for almost every position including in the defense.

We recruited some very decent athletes in the last two years, maybe we'll have a semi decent OL next year for Vad or JThomas to put on a magic show and outscore the mutts and their lesser defense. Who knows...

So my point is I highly doubt Calculus is the deal breaker. We always bitch about academic standards after every thanksgiving weekend loss, but the players are not out there trying to pass DSP and play football on saturday. Plus they get alot more tutoring and help than average Tech student. It's doable with our academic standards for athletes, as long as we don't handicap ourselves in other areas, which we do.
How do you suggest we beat out ND and Stanford for these recruits from outside the Southeast when they largely get who they want inside the southeast? GT may be very well known in engineering circles but certainly doesn't have the name recognition nationwide of ND & Stanford.

It's more than you think. We didn't bother to recruit Ben Roethliberger. We would have had a shot with him. We've had success recruiting other areas of the country, but now, with the exception of Al Groh's guys, we simply don't put much effort into it. And if they haven't heard of Georgia Tech, take a copy of the USNWR showing the rankings. Recruiting is a sales job and we don't have salesmen.
It's more than you think. We didn't bother to recruit Ben Roethliberger. We would have had a shot with him. We've had success recruiting other areas of the country, but now, with the exception of Al Groh's guys, we simply don't put much effort into it. And if they haven't heard of Georgia Tech, take a copy of the USNWR showing the rankings. Recruiting is a sales job and we don't have salesmen.

yeah pretty much this
if you don't agree with giving air jordans, coke and bitches to the players, you don't want football to succeed

i approve of this message, let's get it done
It's more than you think. We didn't bother to recruit Ben Roethliberger. We would have had a shot with him. We've had success recruiting other areas of the country, but now, with the exception of Al Groh's guys, we simply don't put much effort into it. And if they haven't heard of Georgia Tech, take a copy of the USNWR showing the rankings. Recruiting is a sales job and we don't have salesmen.

While I can somewhat agree... Roethlisburger is a horrible example of the current coaches missing on recruiting. I believe an audit should be done as well. The recruiting budget is very large.
It's not all that bad. It sounds like they are telling athletes to major in HTS, and then within that major, focus on sports by taking a lot of classes on that.

If this can help them become high school teachers/coaches more than management can, I am all for it.

the problem is this...if you recruit athletes who are good students...those same athletes also care about what their diploma says.

We have shown two good students in recent years that wanted communications majors how they could get certificates that would help them plus CNN/Turner internships. It worked with Errin Joe of Tally...however we lost 4-star DL Jordan Watkins of Woodward and 4-star TE/DE Chase Thomas of Cobb County. Jordan Watkins actually said "I want my diploma to read Communications".

You can get certificates in a bazillion things at GT....but it is not a B.S. and that about all that is asked for on most job applications...particularly entry level jobs.
It's more than you think. We didn't bother to recruit Ben Roethliberger. We would have had a shot with him. .

Ben Roethlisberger? Seriously?

Lets understand the situation.

Ben was a WR in high school at Findlay, OH and moved to QB just before his senior year. Because of that, Miami of Ohio was the ONLY school to offer him. He had zero major college offers.

Simllar deal with Aaron Rodgers out of California except he had exactly zero offers and had to go junior college first. Even then, Cal was the only school to take a shot at him...and they found him when they went to Butt Comm. College to look at their TE.

To give everyone a recent example...Collin Klein was a 2-star on Scout out of high school and Kansas State was his only offer.